Suit Up

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Morning came quicker than Annie wanted it to. Hearing the screeching of an alarm is not the way to wake up. Sitting up she heard the others commotion to reach the bathroom. Guessing this was the usual morning of the fight, she quickly got up and dressed. Looking at the clock on her second floor, the hands pointed to 8:45AM. Groaning loudly she put her shoes on, and threw on her black windbreaker. She left her necklace in fear of breaking it. Almost forgetting her door key she rushed out, and almost collided with Spy.

"Agh! Sorry, sorry. Im not used to waking up this early," she quickly said, before the frenchman could come up with any retort. He said nothing but watched her fumble with her door lock. Snickering quietly as Annie finally locked her door, earning a glare of death from her. Defensively throwing his hands up, Spy rolled his eyes.

"You know the fight starts in like an hour, quit rushing" he stated quite annoyed.

Annie just glared angrily at the frenchman, who in return blew smoke in her face. Then immediately disappeared. Standing there in pure astonishment, Annie snarled silently, and vowed to kick his ass later. Groaning loudly she punched her door. Inwardly thanking its made of metal so the wood wouldnt crack, she cursed that her hand now hurt. Feeling fire slowly coming out of her hand she whipped around and went to breakfast, needing to calm down.

After eating cereal, she joined Scout in a conversation about todays events.

"Ah hell yeah this is your first fight i forgot! Yeah youre totally gonna die," he snickered, to which Medic smacked his head and rolled his eyes.

"Youll be fine Frauline, nothing to worry about, the surgery will completely take care of an accidental death." he smiled, trying to cheer her up.

It didnt work, Annie just felt clammy, she asked where the locker room was, then excused herself. After finally finding the locker room, she noticed Heavy was in there, along with Sniper. Both men were polishing their weapons, Heavy a large mini-gun, while sniper a machete.

Finding her own locker she opened it, along with a note fluttering out.

From Pauling Annie thought, her heart fluttering. Upon opening the note, there was a note on the first page, and instructions on the second page.

Dear Pyro,
Here is your uniform and weapons! Since the others probably dont know about your power i made sure to make it seem like you dont have one, no offense. The suit will help against flames from the other teams pyro, while your melee and second hand weapons are available. Enjoy.


Huh, Annie thought, not her usual note from Pauling, its more... formal.

Ignoring it, she flipped the page and gasped. Her weapons were beautiful. A beautiful silver axe, the handle made of oak, and the head, oh the head of this tool. A beautiful silver, crafted perfectly. The paint job of this weapon made it seem like it was charred, which was an ironic and lovely addition. She was also gifted an automatic pistol, a lovely crafted Beretta 93R. She unloaded the gun and checked the sights. A pretty gun, nice craftsmanship.

Putting the weapon down, she checked her outfit, it was pretty sick, she had to admit. A black gas mask with a built in helmet, wires going to a small oxygen tank if necessary. Putting it on, it fit perfectly, and was actually very breathable, as if she had no mask on at all. The rest of the outfit was a red jumpsuit made of rubber, with an additional hood if she wanted it on. Attached were black gloves and many pockets. A huge breast pocket with smaller ones inside, and some pockets on the side of the pants. She also was gifted black cargo boots, thanking the company she didnt need to ruin her only shoes.

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