Tale of Another Mans Grief

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(omg thank you all so fucking much for the 100 reads, means a lot :DD )

After dinner had been served out, Annie collected the guys dishes they put aside and began loading them into their small dishwasher. Humming a tune, she finally put the last cup that would fit, and closed it.

Looking at the few pots and pans that wouldnt fit, she decided to just handwash instead of leaving it for the next person. Filling the sink with hot water, she added soap that was sitting on the side of the sink.

Hearing a clink of another dish beside her, she turned her head, not expecting someone to be there.

"Oh, hey engineer, I didnt see ya there, my bad" she smiled, trying to be careful, knowing her talking to him is still a fresh wound.

"Its alright girlie, just came to help with the dishes is all." he said cheerfully. Giving her a grin back, he reached in front of her to grab the soap.

Annie clicked her tongue, "Ah! Lemme grab some rags, i totally forgot" She flicked her hands, flinging soap around she reached in a neighboring drawer she grabbed two dish rags, handing one to Engie. Dunking hers in the hot water, she started scrubbing.

Engie removed his gloves, as he removed his right glove Annie gasped softly. A full mechanical arm was there, reaching towards his elbow. Completely connected and moving as if it were his own flesh and bones. Engie noticed and turned towards her, chuckling.

"Its a little strange ill admit, but its done some good, and has amazing precision." he said nicely.

Annie locked eyes, "Oh no! I didnt mean the gasp in a bad way, its.." she paused, inhaling "its beautiful" she whispered, eyes wide. Reaching out slowly to touch it, she drew her hand back, forgetting its rude.

Engie smiled softly and held his arm out, "You can touch, you wont break it thats for sure" he laughed, flashing another grin. Annie smiled, and put her hand on it, the cool metal stung her finger-tips. The wires intertwined with the metal going towards his fingers made her smile.

"Machinery like this was always so impressive to me, i was considering engineering at one point.." she spoke softly, she then cleared her throat, "BUT that was a long time ago" she laughed awkwardly, taking her hand away.

Engie smiled, and slowly brought his other arm and patted her on the shoulder. He brought his attention back to the dishes, and Annie did the same. Together they washed dishes silently.

As the last pot was washed, their finger-tips wrinkled, the sink started to drain. Annie collected the rags and tossed them onto the counter. Leaning onto the counter while Engie pulled up a chair, Annie leaned back onto the cabinets and sighed.

She slightly lifted her head, still staring at the ceiling, she looked to her right and between the stove and cabinets there was a clock, which was flashing 9:15 pm. She raised herself slightly on her elbows. Watching Engie get a beer and sit on the chair, as if expecting a conversation.

"So...." Annie said dragging the "o" out, "Youre very Southern my friend, Texas i presume?" Annie looked at the man, hoping he would indulge in her weak attempt at a conversation.

"Yep! Texas is right, grew up there since i was a boy, then i moved my work to Oklahoma, and then eventually here." He looked up at Annie, "What about you? Where are you from."

Annie smiled at the nickname, "Well, i was born and raised in Louisiana, stayed there and eventually moved to the west, started looking around, and ran into Pauling." she awkwardly chuckled, leaving out a lot, for the fear of ruining the good mood.

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