Fire in the Soul

236 15 4

[answering may be sketchy, i recently contracted Covid, ill be fine]

Annie was the furthest thing from tired. Waiting until she heard the soft snores from the frenchman, she lifted herself up slowly. Careful not to make any noise, she slowly pulled off the covers, pausing in between to make sure she wasnt too loud. After the covers were off she paused, she felt bad for doing this. Sure, she wasnt going to leave. But she needed a break.

She quietly put her shoes on, and stood up, slowly easing one foot at a time onto the floor. She quietly snuck over to Spy, seeing him sleeping soundly warmed her heart, since it was the only time he wasn't a pain in the ass. She whispered an apology, and made her way out of the room. Carefully shutting the door behind her, she crept like a mouse to her room. Once she unlocked and entered her room successfully, she grabbed her jacket.

Throwing on her wind-breaker she exited the room again, peeking her head out, she heard silence. Sneaking out, she locked the door, putting the key away she made her way through the kitchen to outside. Annie crossed by the training area, went behind the giant metal building and made her way to the desert.

After walking for like 10 minutes, she still saw the base in her vision. She figured this was far enough. Taking her jacket off she threw it onto the ground, then turned and lifted her hands to the cold, endless night sky. Fire beautifully erupted from her hands, the orange embers flying towards the stars. She played with the fire, turning it into lines and spiraling it lazily around her. She made the rings spin around her, like a hawk circling its prey. Moving the fire around her waist, down to her legs, then shooting it upwards. It exploded into a crackle of sparks and embers, showering her.

Annie giggled, she genuinely couldnt remember the last time she had used her fire for fun. Much less for entertainment. She stopped smiling then stared into the ground. Not speaking for some time she sunk into the dirt, restless but exhausted at the same time.

"Perfect... just a perfect day, with a perfect life, and a PERFECT FUCKING FAMILY OF LUNATICS" she screamed angrily, tears rolling down her face and she sniffled and hiccuped.

Smoke lazily rolled off her shoulders and ran into the cold desert wind, twisting and winding like water in a rivers current. It became darker and she cried softly, the smoke pouring off of her shoulders and back, pooling around the young girls feet.

Annie looked up softly and saw what she was doing, "not again" she groaned and wiped her eyes, clearing her throat she crossed her legs and huffed.

Opening her hand she shot her hand out in front of her and engulfed her hand in flames.

"i hate you" she whispered furiously, staring coldly at the flames.

"i hate you... i hate you" she stood up, still staring at her hand and smoke reappeared, flowing off her shoulders.

"i hate you.. i hate you.. i HATE YOU" she screamed.

Flames engulfed her and she cried, a horrible wail escaped her throat. All she wanted to do was cry, cry and scream. She hated the engineer, she hated this place, she hated him, she hated the other spy, she hated everything about this situation.

She wanted to disappear, to sink into the ground and never come back up. Annie was exhausted, tired from the spy episode, tired of engies back and forth attitude, tired of existing. She sunk onto her knees and bawled, arms hanging limply down her body and she cried, orange and gold flames trickling off of her body.

Soon she stopped crying, and sat there quietly. Not moving she didn't know what to do next. An owl hooted in the distance, and she smiled pitifully.

"hoo..." she whispered, mimicking the owl softly. A small giggle escaped her throat, and Annie sat there tiredly. She laid down onto the soft, cold, dirt and closed her eyes. Whisps of smoke blew off her body and into the air.

Minutes later, she opened her eyes again, then sat up. She held her hands out and fire softly flew out of them. She brought an owl to life and made it fly around her. Annie smiled and quickly vanquished the owl, scared of being seen. A moment passed, she shifted the fire into two foxes.

They skittered around, apparently unaware of their creator. Softly barking and squawking as the smaller of the foxes tackled the other. They blew through Annie and tussled behind her. Soon they got bored and chased each other around, circling the girl.

She quenched the fire, then made another animal.

Ducks. They waddled around in a chubby fashion and quacked amongst themselves quietly. They circles around Annie once then softly dissolved into sparks into the night.

Annie sniffled and stood up, clenching her jacket. She turned towards the building and and looked at the pale lights shining from the windows, someone must be looking for her now. Spy would've woken up and must've looked for her around the base.

She grew increasingly anxious at the thought the whole team having to put on a search party for her. Only when she just arrived. She clenched her jacket tighter then furiously shook her head.

"Let them" she whispered, "Let them look, i don't care anymore" pitifully she kicked the dirt underneath her.

word count: 934

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