Meeting Up

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Annie put the key in her pocket as she closed the heavy door to her room. She wandered through the halls until she came upon Spy's room. Knocking softly she awaited a reply. Soon, the doors cracked open and to her surprise, he was unmasked.

"Come in" was all he said, his tone was soft but still had his cool demeanor.

Annie smiled softly at him and walked inside, the bedroom looked the same, but his chair he once slept on looked occupied. A bottle of wine with a half empty glass was sitting there alone with a book.

"Keeping yourself entertained?" Annie let out a half smile, exhaling in amusement.

"Oui, i like keeping up with new books" he admitted, shutting the door then retreating his hands in his pockets.

Annie moseyed around the room until she stopped near the foot of the bed, then gently sat on the ottoman in front of it. It was cozy, and the atmosphere was quaint, and comfortable.

"Any reason you wanted me in here?" she commented, crossing her legs, flicking her eyes towards the older man.

"Yes, i've noticed that you have been doing poorly not only emotionally, but physically, so ive taken the liberty of fixing that" he spoke quickly than approached her, keeping his blue eyes on her, then crouched down to her level.

"I understand things are hard but you need to have priorities, this is a job, not a therapy group" he spoke, scolding her but his eyes show he's being sympathetic.

Annie said nothing but her lip quivered, her brow furrowed, and her eyes rapidly blinking away tears that threatened to spill out of her eyes.

"I know" was all she choked out before hot tears streamed down her face.

Spy exhaled softly then moved his hand up to dry them away. His hands were warm and calloused on her cheek, which was refreshing. Annie blubbered an apology but Spy couldnt make it out, or didnt hear it. He said nothing as he continued to wipe tears away, softly shushing her.

"Let me take you somewhere" he spoke suddenly, the offer surprising Annie.

"W-What? Where? This late at night?" she choked out a laugh.

Spy smiled for a mer second then spoke again, "Lets get drinks, loosen up, sound good?" he assured her, then stood up, holding his hand out for her to grab.

"I guess, sorry" she waved his hand away then stood herself, smoke started to drift off her shoulders and face. Spy noticed and softly moved his hand to move the smoke away. Annie caught his hand and clasped her own with his.

"Its fine" she whispered.

A moment passed by before either of them noticed their hands were entangled. Annie quickly went to let go but Spy remained persistent, clutching her hand and softly bringing her to his arms, cradling her. She whispered in a pleading voice to let go, that shes going to burn him but he remained persistent.

"Its alright mon cher ami" he whispered, "you dont scare me"

Those words shot through Annies head, did she really hear him right? She was his friend? Finally?

She had a friend..?

She nuzzled into the embrace harder, softly weeping. Spy hugged back harder, and whispering soft praises into her ear as she cried. The two stood there for a moment of time until a sharp knock sounded on the door. The sound startled the two, who let go of each other quickly.

Spy coughed awkwardly then quickly put his mask on. Walking to open the door, he opened it in a crack so he shielded the door so no one could see who was in his room. Apparently it was Scout, he was talking softly with Spy, who soon ended the quick conversation.

Shutting the door, the two heard Scout leave. Spy sighed heavily something in french and soon came towards Annie again.

"Lets leave here, meet me at the towns bar. Go back to your room, dress nice, then meet me back here, ok?" he spoke softly to her. His whole demeanor changed when he was with her, he still was sharp and cold at some instances but, it was like a whole different person with her.

word count: 719
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hope you guys enjoyed the small fluff lolz

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