Whats Lost Eventually Gets Found

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"Lets go find Medic" Annie said confidently, even though she was worried for the doctor, she needed to keep her head straight. They together walked down the blood stained halls, towards the medbay, where everything started. Spy could feel the heat generating from her body from where he was walking. It was hot. He winced slightly as she continued to burn him.

As they reached the medical center, Annie opened the door, when it creaked open, Spy saw blood smeared on the floor, where the Blue Spy crawled out. The door came completely open, and so did the sight of what really happened during their scuffle. Blood everywhere, thats the first thing Spy noted, it was splattered in some places, indicating someone fell. While in others smeared, crawling possibly? As he let go of Annies hand he split up, looking around for some indicator of the real Medic.

As he looked around, Annie sat on top of the counter, waiting for the Frenchman to come to conclusion. As she silently sat there, fiddling with her fingers, Spy clicked his tongue.

"Found something?" Annie asked hopefully.

Spy picked up some broken glass, looking around, he found nothing that could indicate a beaker had broken. Gazing around he noticed more glass broken, but in a circle. Frowning, he still didnt understand where it came from. His eyes suddenly widened, whipping his head up, he knew.

The sky-light.

The rat snuck in from there! Spy thought, happy with his conclusion. Now they had answers. With this he turned to Annie, who was still sitting there, looking at him hopefully. He pointed up.

"The fucker snuck in through the sky-light, like a coward" he spat, annoyed already at his evening, being ruined from the Blue Spy. Annies eyes widened, hopping down, she joined Spy in the search. They both looked around some more, and as Annie rounded the medical table where she was examined on her first day, she gasped softly. Spy turned and hurried over, and upon seeing what she saw his own eyes widened some.

Bloody handprints. Only two, one a clear imprint of someones right hand, and the left handprint was slightly smeared, being dragged backwards, and slightly curved to the right. Annie eyes widened with surprise, and turned abruptly, and eyed a medical closet. Making eye contact with Spy, they both had the same idea. Nodding at each other, Annie erupted a small flame in her hand which was spinning like a beautiful orange orb, and Spy pulled out a silver revolver. Approaching the closet quietly, they strained to listen to any movement to give them a slight hint if someone was in there.

Slight muffled groaning was heard, along with shuffling around. Annies eyes widened, and she turned to Spy. He nodded his head, and slowly cocked the hammer of the gun. Annie slowly turned the knob of the door, trying to be as quiet as possible. Pulling the door open at a great speed, Spy aimed his gun at whoever was in side, and Annie aimed her hand.

"Medic!!" Annie cried joyfully, choking her flame and rushing at the doctor, wrapping her arms around his neck in a bear hug. Looking back up, she took in her sight. Medic was bound by his hands, knees, and ankles. He had a severe stab wound in his upper left thigh, and his mouth was gagged, with his glasses missing. She gasped softly and released herself, undoing the gag, she took it out of his mouth. Spitting and groaning softly, Medic smiled.

"Thank you friends, i thought i was going to die in this bloody closet" he chuckled, trying to be positive in the situation. Annie laughed softly and Spy smiled slightly.

Annie turned to Spy, "Do you have your knife?" she asked.

"Just burn the ropes, its only us," he said with a questioning tone.

"I dont want to burn him Spy! I can handle the heat but, he couldnt" she explained tiredly. Holding her hand out she narrowed her eyes, not asking again.

Spy handed her the knife, to which she flipped open and cut his ankle and knee ropes. She reached behind him, apologizing for her being so close, and with a red face, she cut the ropes off of his hands. Giving the knife back to Spy she helped Medic stand up. His legs buckled under him, and Spy rushed to help. They help walked him to his examining table. Where he breathlessly sat down, wheezing and groaning in pain.

Annie took over as the doctor and turned to his medical cabinets. She opened a few and grabbed a syringe, and which she hoped was a bottle of lidocaine. She set them onto the table and looked for bandages.

"Top.. cabinet...." he gasped at his wound, which was lazily oozing blood. Spy turned his attention to the doctor, and helped apply pressure.

"Come on Medic, we both know youve had more scrapes than this" he told Medic sternly, frowning at the doctor.

Annie turned with bandages, a needle, and thread. And with her supplies, she got to work. Smiling at the doctor, she loaded up the syringe, grabbed Medics hand softly and gave it a small squeeze. Smiling, she lowered her gaze to his leg wound. Applying the medicine, Medic hissed in pain. Putting the syringe down, she grabbed the needle and thread.

30 stitches later, she was finally done, and Medic, wincing in pain, was exhausted. She put the needle and thread down, she grabbed the bandages.

"Sorry Medic, but i need to cut your pant leg," she smiled weakly, Medic just softly nodded.

"Sure, i understand its for my health" he said professionally, earning an eye roll from the french man.

Annie grabbed medical scissors in a nearby drawer, and then cut his pants. Removing his pant leg, she was quick and efficient with the bandages, layering them twice. She secured them quickly. Then finally put everything down.

"Sorry about that," she chuckled, giggling at the doctor with his weird pants. Out the corner of her eye she saw Spy smirking.

The doors to the medical room opened, and the three turning their heads, the rest of the team made their way in. Scout gawking at the scene of blood, Spy rolled his eyes at the childish kid.

"Jesus christ! What the hell happened in here!?" as he stepped down and walked towards the others some more he saw Medic, "Ah! You found Medic! Good job guys!" he said proudly.

The guys walked over and examined what happened, while Spy gave them all the run down of what happened. Annie nodded and included herself in parts that needed to be. While the team listened to every word, except the comments from Scout. They turned their attention to Annie, who they then congratulated.

Her surprise was obvious, from the dumbfounded look on her face. She stood there awkwardly as they patted her shoulder or told her "good job". Soldier saluted towards the young lady, congratulating her as to defeat the enemy.

"Good job girlie," Engie inputted, getting nods of agreements from everyone.

"Little Pyro did well, considering first time handling Blue Spy" Heavy remarked gruffly.

"She did well" Sniper had a smile, and gave a nod of approval.

Demoman interrupted with a loud cry, pretty overdramatic he draped his arm across Annies shoulder. The stench of whiskey pouring off of the Scottish man.

"Aye, y-you did a fine fucking job, ya little scoundrel" he slurred, from whispering to shouting his words with confidence. The other men shook their heads at the drunk man, or as Scout, just laughed. Shrugging Demoman off, Annie rolled her eyes and smiled.

"H-Hey, for the celebration, could we get something to eat? We havent eaten yet it seems, and i would be happy to take care of dinner tonight..." Annie asked shyly, which erupted agreements from the others. Happy with that, Annie excused herself to her room to change.

Upon locking then entering her room, she found nothing out of place from the Blue Spies rampage. When she reached her dresser, she took out black sweatpants with a big white shirt with daisies on it. When she threw the clothes on her bed, she noticed a note laying there innocently.

Upon inspecting it, it was addressed to Annie. Her eyes widened with shock, then she smiled.
The smell of the note was heavenly, smelling of roses, and vanilla. To which it read.

Dear Annie..

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word count: 1432

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