The Fall of Icarus

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"Spy, ill repeat myself again, what is the meaning of this!?" Medic asked again, more irritated.

Spy released his grip from Annie, only to fling her forward, tripping, she fell down. Crying out from pain, still fresh from surgery, Medic dashed to her side, hand on her side, making sure she was ok. Hissing in pain, Annie glared at Spy, who was annoyingly smirking at her. Annies eyes widened, she swiped her leg around with full force, knocking Spy to the ground. Before he could react, she kicked at him like a wounded animal.

"He grabbed me for no reason and dragged me here" she snarled, holding her wrist in pain.

Leaving Spy to groan in pain, she woozily got up, planting her feet firmly and holding her arm out to steady herself. A deadly look in her eyes, a pained, tired, and furious look.

Spys eyes narrowed at the sight, he propped himself up on his elbows. Sitting there, claiming defeat, he looked annoyed. He slowly got up and reached into his breast pocket and drew a cigarette from within. Lighting it, he inhaled loudly then exhaled smoke.

"Don't leave out the details, girl." he spat, still in pain from him falling to the floor.

"Details?" Medic looked at Annie oddly, lifting his brow in a confused glance.

Annie sighed loudly and said nothing, only holding her side in pain. Spy rolled his eyes and drew distance from the two, leaning against a sink.

"I was in my smoking room, and heard the girl wriggling the handle as hard as someone could" he snarled, pausing to take another draw from the cigarette. "When i caught her in the act, she looked guilty of something, so when i moved her-"

"Moving? you mean grabbing my wrist" Annie growled.

Spy just glared at her and snickered sarcastically, "When i moved her, the knob was melted. So i ask what had happened" he finished.

Annie stood there awkwardly, looking at Medic. Spy picked up on this and glanced between Annie and the doctor. Coming to a silent conclusion that they had a secret.

"You might as well tell me, both of you. Unless you want me to wring it out of you" Spy commented.

Medic scoffed and cleared his throat, moving to his desk he grabbed his clipboard.

"As you see we all have our quirks and differences, but.." he paused, flipping a page and looking at Annie, "hers.. well is unique."

"Unique is a suiting word," Annie snapped.

"Don't start young lady" Medic scolded.

"Anyways, you may have heard the 'girl on fire' Spy, that was spread around like wildfire around 20 years ago" he commented, only for Spy to nod his head slowly, obviously deep in thought.

Medic brought Annie's chart up and handed it to Spy, and whispered, "Well here she is, right in front of you"

Spy's eyes went wide and he looked at the chart. Annie Schlyter

'Annie Schlyter' Spy repeated to himself, then paused.

The girl that brought the world to a halt.


Many years ago when Annie was born, her body temperature was unnaturally hot, striking concern and fear in the doctors. She wasn't sick of course, but instead her natural temperature was stuck at 106 degrees Fahrenheit. She soon was taken in and studied by doctors, scientists, professors, and government groups from as little as 4, due to her abnormal gift. She would run around, leaving charred foot prints and embers floating out of her hair. No clothes could hold her until they made clothes suited to her body heat.

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