Pretty Sneaky if You Ask Me

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"Annie?" Medic waved his hand in front of her face softly, raising a black eyebrow slightly.

She snapped out of her memories quickly and shook herself mentally. Coming into focus she glanced at the boy getting basically tortured behind Medic.

"S-sorry i wasn't... uh.. focused" she snickered sheepishly. Medics gaze turned sympathetic and he took her food, and handed it to her. Confused, she held it, Medic then took her shoulder and led her gently out of the room.

"Go back to your room, i don't want you involved in this if you don't want too" he said sternly but gently. Smiling at her again, she smiled back as the door gently clicked together.

Annie went back to her room and shut the door softly behind her. Sighing, she glanced upwards at the top of the stairwell and inwardly shuddered at the remembrance how easily the scout got in. She sat her salad down and climbed up the stairs. Reaching the top, she looked at the open window. Crouching down, she looked at the window, then the bookcase near it. Standing, she moved the heavy bookcase in front of the window pane, then moved a stack of books in front of it to add some weight.

Climbing back down the stairs she sat at the desk in her room and started to eat the salad. The occasional screams and laughter of the men and the Blu Scout yelling obscenities and curse words.

Annie stopped eating and pushed the salad away, laying her head down she covered her ears and closed her eyes. Wishing the pain would stop.

She soon fell asleep at the desk, the salad warm and completely forgotten about. She jolted awake in a hurry, sweating slightly. Annie rose her head up, her head spinning.

She looked around the room, the light was out and she had a coat around her. Softly pulling it off, she wiped the access drool from her face. Since the room was pitch black she rubbed her fingers around the cloth.

Silky.. she thought.

Sniffing the garment, her eyes widened slightly.

Spy.. she rolled her eyes, what was he doing? did he check in on her after the tormenting of that young boy-

"Shit" she whisper yelled, sitting up fully, she skittered around the room for her clock. Finding it she clicked it once and the screen lit up.

11:45 pm

Sighing she stood there in the dark as the screen went black. Silence.

Did they go to bed after torturing that scout? she wondered.

Whatever the reason was, it was oddly quiet. Maybe they had their fun and went to sleep. Which would explain Spies jacket around her. She sniffed the jacket again, inhaling his scent. Smiling she wrapped it around her shoulders and headed for the door.

Exiting her bedroom, she listened for movement in the hallway, hearing nothing but the occasional ticking of a faraway clock, she crept down the hall towards Engies garage. Before she could turn the handle on the door she heard a faint, and soft beeping. Suddenly not forgetting this IS the man for building advanced technology and engineering machines designed to protect and kill, she stepped away from the door quickly.

Now turning away from Engies garage she went towards Spies room to hand him his jacket, hoping the Frenchman was still awake.. hopefully.

As she opened his door, she poked her head in to make sure he was even awake to be creeping in his room at this hour. Sure enough, he was not awake (lmao you thought). She crept through his room and saw the covers stir slightly. She stopped in her tracks and froze.

"Spy?" she hissed

No answer.

"Cmooooooon i know you're awake.. you smug bastard."

Again, no movement was made, indicating either that the Frenchman was really asleep or he was messing with her. Annoyed, she crept over towards him silently and looked at the covers.

She gently peeled them back and they revealed Spy, sleeping soundly. Annie smiled to herself and slowly put the jacket on his head board. She stood above him and watched him sleep some, then decided to get some sleep of her own. As she walked away from his bed she heard him shift again, then the bed groan softly.

"Annie? What the hell are you doing?! It's the middle of the night" Spy croaked, yawning.

Annie froze in the dark, then stiffly turned around sheepishly. Spy rose up from his bed and looked at her, sitting on the side of the mattress.

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to snoop, i know it's late AND this is your room but i just wanted to give your jacket back" she rambled, Spy waved his hand, then stood up from his bed and shuffled over toward the girl.

She squealed softly as he was mer inches away from her frame, towering over Annie. She inwardly gulped and looked at him.

"Look if i did anything im sor-" she was cut off by a finger to her lips.

"It's fine," he groaned tiredly, blinking heavily he sighed then rubbed his temple.

Annie took a moment to gather in his features, the soft light from his window curtains catching his handsome features. Taking in his messy hair, his unkept 9 o'clock shadow, his thick, but well kept eyebrows looked rugged, but handsome in the softly lit room.

Heat rose up to Annie's face as she stared at him, who caught on to her staring. A smile crept to his face as he leaned closer to her, which in turn made Annie more red.

"Can i help you?" he whispered softly, his voice like honey.

She stepped back awkwardly and before she could get away he gripped her shirt, pulling her towards him.

The pair held an intense game of eye contact, Annie breathing harshly, while the frenchman had a cool demeanor.

"W-What are you doing" Annie squeaked, taken aback by his sudden move.

"You creep into my room, without a knock or even acknowledgement that you're entering, and expect me to be fine with it, after YOU repeatedly told me to 'give you space'? What game are you playing here vous taquinez, and what ever it may be, it's not working; i can see right through you" he sneered, Annie ducked her eyes away, which he soon brought his hand to her jaw, softly tilting her face upwards to meet his eyes.

"Don't touch me" she growled pathetically.

She still didn't look at him, not giving Spy the satisfaction of winning this battle.

"Look at me, now" he growled, his voice rumbled deep in his chest, his accent becoming deeper and deeper. He cocked an eyebrow and tilted his head down to face her.

"Spy" her voice quivered, "stop it.. it's late.. i just want to go to bed" she whined softly, not sure what to do.

The Frenchman sighed harshly and closed his eyes. He let go of her face, he pinched his brow and turned away from her, then waved her off.

"Please leave the jacket on my chair on your way out" he commanded.

Annie nodded quickly, her face crimson. She bid him goodnight quickly then snuck back to her room, laying in her bed, only hearing the soft ticking of a clock and the occasional whoosh of the air conditioner. She buried her face in the covers and whined softly.


word count: 1246

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