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'God. Why did it have to be him..?'

Annie whipped her head up to the noise of someone making their way into her room. Surprised, and quite startled, she shifted the covers and peeked out from them.

It was Spy..

She didnt move an inch and just acted like she was asleep, not really wanting to talk to him. He watched her for a moment, noticing the movement under the bed but said nothing, as he stood their and fumbled a cigarette from his breast pocket.

"Are you awake?" he called out, putting it to his lips and lighting it, inhaling sharply, letting the cool feeling slip down his throat. Exhaling the smoke he cocked his head at the girl in the bed. Rolling his eyes he looked back at the door, his thoughts switching between leaving her alone and staying..

"Annie?" Spy whispered, sounding calmer than his usual self, not trying to be a dick for once.

Annie was awake in fact, breathing slowing as she had her eyes softly shut, just in case he came over to make sure if she was really indeed asleep. He didnt move from his spot, and continued taking drags from his cigarette.

She prayed to something and nothing at the same time, just hoping he'd go away and leave her alone.. but, part of her wishes he'd stay with her, just so she wasnt lonely. She considered stirring underneath the covers and acting like he woke her up, stupid plan, but it may work. Or maybe she could just ignore him until he went away.

Too late. Spy started to wander around the room, not speaking to her anymore, and not really caring if she woke up or not. He was admiring the work the men had put into her room. The decorations, the artwork, the wallpaper, everything. Sure, Spy's room was fancy but hers was genuinely unique. So many different textures and many different tastes on the wall really inspired the frenchman. He soon inhaled another drag from his cigarette before turning back to Annies bed. She hadnt moved and her breathing was regular, almost a little slow if watched closely.

"I know you are awake, girl" there he was, back to his smart-ass self, completely unapologetic and not caring of how his words stung when they left his lips.

Annie did nothing but continued to ignore him, hoping he'd just become frustrated and leave her alone. She had made up her mind, she did not want to talk at the moment, especially with him. Not after what happened the other night.

Spy became frustrated, to Annies liking and scowled, wondering if he should shout or even pull the covers off. Maybe thats a little harsh, even for someone like him. Instead, he stood there, eventually moving to her desk, right beside her bed and sat down on the chair. His blue eyes locked onto her, watching her breathing slowly as she 'slept'. She was getting on his nerves, sure, but her determination amused him. He continued to study her, it was awkward, as they werent talking, and kind of creepy to watching someone 'sleep', but it was peaceful. A soft silence filled the room as he watched her form. Thoughts intruded his mind, curiosities. Ever since he laid eyes on her he felt indifferent about her, a little annoyed, as usual, but indifferent to say the least.

She didnt really anger him, she was a talented young woman, smart, and eager to prove herself, and especially not bad at fighting or defending herself, given the ass-whooping he had handed to him when they first fought, then their duel together. Yet he was still curious about her. He knew almost everyone on bases secrets, real names, birth locations, and even medical records and quite frankly, crossing the line at borderline stalking on a few occasions. Yet, with her, he wanted to be appropriate. After all, she was a lady to him, and he was a gentleman at heart, no matter how angry and pissed off he gets.


The fighting had ceased with the engineer, he thought to himself.

'Thank god.'

Theyre antics for pissing each other off and just being rude to one another, sometimes one sided, really irked him. Yeah, he was rude himself, but genuinely picking a fight other than banter was irritating. His thoughts wanted to talk with her more, get to know her, maybe drinks will loosen her up.

He curled his lip at that in disgust, for christs sake, thats his coworker, not a woman he met at the bar, or a museum, and such. She was different in his eye, whether that was good to him or not, she just was. He would have to make a decision soon, if they continued on as coworkers.

As he was having an internal monologue to himself, Annie was awkwardly resting, her eyes soon growing droopy and heavy, genuinely wanting to go to sleep. She shuffled around a bit, not really caring if Spy noticed or not, and sighed loudly as she closed her eyes, moving her red hair out of her face.

"Are you alright?" Spy spoke again, his voice crossing the line between his usual grumpy self and being genuine for once.

Maybe he did care, but she didnt dare open herself up to him, not this early in her being here, especially not to him. He was a gossip, she was sure of it. Collecting secrets like a dragon, atop a mountain of information.

Snapping herself back into the situation, Annie continued her silent treatment, but he was in her room, so she couldnt ignore him forever. She turned over, peeking her blue and green eyes out at him, blinking softly before looking away. His eyes locked with hers as he faced her, his arm drapes against the back of the chair with his legs crossed, his left ankle resting on his right knee, comfortable, yet sitting with an intense aura.

He raised a brow at her to start speaking, but she hesitated, not really wanting to do this but forcing herself anyway..

"Im just.." she started out, sighing heavily, "Exhausted... mentally" she huffed.

Annie was facing the tall ceiling, her eyes darting across the popcorn like design above, then shifted her gaze towards the man sitting next to her bed for a moment, before looking back.

"Im sure, its been a rough week, non?" Spy remarked, adjusting his posture, to where he had both feet on the floor, hands clasped together with his elbows on his legs, leaning forward.

"I guess, i just dont know really what to do" she explained.

Spy sat in silence, trying his best to comfort her but at a distance, hearing about her youth and such put a weird taste in his mouth. He couldnt approach her like the other men on base, no, she was different.

He nodded at her to continue..

Annie sat up, sitting in the middle of her bed, her hands propping herself up as she crossed her legs.

"I just am stressed out, this weeks been hectic. Which usually i dont mind, because im used to a strict schedule, but it hasnt been made easy because of the engineer. Yet we are getting better so.. thats a plus i guess.." she trailed off, mumbling and looking at the older man uneasily.

This was an awkward conversation, and yet the start of many to come..

word count: 1274
dont forget to vote!

also AN: those pictures above the title are so fun to find memes for lol 😭 ily guys sm thank you all for the support <3

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