Maybe Its Better to Be Alone

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Annie soon settled into her room, looking about for something to do. Maybe she could go bother Medic? Nah, he has actual stuff to worry about. Heavy? Nothing to talk about. Scout? Busy. Demo? No idea if the mans even awake. Soldier? God only knows where he is. Engineer is NOT an option.. Sniper? Again, no idea where hes at. Maybe its just best to sit alone for a moment.

Annie rolled her tense shoulders and just decided to take a nap to pass the time. Rolling into bed the mattress squeaked in protest as her weight settled down onto it. She kicked her shoes off and shuffled underneath the covers to get comfortable. Sighing, she forced her eyes closed to get some rest. She should rest after all, the weekends almost done and they have more fights along this week until the next weekend. The thought made her inwardly groan, she didnt like routine but at least it wasnt waitressing at a restaurant for stuck up people, or working at a shop. It could be worse, honestly.

"I really need a distraction" she mumbled aloud, to no one in particular and to herself all at once. Maybe her prayers could be answered, or maybe not. Closing her eyes she just went to her thoughts again, maybe it would soother her worries and lull her to sleep.

She thought of training again, techniques she could work on, boring things generally. She thought of Engineer, some points they could talk about in their next meeting so its not too awkward and tense, maybe it could work.. maybe. Her thoughts shifted around to a dozen things, then poked into something they shouldnt have.

That night.

Annie remembered the screams of the Blu scout being tortured for sneaking in. Granted, it satisfied her to an extent that he was getting what he deserved her calling her names and sneaking into her room. But only to an extent.. beyond that was kind of sickly to think about. The boy didnt look past their scouts age, maybe around 23? Or younger.. the thought crossed her mind but was immediately banished.. They wouldnt hurt a kid.. would they?

More bad thoughts spilled into her mind. Ones where she was being abused by the government behind closed doors just for merely not giving them the satisfaction of being a weapon.

'I was a kid, stolen from BEING a kid.... growing up too fast i guess'

She shook her head, trying to wipe all of that away. She hated thinking about it, not that it made her upset, it just, scared her. She hated being reminded of being branded, poked and prodded at such a tiny age. Being given up, being abused medically. Being trained to fight even when her body couldnt keep up and she collapsed from exhaustion. That wasnt tolerated..

She was forced to go on and on, like a work horse, only at 12 or maybe younger. Sure, sometimes she made friends but it was unlikely. Mainly her friends consisted of doctors who finally saw her as a girl, and not a machine or freak of nature. Being outcasted numbed her to rejection and intolerance of her being. She didnt care, but at the same time, screamed at herself for being a shell of a human.


The word was foreign on her tongue. She wasnt a human, never was one. Being trained as a soldier for war, and being talked to like a soldier, a replaceable, yet the most precious one in the world. Her life was contradictory, confusing, and angering. She scrunched her brow together in annoyance, she wanted to go to sleep, not dwell on past reflection like she was at fucking therapy. Maybe she needed some therapy.. Who knows, maybe her life wouldnt be as fucked up as it is now.

She turned over and blinked a few times before finally shutting her eyes, blocking out thoughts and finally drifting to sleep.

Hours had passed until she had a knock on her door. Soft, yet stern, important. Asleep, Annie didnt hear it, until it sounded again, louder. Jolting, she shot her eyes open, her heart thundering. She was confused and sort of dazed, half asleep she stepped out of bed and made her way to the door. Closing the distance between the bed and the door, she opened it.

God. Why did it have to be him..?

word count- 752
dont forget to vote! also tee hee left you on a cliff hanger ;)

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