A Weird Way to Propose but Yes..

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The two said their goodbyes then Annie left his room, quietly making her way back to her own. She passed Demo in the hallway but the two said nothing to each other and they went back to their respective spaces, making the hallway silent again. As she opened the door she sighed heavily, taking in the wave of emotions crashing down on her like a storm brewing.

Kicking her shoes off, Annie settled down on her bed and clasped her hands together, deep in thought..

'I really dont think its a good idea to go out this late, especially to a place that sells alcohol. God, i cant even remember the last time i had booze... Its been about three years..' she sighed heavily, speaking quietly to herself in case 'someone' could hear her.

Minutes passed, and she still couldn't make her mind up. The silent chirping of crickets outside along with the droning ticking of the clock upstairs put how alone she was with her thoughts put into perspective. looking at the time, it was already almost 9, and they had to go back to their normal schedule the next day so she couldnt be out long.

Before her thoughts got into a tangent again, it was cut abruptly by a swift knock on the door..

'Shit..' she begrudgingly got up, and dragged her feet to the door before unlocking and opening it. It was Spy. He stood there awkwardly but he was presentable as usual. Annie couldn't read his emotions, not a surprise, but he was.... 'fancier' than normal. He surprisingly wasn't dressed head to toe in red, but instead wore a black button up, with navy blue jeans.

Annie smiled softly, then dropped it almost immediately after realizing she wasted her entire time to get ready contemplating if she should even go in general. Too late to walk out now.. Spy noticed she wasn't ready and pinched his brow together, obviously confused.

Annie picked the glance up and sighed, 'sorry, i really didn't know if i wanted to go..'

Spy didnt say anything except tilt his head to the side then stepped into the room. He gently closed the door behind him and locked it.

'I get it, but you need to relax, stop moping and get out of this room for a while.' he commented, his voice unsurprisingly blunt but that hint of compassion wavered slightly, he sounded annoyed. Annie scrunched her face and went back to her bed, plopping down.

'I know, i just don't think it's a good idea since we have to go fight tomorrow.' she admitted, looking embarrassed.

Spy snorted and crossed his arms, 'please, they won't care if your a little hungover, look at the demoman, he's practically drunk constantly and no one bats an eye, and besides...' he leaned down to her level, 'you could use a relaxer' he smirked softly, giving her a soft pat on the shoulder.

Annie rolled her eyes lightheartedly at the demo comment, but silently did agree to the second point, she could use a break from all the stupid shit in the last week, and besides, what would a drink hurt? She made her mind up, but, only for a few hours though..

After a moment of silence she spoke, making eye contact, 'Sure, but only for a bit.'

That response seemed to put Spy in a better mood, now that they were on the same page. He offered a hand up to help her, to which she took.

'Alright, get dressed, i'll wait outside.' he remarked then left, closing the door behind him, leaving her alone once more. Annie dug through her dresser and pulled black jeans out and dug for a top. Deciding on a warm orange bell sleeve blouse, she changed. The black jeans complemented the warm colors of the top, along with the dip in the front of the blouse, to give maturity, she thought. Tying her sneakers together, she pulled her hair up in a bun (classic i know) and left some strands hanging. Grabbing any necessities, she walked towards the door and met Spy outside.

The hallway was dark but Annie quickly locked her door and the two walked quietly along the hallway towards the exit. Passing the common area, Scout was awake eating cereal and watching TV, seeing the two he glanced at their clothes and a skeptical frown pinched his face.

'Where are ya going?' he commented, mid chew before clanking the spoon in the half empty bowl.

'Out' was all Spy said, and even though Annie couldn't see it, the look the older gentleman gave Scout made him tug an eyebrow up but not question anything anymore. The two walked awkwardly through the living room and closed the door behind them, walking down the stretch of hallway to the garage.

'That was awkward' Annie groaned, throwing a hand into her face, scolding herself for even agreeing to this stupid idea in the first place.

'Oh please, you'll be fine' Spy scoffed, rolling his eyes underneath his mask.

He didn't care if Scout snitched to everyone, he knew he could persuade Scout to not say anything before he would blab, and he also knew Annie wouldn't find him creepy anyways, so what's the harm of going out for food and drinks as coworkers.... or even as friends... right?

Spy put the pin in rusty door to open the garage, a sharp beeping unlocked the door, and they stepped in, Annie closing the door behind the two of them. Spy unlocked his car, it was a 1965 Jaguar, which of course, was red. (lol) Spy stepped in and roared the engine to life, before getting out and helping Annie inside. The door clicked closed, then Annie sat silently as Spy climbed in, then began putting the car in reverse.

'You don't have to sit there as if i kidnapped you' Spy suddenly snarked, sarcastically but true. Annie was indeed sitting there like a petrified animal, still unsure if she made the right choice.

She turned to Spy and looked quite upset.

'I don't know what to do okay!? I haven't been out in public in YEARS, and suddenly you're gonna invite me to drinks and food without a second glance? Its normals to you, but i haven't even touched alcohol in like.. three YEARS.. i'm scared i'm gonna fuck up and light the entire place on fire.' she whined pathetically. Sure, it was a good reason for her to be nervous, but it made Spy more irritated.

'I'll keep an eye on you' he rolled his eyes, then turned out of the bases driveway and onto the highway. The light of the car light up the cab and he finally got a good look at her attire, and damn. He didn't realize she could genuinely clean up well, even for acting like a hot mess all the time..

Immediately snatching his eyes to the road he sighed, 'I get it, i'm a private drinker and do actually have an idea of being a 'private' person, you realize that, yes?' he replied dryly. Annie just huffed and crossed her arms, leaning back in the seat and trying to calm down so she wouldn't smoke the car up.

This is gonna be aggravating, she could tell...

word count: 1219
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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