Fire in the Soul Pt 2

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(cover image above made by me :)) follow my insta

I cannot keep being nice to the girl, I sighed softly, tired of being this open with my emotions.

This isnt like how that doctor looks at her! Never! I inwardly groaned, he felt himself grow angry by thinking about how the doctor watched her, sneaking looks at her, eyeing Annie when she wasnt looking. But then again, he was doing the same. He grew cold at the thought and scowled.

Spy screwed his eyes shut, determined to get some sleep. Soon his eyes felt heavy, to which he then drifted off into a light slumber. He awoke shortly, feeling it was not very long he had been asleep. He didnt open his eyes, he knew better. Instead, he listened.

He heard the covers shuffle some, then they paused, as if someone was waiting for something. They started to move, slowly and softly, then the noise stopped. Spy heard Annie pick her shoes up, and carefully put them on. She almost dropped one, from the sound of the quick grab and the quick noise of the bed rocking.

Spy strained his ears, trying to grasp what Annie was doing. Why was she leaving? Where was she going?

Questions shot through Spys mind like bullets, he wanted to shoot up, demanding where she was going. But he sat there, angrily. He heard the soft squeaks and taps of the floorboards as she walked towards the door, then, they stopped.

What is she doing now? Spy thought, trying his best to act naturally.

He heard the taps coming towards him, panicking, he froze, not daring to make a noise or move. He heard her chuckle softly, then apologize softly. He was still as stone, trying his best to not give away the fact he was awake.

He wanted to grab her arm and demand she go back to sleep, she needed the sleep, but, he didnt. He couldnt. So, he remained frozen. The moment was soon over, he felt her leave, and the soft taps of the floor soon quieting. He heard his door open, then shut gently. She was gone.

Spy waited another minute or two, making sure she wouldnt return. When the minutes were up, his eyes shot open, he fixed his tie and cleared his throat. He sat up, and stared into the darkness of his room.

He groaned, tired of playing mind games with her. Why couldn't she just be straightforward with her emotions? Why?

"Damn you Annie.." he breathed angrily. He hoped he could tell her soon. But now, he needed to follow her.

Slowly getting up, he opened his door silently, he peeked his head out of the doorway. Scanning the hallway he found nothing, no lights on, not a peep. He slowly crept out of his room, he made his way to Annies room, thinking she maybe went back to her own room, feeling bad for taking his bed. He reached her room, slowly taking the doorknob in his hand he quietly pushed it open. The room was dark, cursing softly under his breath he couldnt tell if she was in her own bed or not. He strained his ears to see if he could hear breathing or soft snoring. He heard nothing. Turning, Spy flicked the light on.

He bed was empty. Slight panic set in, if she wasnt here, then where was she?

Where are you sneaking off to? Spy thought, furrowing his brow.

He quietly left the room, making sure he didnt disturb anything. Turning the light back off, he sighed, going to Medics room. He didnt want anything to do with the doctor, their turn of events when the girl came into base irritated him. He reached the double doors, inwardly groaning, he sighed, rolled his eyes, and softly pushed them open. The room was also dark, the only light was a small desk-top lamp that illuminated the room. The doctor was nowhere to be found also. A thought popped in Spys mind, a dark one. If both of them where not here, they could have met up-

Spy slapped himself lightly on the cheek, No! They are not doing that! He angrily fussed himself, like a child cursing in front of their mother. Pushing those thoughts away he walked around the room. The soft taps of his shoes were heard, along with the soft cooing of the doves above. As Spy made his way around a curtain, sectioning off the main room to a smaller room, he slowly peeled it back. Shushing his worries he found the doctor, asleep, glasses and hair disheveled, with papers in his hand. He was snoring softly, to which Spy found it amusing.

Creeping over, he placed a firm hand on the doctors shoulder, lightly shaking him. The doctors eyes opened slowly, then shot open. He looked at Spy with a confused look, sitting up, Medic fixed his glasses and ran his hand through his hair.

"Sorry to bother you, but we have a problem, and youre the only one i could come to for this" Spy said, slightly irritated at himself for relying on Medic.

Medics eyes widened, "Is there a problem? Is someone hurt?" he started to have an edge in his voice. He was obviously exhausted, by the look at him that was the best sleep hes had in days. Spy almost felt ashamed at waking him. Almost.

"No, no ones hurt, dont worry about that." he paused, wondering if he should just leave Medic to sleep.

"Well, what is it Spy?" Medic said, irritated.

Spy locked eyes with him, and told him solemnly.

"Its the girl.. shes missing."

dont forget to vote!!
word count: 959

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