Made for Mercy

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After the battle, Annie retired her things to her locker, and made her way to her room. Unlocking the door she found the light on upstairs. Pausing, she listened.

The room was eerily quiet, not a sound to be heard. The sudden whoosh of the AC kicked in, startling Annie. She softly put her keys down on her dresser, and slowly and cautiously made her way up the stairs. Hearing a soft patter of footsteps, she flew up the stairs. Catching her intruder trying to hide.

Blue. A royal blue was seen flashing behind a corner, making a leap for the stairs. Annie flew to the railing sealing off the room to the first floor. Seeing her intruder clearly, they whipped around.


Wait, no, thats not the Scout she knew.

Thats the enemy Scout! she thought.

She also noticed that he wasnt similar either. He had olive skin and grass green eyes. The uniform was the same, only blue.

The Blu Scout flew, slamming the door ajar. Quickly following his path, Annie also jumped the rail and propelled herself down with her fire, making a safe landing she grabbed her axe and tore after him.

Seeing him make a quick exit around the hallway corner she shouted profanities after the boy.

"Get back you fucker!" she yelled, hot on his heels.

Before she turned the corner, he flashed beside her, and hearing commotion their own Scout was on his heels. Making a quick turn around Annie flashed after the enemy. Taking long strides she quickly caught up with the other two.

Shit they're fast, Annie wheezed.

"Oh hey toots! Didnt see ya there, this fucker tried to go through the kitchen, lucky for us, me and heavy were snacking so he ran smack into me!" he laughed, seeing her running easily beside him his eyes widened.

"Damn you run really well! Have you done track before?" he asked, not really focusing on the intruder.

Annie rolled her eyes and smacked his arm, and pointed at the Blue Scout, who ducked behind another hallway.

"Focus Scout" she snapped. Unbuckling her axe she gripped it tightly in her right hand, ready to fight.

She suddenly heard a shrill scream, hearing more yelling, both Annie and Scout turned the corner to see Heavy holding the Blu Scout down. His arm was twisted awkwardly, obviously broken. The boy started whining in pain, while Heavy ignored him, and further pressed him down into the floor.

"Oh hey Heavy! Howd ya beat us here eh?" Scout queried, obviously confused.

"Little man tried to sneak past me, no man sneaks past Heavy" he growled, pushing the kid into the floor again.

Whining pitifully, the kid looked up, angrily glaring at Scout and Annie.

"Que se jodan chicos, no me hubrieran atrapado por ser gordo aquí!" he yelled, furious.

Annie smirked at the kid, kneeled down and softly patted his face, earning an attempted bite from the Scout. He looked and acted like a cornered animal.

"Oh no, tienes suerte de que no te puse las manos encima, estupido mierda." Annie growled back, earning a wide-eye look from the Scout.

Their Scout looked just as surprised, "Woah toots, how do you know what he said!?"

Annie rolled her eyes, "I took high school Spanish, then pursued to get better at it" she stated matter of factly.

Turning their attention back to the Blu Scout, Heavy continued to hold him down as he tried to struggle out of his grasp.

Scout clicked his tongue and turned, walking down the hallway some he smacked a red button. Immediately alarms rang out, screeching loudly. Wincing, Annie got used the to noise.

Soon the rest of the team made their appearance. Realizing it was the Scout that broke in, they calmed down a little. Medic entered a four digit number into the panel next to the alarm button and the alarms where silenced.

Soldier and Scout where interrogating the Scout, who either cursed in Spanish or just plainly ignored them.

Annie lingered back, she was sore, tired, and sweaty. She just wanted a shower, and to sit in her room. Her thoughts were interrupted by Sniper who tapped her shoulder.

"Sorry mate, but did you happen to know where he came from, Scout said you were tearing after him like a fox on a chicken." he chuckled slightly, picturing the scene.

Annie laughed softly, "Yeah, he was in my room, i caught him sneaking around upstairs so i chased him" she explained.

Sniper nodded, lost in his own thoughts. He adjusted his aviators and went back to the Scout.

After hearing the explanation of where the Scout was Medic walked over, and patted her shoulder.

"You ok Frau?" he whispered, not wanting to worry the others, who were busy yelling at the kid. Scout kicking him, trying to rile him up. To no avail he stayed quiet, ignoring their weak attempts at trying to get a reaction.

Annie nodded, "Just tired, i just wanted to go relax, but alas. Theres always something to deal with" she smiled weakly, turning to the doctor, whos face was a deep crimson.

"Medic, you ok?" she questioned, softly holding his cheek with one hand, her eyes locking with his, worry painted across her face.

He held her hand back, and flashed a grin. "Of course my dear, everything's alright"

"Now," he said letting go, "lets go deal with this imbecile" he smiled, winking at Annie, who chuckled back, her face a dusty pink.

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word count: 929

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