Prove It

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"Prove it? The hell does he want me to do- Im not a fucking magician-" Sparks snarked annoyingly in her head, inwardly groaned at the thought, having to prove something she had all her life.

She chuckled and waved the doctor off, "Sorry Doc, no disrespect but im not a damn magician. I dont do party tricks" she said, slightly annoyed.

The doctor cocked a brow, smiled again, unfazed at her denial.

"Ms. Schlyter, if i am to believe, i must see it for myself. I do not mean to poke fun, but i am entirely curious, nothing more." he explained.

Sparks huffed, slightly rolling her eyes she held her right hand out. Erupting in golden flames, her hand was ablaze, spreading her hand apart, she made the flame weave between her fingers like a coin trick. Then made it center in her palm, she then turned it into a bird. As if it was as simple as breathing, she made the bird fly around, as if it were a real animal. It flew back to her hand and the flame choked, gone quickly.

As Sparks re-gained her attention back to the doctor, whos face just showed pure astonishment, and bewilderment. He had his mouth slightly parted, which he quickly clamped together, adjusted his glasses, and ran his fingers through his jet black hair.

"I-..." he paused, thoughts racing through his mind, "Ms. Schlyter, i have never seen anything like this. Even Spies watch was unique and something to admire, and is quite impressive. BUT having a power, so well controlled, and it being natural, is just... extraordinary." he breathed, obviously trying to take in the girls unfiltered power.

He placed the clipboard down, still running his fingers through his hair, he called his bird down, rubbing his head slightly. Gazing up at Sparks, he spoke, still having his attention on his little friend

"I can see you copied Archimedes, a reason why?"

"Its better to copy small things," Sparks replied, "i can copy any animal, including ones that arent alive, your bird was a good example, to show the liveliness in my fire... to show you that its not all that scary." she added sheepishly. Having to be feared her whole life, and not showing the true life behind her gift.

Sparks then brightened, "But is can be scary, it could be the hottest, and worst thing you have every come across, ive made it hotter than 10k Fahrenheit (6k Celsius). Thats about the highest ive gotten it before passing out from exhaustion, i had to build it for 2 hours straight." she chuckled, hopefully trying to light up the mood. "ive gotten better at making it hot quickly, ranging to 400 Fahrenheit in 6 seconds." she smiled proudly.

The doctor, eyebrows raised, smiled back. His bird flew onto the curtain rack surrounding the medical table. The doctor once again looked at her chart, flipping through each page carefully, reading every word. He paused on a certain page, tracing it with his finger, seeming as to make sure what hes reading is actually there. He glanced up at Sparks, then back down. Flipping the paper shut he looked up at her, eyes slightly narrow.

"You said your name was Sparks, didnt you?" he said curiously, "But it appears on your chart theres a different name..?" he stated calmly, awaiting her reply.

Sparks eyes light up, knowing this would be coming, she groaned, "Yeah.. I dont mean to deceive or lie to you all!!" she explained quickly, "I just quit using that name... since everyone knew of the 'Flaming Girl', they tracked my name, had many people bothering others with the same name, so i just used something different, more ironic... you know? But since you already know it, please, call me by it, call me Annie." she tried to explain,  obviously upset, and ashamed.

The medic patted her shoulder, giving her a reassuring smile.

"Its not a big deal, and i will, if its alright with you, just want to make sure im getting all the information i can from my patients! And since the team isnt very open about our pasts, nor is it honestly welcomed for fear of our families and our own safety, we call each other our class names, and now yours, will be Pyro."

He placed the document back into the filing cabinet, and then washed his hands once again, and put on medical gloves. He explained the surgery that would have to be done, as nervous as Annie was, he explained with gentle words, walking through her each step that was soon going to happen. When he explained what the surgery was going to be for, she looked astounded, not believing such a "respawn" machine could exist. Bringing the anesthesia forward, he hooked it up, and as he went to turn it on, he felt a tug on his hand. Looking at the girl, he saw fear in her eyes. Smiling warmly, he held her hand, and with the other, turned the anesthesia on.

As the medic slowly hummed a song unknown to Annie, she started to feel herself drift away into unconsciousness.

word count: 866

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