The Man in Blue

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My fire?? Hes already seen it? What is he up too- I narrowed my eyes, a small itch was bothering me, something internal. Something i needed to pay attention too. Like an alarm bell.

He squeezed my hands slightly and smiled warmly. I smiled falsely back, something is wrong with this situation, releasing my hands from the doctor, i smiled warmly.

"Could i get some water first please? I'm thirsty and it's better to be hydrated at all times" Annie cooed, smiling sweetly.

The man slightly narrowed his eyes, "Of course my love." then he nodded.

Getting up he went over to his sink, and filled a glass of water up. As he filled the water, Annies eyes widened.


The smell of smoke completely overpowered her, making her crinkle her nose. Her eyes shot open. Slowly standing, as to not make any noise, she quietly got up. Sneaking like a mouse, she grabbed a nearby scalpel from the medical table, then made her way to the unsuspecting man. As Medic filled the cup up he turned around, upon seeing Annie with the knife, he dropped the glass.

"I know what you are" she accused, brandishing the knife, pointing at him.

"I-I do not know what you speak of, please, put that down, gir- i mean, Annie" the doctor fumbled.

Big mistake.

The glass, shattered. Medics eyes darkened, flicking his wrist down, he flipped out a switchblade, which seemed to come from nowhere. Stepping towards Annie, he charged. Before he could make the first move, Annie swung the scalpel down, hard. Catching him in the shoulder, blood spurted out heavily. He screamed in agony as she ripped the knife downward. He started to swing the knife with an inhumane speed, almost catching Annie in the face.

Dodging his attacks, she slowly found herself near the door. To which she made a bolt for it, only to be grabbed by the back of her shirt and flung down. Pinned under the doctor, she looked up. A crazed, murderous expression in his eyes. One of a predator who has caught his prey. Blood pouring from his shoulder, dripping on Annies face. Smiling madly, he went in for a dive with the knife.

Before he stabbed her, she punched him straight in the face with the knife in hand. Blood shot from his nose, along with the slash across his face, catching his left eye. Yelling in pain  furiously, he hunched forwards, holding his face with both hands. Given this opportunity, Annie stabbed him again, and again and again. Catching him in the ribs she ripped downwards, hearing a crunch, the doctor fell back. Wiggling out of his grip, she saw a hacksaw across the room on the floor, which appeared to be knocked over in their fight. Before he could recover, she dove for it. Clutching it hard, he grabbed her again, trying to pull her towards him.

She turned and swung, burying it into his arm this time, she sawed it forward, hoping to do more damage. Blood, bone, and flesh sprayed the girl. She hit him with her elbow as he struggled to move. Knocking him down, she stomped on his chest, hearing yet another crunch, she bolted.

"Get back here, you creature!" that thing howled behind her, with a horrible wail in pain but malice dripped from his words.

Making a mad dash, she heard him yelling after her. Bolting through the halls, she went to grab the handle for the doors. Yet before she could reach the doors a knife was thrown like a dart and stuck into the wall next to her. Turning around she saw Medic, gasping for air, a bloody mess, and furious. Absolutely furious, a murderous intent burned into the very core of the man standing before her. Seeing him rush at her, she wasted no time and kicked down the doors. Bursting into the kitchen suddenly.

Upon kicking them down, she startled Scout, Spy, Sniper, and Heavy. Seeing the girl heaving and blood and bone spattered and absolutely drenching her, they stood up immediately. Seeing her clothes snagged and ripped, the men rounded the table.

"Hey, woah woah woah whats wrong?" Sniper said, jumping up, rushing around the table. Putting his hands on her shoulder, he slightly shook her. Looking down he saw the hacksaw blade, covered with blood, skin, and bone. His eyes widened slightly as he looked behind her. A smeared trail of bloody footprints followed her.

The girl breathing like a caged animal, she finally snapped out of it.

"Medic.... somethings wrong with him" she screamed hysterically, "we were talking and he was acting strangely, and when he got up he smelled like smoke and then he-" she choked out a sob, crying everywhere.

The men looked at each other, having a slight clue whats going on.

"He... he took out a knife. I-I dont know where he got it. He f-f-flipped it out and charged at me. He was acting weird and i knew something was wrong." she glared up, staring Sniper dead in the eyes.

"Whoever that is, its not Medic" she hissed, and started to stammer slightly. Swallowing hard she clenched her hands to her shirt. Thin lines of steam coming out, her hand glowing slightly. Sniper turned hard and pointed at Heavy.

"You, sound the alarm," then turned his gaze and pointed at Scout, "Find and alert the rest of the base, and for the love of god, everyone, keep a sharp eye for the real bloke." he said quickly, as if he had to do this a thousand times before.

Letting go of Annie, Sniper made his way to the locker room, muttering something about a "lockdown". She looked up, locking eyes with Spy, he saw the girl standing in front of him. Blood dripping from the saw, and her clothing, tears swelling in her eyes, threatening to spill over. He walked over to comfort her, slightly putting his hand on her shoulder. Before Spy knew it Annie clenched onto his suit and hugged him, tightly. Startled, Spy gently pat her hair and scoffed softly. He softly whispered words of comfort in french and he hugged her tightly, she bursted into tears, dropping the bloodied saw, she latched onto him. Sobbing and hiccuping, he rubbed slow circles into her back, trying to calm the girl down.

Slightly backing lifting her head up she cried some more, "I-I didnt mean to, I kn- i knew it wasnt him." she sobbed, hiccuping between her words. He softly ran his hand through her hair, shushing her.

"Its alright mademoiselle, you did very well, handling that and escaping."

The girl slowly stopped crying, she sniffed loudly and wiped her face with her slightly bloodied hands. Looking up at spy, she laughed softly, then it growing from a chuckle to laughing. A pained, half sobbing laughter. Spy looked at what she was laughing at, to which he saw prints on his suit of her tear stains. Softly chuckling himself, he slowly laughed. Seeing Spy smile sincerely since she met the usually cold and distant man warmed her heart.

But the warm moment was over, as the two suddenly whipped their heads towards the door leading to the hallways. A anguished groan, followed by a bloody Medic. Eyes like arrows, piercing the very sight of the other two, he glared at them. His boiling hatred for Annie growing by the second.

"We finally meet, Pyro" the man snapped coldly, venom dripping on his words, pure rage behind his tongue.

word count: 1283

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