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Annie finished her breakfast, stretching again, she looked around for a clock, seeing a plain clock ticking away above her bed, she read it.

9:30, God its early she groaned, using the restroom, she washed her hands, looking at herself in the mirror, she looked pretty good, considering how shitty she felt from yesterday.

Walking out and locking her room, deciding to hide the key on her person from unwanted people, mainly Scout. Walking down the hallway she saw Soldier walking rather quick.

"Hey Soldier! Where you off to?" she asked, giving a friendly smile.

"I WAS COMING TO GET YOUR MISS, WE ARE ABOUT TO COMMENCE OUR TRAINING PRACTICE!!" he yelled, coming to a halt and saluting. Annie baffled at his actions, smiled.

"Youre dismissed, sir," she said saluting back, the man eased, and jogged off.

Training practice eh? Annie wondered as she made her way into the kitchen. As she opened the doors again, Spy was leaning against the counter, being the only one in the dining area. He noticed her approach, and looked up, puffing smoke out.

"Ah, Mademoiselle Pyro" the frenchman insinuated, bringing his arms out. Annie looked around awkwardly, from his out of character reaction.

"Yeah Spy?" she said light-hearted. The frenchman beckoned her over to him.

Putting out his cigarette, he smiled, and held her shoulder as he led her from the kitchen.

"Today, is training day, where everyone, including me, must get their fitness tested. Each class will be tested to what theyre experienced in and expected to do." he paused, "But... with your gift... its going to be difficult.. don't screw it up." he stated the last part coldly.

With that he left, leaving Annie behind. Opening the double doors she followed Spy at a distance and they soon crossed from one hallway to the next, down some corridors, past a garage, and finally, outside. Inhaling the lovely fresh air, she squinted her eyes at the hateful sun. Of course, being Annie, heat doesnt bother her. Hearing the droning buzz of nearby cicadas, she and Spy walked down to another building. Close, but not joined with the main buildings behind her.

Seeing Scout, Sniper, Medic, Soldier, Engie and Heavy upon entering, she smiled and waved. They either nodded their head, waved back, or as Scout did, shout back. Laughing softly, Annie made her way over to everyone. Demo shortly joined, looking fresher and better than he was for the last couple of days.

Medic was looking at paperwork, upon seeing Annie, he waved, "Ah! There she is, welcome too Spy" he said friendly, to which frenchman greeted him back.

"Ok friends! As you know today is our training day!" Medic said loudly for everyone to hear, gathering everyone around. "As our new friend here," he motioned at Annie, "Has not yet experienced this, go easy on her." he said, winking at the young girl.

Annie smiled, commenting back "As if they could take me down Medic! Such a doubting nature" she said teasingly. The other men laughed along, and Medics face went slightly red. Laughing himself he then broke up everyone into teams, Annie got paired with Scout in a boxing match.

Fuck yeah, can beat this sack of ass up, she grinned wickedly.

"Hey sunshine" Scout said jogging over, Annie glared at him, which made his next words not appear.

Medic finally had Heavy and Engie set up a boxing ring, nothing special, just painted a circle on the floor, and moved some heavy things out of the way. As Medic kept going with whos partnering with who, Scout walked off, apparently messing with Spy. As Spy was calling Scout and "idiotic child", she listened to the roster.

Sniper and Spy, Demoman and Engie, Soldier and Heavy, and Scout and Annie. Medic was not involved, having being the teams doctor. He then explained as whoever won their own match, went together in the final match, then the top two would fight, concluding their winner. Said winner was free of chores.

Scout returned, a proud look on his face, "Its ya first time, dont be upset when you lose, sweetheart" he winked. Annie raised her hand, and the boy flinched. Smiling at him wickedly, Annie commented "Dont be surprised when i kick your ass Scout".

Medic called for the first pair to get ready, which was Sniper and Spy.

As they entered the circle, Medic blew a whistle. As the whistle blew the two men circled each other, Sniper in a common fighting stance. As they circled, Spy made the first move, aiming a left hook, Sniper ducked in time, giving Spy an uppercut. As the two were fighting Annie honestly didnt they think Medic meant "battle to the death", but, oh well.

Sniper got gut-punched, Spy aimed a left hook, hit, then aimed a right uppercut. Also hit. Snipes was in the ground not looking too good. As he was coughing slightly, he swept Spy's legs. Falling, Spy just about missed his opportunity to regain his footing. He did. And cold-cocked Sniper. He was out.

Medic blew the whistle, signaling Spy won. As Heavy carried Snipes away, Spy wiped blood away from his nose.

"Still think you can take me on, toots?" Scout asked, "Im the fastest on the team, and i got some mean punches lemme tell ya" he bragged. Annie said nothing.

(time skip)

As the other teams finished up, Engie winning against Demoman, and Heavy against Soldier, it was Annies turn. Medic blew the whistle, signaling them to get ready. Scout smirked at Annie, while Annie gracefully stood her ground, getting into her most basic fighting stance. Then, Scout swung.


word count: 959

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