Well, Thats Awkward

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Sniper left the room, and clicked the door behind him. Annie buried her face in her hands and sighed shakily. Why does this have to be so difficult- she groaned.

Wiping away tears that barely had time to escape her eyes she stood up from her chair and shook herself internally.

I need to fix this

(time skip)

Evening befell the base and soon the sun began to set. Dinner was served out by engineer, who made pot roast and spinach with bacon in it. The smell was lovely and the boys and Annie ate up, stuffing their faces full. After dinner, Demo took the liberty of washing dishes, scrubbing away while muttering to himself about the grime on the plates.

Annie put her plate in the sink and watched the engineer grab a beer from the fridge then head out of the kitchen. Annie stalked him through the hallway at a distance, walking softly as to not bring attention that she was following him. He stopped and unlocked his door and went inside, but before closing the door, Annie leapt forward and stuck her foot in the doorframe.

This startled the man and he jolted, whipping around then stopped, taking in the small frame of Annie. Sighing loudly he chuckled, "Jesus girl you scared the shit outta me"

Annie sheepishly pulled her foot out of the door and smiled awkwardly, "Sorry, i just uh.. wanted to talk to you. It's important" she said the last part sternly, trying to get her message across.

"Uh.. ok?" the texan replied awkwardly, then opened the door for her to enter, stepping aside. She entered his room and took in the sites. The room was smaller than she imagined, and was filled with a simple queen sized bed in front of them, two shelves to the right of the door, filled with books, and the other was filled with tools, all labeled and stored away snugly. A desk was in the room and had blue prints sprawled around it, all labeled and marked either with pen or red marker. Small machines littered the room, finished and unfinished. Parts and pieces scattered the desk, bolts, nuts, screws, and wires cluttered the desk along with the blue prints. On the other side of the room and Grandfather clock stood tall and a orange recliner next to it. The clock ticked at a steady pace, flashing the time, 7:30.

The engineer moved some wires and set the beer down on the desk, and pulled a chair for him to sit on. Annie took her spot in the recliner, she coiled her hands together and awkwardly fiddled with her fingers. Engie cleared his throat and waved his hand in a circular motion, trying to get the conversation started.

"What's the issue you need to discuss?"

"Ok, so.. uh, well" Annie blubbered, shaking her head she exhaled sharply, slapping herself mentally. She made eye contact with the texan, and tears flooded to her eyes.

"I-Im sorry, i just wanted to tell you that Sniper came and talked to me, and he wanted us to.... make up and talk to one another." she mumbled.

Engie sighed, he took of his hat and goggles, and laid them down on the desk. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, which surprised Annie. He blinked hard and shook his head softly, letting his hair relax.

"He, uh.." he scratched his beard, "he talked to me too, and he suggested we needed to have a sit down and clear the air around us. And i mean, he is right but, i'll be cooperative only if you are, you know?" he laughed awkwardly and smiled.

Annie nodded, her eyes glued to the floor, this is gonna be harder than she imagined.

"I'm sorry, for everything," she whispered, looking up at the man, tears threatening to spill from her blue eyes.

"Don't be" he said gruffly, "it's my fault that this whole thing has turned into a shit show" he laughed sadly.

"It's my fault for trying to step on your toes, when i've should've given you space, to be fair"

"True," he muttered.

A long pause was in place, the two either looked around the room, engie cleared his throat and took a sip from the beer bottle and Annie, again, glued her eyes to her feet.

"What.. was he like?" Annie asked, hopeful that this conversation could be saved.

Engineer smiled at the thought of the old Pyro. He sat up in his chair and clasped his hands together, smiling warmly.

"He was odd, you could say. The little thing wouldn't remove his mask, even to eat." he chuckled, "he would drag either scout or me around to show us things he made, drawings or whatever could be lit on fire. He was terrifying in battle, the other team was scared of them and would scream like little girls if they saw him," he laughed heartily, a sad smile hung on his face.

"He seemed nice" Annie awkwardly tried to reassure him, sighing.

"Yeah," engie stopped and looked upwards, trying to blink the tears away. "He was"

A pause stopped both of them from talking, and they both sat in silence. Engie cleared his throat softly and looked up at Annie, who snapped her eyes at him, staring at each other.

"Is Spy-"

"No" she blurted out, then stopped, a red tint on her face, she cleared her throat, "No, he's not.. anything like that" she mumbled, folding her hands together.

The engineer nodded silently, lost in thought, he took another swig from his drink. Annie thought of Spy to her self. Sure, he was attractive, but that doesn't mean she's head over heels for him. He's rude to the rest of the team, and he's been cold to her, he even dragged her around after her surgery on her first night here.

"It's getting late," Annie mumbled, standing, and almost tripping over her shoes. The engineer said nothing but nodded, his eyes dragged up to hers, "let's continue this another time?"

"Sure" she smiled softly. Making her way out of the room she clicked the door behind her. Walking down the hall she made it to her door. Unlocking it she made her way inside until she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey engi- Oh, hey Spy" she said cooly. "What do you want?"

"What we're you doing coming out of the laborers room?" he queried, his eyes staring into hers.

"We just talked, that's all, Sniper wanted us to clear the air, so we're both making an effort to do so, now please, let me go" she begged pitifully. She was exhausted, and just wanted to go to sleep.

He let her go and said nothing as he left, Annie ignored his odd behavior and went to the bathroom to wash her face. Afterwards she undressed and slipped into bed, and soon succumbed to slumber.

word count: 1161

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