Morning routine

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The warm rays of sunshine poured into Annies room, beams streaking her face, her light snoring heard. A loud knock was heard at the door. Bolting her eyes open, she raised her head slightly.

"Miss Pyro Maam!" a loud, commanding voice was heard, gruff, and strained, "it is 7:30 in the morning! Its time to wake up!" the voice continued, moving along from her door, to pounding and straight up bursting in others rooms.

A shrill squeak was heard, Scout Annie sleepily thought, she heard a commotion and the gruff voice shouting something about anime? Girls? On a computer?

Annie didnt fully process anything, yawning, and stretching, she walked to her bathroom, brushing her teeth and fixing her hair. Putting it into a half up half down style, she went into her room and rummaged around for clothing. Surprisingly there was already clothing in the drawers. A red t shirt, black cargo pants with a chain on the side, other changes of clothes her style. A small note folded into the red shirt.

Dear Sparks,
Its Pauling! Wanted to gift you this, its your new uniform! Hope you enjoy~! Everything is taken care of
With love,
Ms. Pauling <3

The small doodle of a heart made Annies heart melt. Holding the paper near her it smelled like sweet perfume. Keeping the paper safe, Annie changed. Admiring for how the outfit defined her smooth stomach, slim, yet noticeable muscles, and detailed collarbone. Throwing on her favorite necklace, a small quartz crystal. She looked in the mirror one last time, threw her converse on, and headed out the door. Seeing others wake up was a different feeling, from Annie not being extremely social, she craved the coziness of her room.

Clenching her palms she continued down the hallway, saying excuse me to an extremely hung-over Demoman. Almost running into Heavy, she apologized, he kindly said "no worries".

Trying to avoid more social interaction she made her way through the double metal doors of the Medic office. Sunlight beamed through the skylight he had. The poor doctor was passed out on his desk, his glasses disheveled and his hair a mess. His face down in one arm while the other was reached over his head. Smiling softly, she crept over to him, trying not to wake him, nor any birds.

Gently putting her hand on his back, she rubbed it softly, "Medic, its time to wake up" she cooed, trying to gently wake the doctor.

He turned his head, muttering, "Meine Liebe, dafür ist es zu früh. lass mich bitte wieder einschlafen~? (my dear, its too early for this let me go back to sleep please~?)" the doctor asked, trying his best not to fall asleep again.

Annie laughed softly, "i cant understand a word you're saying doc, so get up unless you want Soldier running through here knocking your stuff dow-"

The doctor sat upright, fixing his glasses quickly, and slicking his hair down. "Fine, fine! Im up, im up!"

Annie smiled softly, and patted his back once more, leaving him to clean himself up, she softly closed the metal doors behind her.

"Hey there Pyro!" a Boston accent rang in her ears, turning, she saw Scout trying to quickly lace his shoes, bouncing forward he almost tripped. Quickly recovering he met up with her. Winking, he clicked his tongue, taking a long look at the girl, "You feeling better today, not gonna argue all day huh?" he smirked, bags under his eyes.

Annie rolled her eyes, ignoring the boy, not until she felt a hand slowly creep around her waist. Glaring at the boy, he winked again and smirked. Having it being too early for this shit, Annie turned. Scout having a confused look on his face, he stopped.

"Listen, if you give me problems and continue to be a fucking creep ill gut youre fucking ass and leave you to rot outside, mkay?" she said coldly, to which Scout put his hands up and walked away, bitterly. Soon she became hungry and decided to go to the kitchen to eat.

Hearing my stomach growl was a surprise, usually im not hungry in the morning, but i am starving. Opening the doors, i get a whiff of amazing smells, turns out, Engie is cooking. My mood slightly darkens as i remember the hateful words hurled at me on the first damn day i walked in these doors. But hearing bacon sizzling, eggs frying, and hot biscuits on the stove, piping hot from the oven made me feel better.

Walking in, she calmly walked beside engineer, who was focused on the bacon. "Smells good" she said sweetly, hopefully putting whatever new grudge the two held behind them both. She could see him tense up, not answering, he stood there silently, he sighed, "Thank you, learned from my dad how to cook since i was young" he commented gruffly.

Annie took this sign as to leave, smiling at him, hoping he could see she meant the compliment she left. Sniper came in through the door behind her as she turned. The smell of black coffee was overwhelming.

"Ah, good morning mate" he stated quickly, surprising Annie with his Australian accent. Smiling back she nodded, "Good morning Snipes" she said sweetly. The lanky mans eyes widened, chuckling of the new nickname he was given, he nodded at her, and went to sit down.

As breakfast was ready, everyone sat down, Scout scarfed down their food, Annie smiling at the "famished" boy. Medic was reading a book, while Spy was nose deep in the paper, smoking. Engie was quietly eating, and so was Heavy. Demo was nowhere to be seen, obviously sleeping off the booze. Sniper sharpening his knife in the back of the room.

Not a morning eater, Annie presumed. Fixing herself a plate. She opened the metal doors, feeling everyones eyes one her, Scout spoke up.

"Where ya going gorgeous," his "compliment" earned many groans and slaps or threats from the surrounding men, Soldier completely flipping his shit, calling Scout "Unmanly" for treating a lady like that. Annie turned, chomping on a biscuit, "To my room? I dont eat in front of others, its awkward" she stated bluntly, hitting the door with her hips she walked off.

word count: 1059

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