Captured and Afraid

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HELLO AGAIN 🧍🏼 i got severely out of the fandom and i had no motivation to write, but since i had a wave of inspiration i'll continue some! enjoy~

Annies hands sparked in anticipation, she was ready to fight anything that came in her way. She was pissed, having the damn Blu sneak into her room, HER room.

Sliding off the small rooftop she landed on the bare dirt with a "thud". Spy soon followed her. Drawing his pistol he put out his cigarette and quickly took the lead.

Closely following, Annie watched as he inspected a chain link fence not too far away from the base, maybe 30 yards or so.

Specks and flicks of blue paint were found, scattered around and some on the fence.

"Jesus this dude is fucking messy" Annie remarked, snickering to herself.

Spy silently agreed, softly nodding his head.

"Well, i don't see any obvious point of entry, so i doubt anyone else will come through, BUT to be cautious itd be best to wash away the paint and to get the Engineer to put some of his machines as guards."

"Fair, we need to have this perimeter guarded pretty heavily right now" Annie nodded, agreeing with the plan.

The two soon made their way back to the base, making their way around back to a small door, leading into a back hallway and emptying out into the kitchen. Spy bid farewell, saying he's going to find the others and have his "fun" with the new "guest".

Annie rolled her eyes, sighing she eyed the fridge, suddenly hungry. Upon opening the fridge, she grabbed a salad box, not opened yet. Shaking the salad furiously, she mixed the contents and popped the lid to chow down.

Exiting the kitchen she walked back to her room, and she swore she could hear the sounds of torment not too far away. She grabbed the door handle of her room then stopped.

"Hm.. Imma see if medic is in his office. I have nothing better to do." she muttered to herself.

Releasing the handle she made her way to the healing center. Pushing open the double doors with her hips, she called out for the german doctor.

No reply.

"Hm, that's weird, usually he's busy nose-deep in his work."

Her eyes light up as Archimedes fluttered down gracefully and landed on her shoulder, cooing gently. She turned her head to lock eyes with the bird and smiled softly. Petting the white doves head she gently grabbed him, then softly set him down on a nearby filing cabinet.

She bid 'goodbye' to the dove then made her way out of the office. Soft echos of screams and laughter were heard, slightly making her sick to her stomach.

She fatuously made her way down the hall and stopped at Engies door, hearing loud laughter behind the doors.

Knocking softly, she waited for a reply to come in, but none came. Knocking again, nothing.

She eventually gave up and just entered the door, stepping into the cool concrete floor. There she saw a sight to behold. The Blu Scout was tied up, and around him everyone was gathered, taking turns of humiliating him, or straight up giving him a number in his stomach or face.

No one noticed her presence so she hung back, pulling a barstool from a counter nearby. Setting her food down she watched carefully.

Spy seemed to be the leader of the "investigation" going on, as he was gripping the boys face and burning his cigarette into his cheek. Whining slightly the Blu still said nothing, determinedly staring forward. The kids eyes flicked towards Annie, catching her off guard. His pained expression lit up.

"así que ahí está la puta del edificio!" he shouted, rocking back and forth, flicking his head forward.

Annie stiffened as the guys turned around, Engie the first to look back. Seeing him stiffen made her stomach drop. She bunched up her jaw.

"I was just wondering where you guys uh.. where" she said softly, feeling slightly ashamed for making herself at home without permission.

Medic shook his head and made his way around everyone, who turned their attention back to the boy.

"Ah! There you are Frau! We were wondering when you'd come join us"

"Yeah, no. I'm not partaking in torturing a trespasser thanks" she said harshly, opening the lid to her food.

"You sure? It's kind of fun"


Medic looked taken back some, not expecting the response.

"We're not doing this for fun.. slightly.. but we are trying to gather information from him so we can prevent more people from coming in and hurting us. Remember the Blu Spy?"

Annie shivered at the memory, remembering him impersonating the Medic, and figuring out her secret. Everything was just going to shit since she's been here, and it wasn't uncommon that the thought of leaving had crossed her mind. She wanted to make mends with the guys, and especially wanted to show everyone her true self, keeping secrets made her angsty, and wary.

She just wanted to show her spark.

enjoy guys!!
words: 853

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