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The man stumbled closer, clutching the wound on his arm. Limping forward, he clutched the knife hard, the whites on his knuckles possibly helping him deal with the pain. "Medic" lunged forward, a snarl on his face. Lunging for Annie, she instinctively brought her hands up to protect her, a coldness in her gaze.

Dodging his swipe with the knife, which would have hooked her in the cheek, she stepped left. The man suddenly stopped mid-way through his attack. Stomping his foot down he counterattacked. Widening her eyes, Annie didn't dodge and the knife caught her in the front of her neck,
slicing the skin. Gasping and blood pooling down her shirt, she slapped her hands onto her neck and gagged, backing away.

A shot rang out, and Annie whipped towards Spy, who brandished a revolver, and shot medic in the chest. He slumped to the ground and coughed, blood seeping onto the ground and he grew still.

Annie, with a new founded rage, walked over and stepped on his head. Pressing down slightly, the man cried out in a slow anguished groan.

"Who are you!?" Annie screeched, tired of fighting, and scared of what happened to the real Medic. As the man didnt answer, wisps of smoke faded of the bloodied man. Slowly, and lazily at first, then heavily. The smoke billowing off of the man. Within the smoke, a new form was found, of smaller, lanky man. Dressed in blue. As the smoke had cleared some, the mans features were present. One who eerily dressed like Spy. Only in blue.

Annie, releasing her foot from the man, looked at him, then looked at Spy. Who the whole time, was standing still. Watching the entire fight, not saying a word. Annie motioned toward the unconscious Spy quickly, and quite boldly.

"Who the hell is this!? Why does he look like you!?" she yelled pretty frantically, trying to make sense of everything. Spy didnt say a word, only to approach the unconscious or dead man, and kick away his knife. Reaching into the other Spys wrist, he slid off his watch, and threw it onto the ground, then crushed it. Sparks flew and small bits of smoke erupted out of it, surprising Annie. Spy glared at the man lying on the floor, scowling, he turned to Annie.

"A Spy" he spat, "A blue spy, from the other team. We have two teams, red, and blue. You, are our red Pyro. This, creature," he paused, "Sneaks around like a mangy dog, and spies on people, assuming their identities, and passes as them. I, can do the same, but at least i dont sneak around in others homes and snoop around like a misbehaved child." he snarled.

Annie nodded, trying to take in the situations.

Two Spies? she panicked, Are there two of everyone!? Are they the same too?

Upon further glance, she realized the Blue Spy was different, he was whiter, no stubble, and a streak of brown hair from under his royal blue mask, and didnt smell of smoke, more of coffee. Backing off she glanced at Spy and then looked away.

The double doors suddenly bursted open, Scout, Soldier, and Demoman ran in. Guns-a-blazing, Soldier screaming and carrying an RPG, Scout carrying a silver metal bat, while Demoman, being Demoman, held a whiskey bottle and a grenade, yelling along with everyone else.

Annie waved her hands in the air, trying to defuse the men, "Wait wait wait!! Its all good guys- i, uh, WE handled it," she motioned towards the bloodied, unconscious body. The guys looked at her, then the body. Demoman flung his hand behind him "Bah! Good luck to you bloody bastards."

And with that, he left, swigging his drink, the double doors closing slowly behind him.

Soldier saluted, and then stepped closer to further examine the now dead body. Kicking it slightly, he grinned.

"Good job Pyro! Your first serious battle!" he yelled, "The blue team has pansies as soldiers" he mocked, flipping the dead man off, he smiled some more them left.

Scout, not as excited as the other men, threw his bat down in disappointment, "Ahh dammit! I wanted to murder some Spies, its not fair" he whined, like a child, who was unable to get what they wanted.

Annie rolled her eyes, looking down at her own attire, she saw the bloodied mess on her clothes, shoes, and hands. Looking at the body, she glanced at him. Staring, taking in the mans features, for not 10 minutes ago the same man was trying to kill her viciously.

Spy waved Scout off, and told him to call in a "green light", probably signaling everything's alright. And with that, the boy left. He walked up to Annie, and put his hand on her shoulder, shaking her lightly, who seemingly stared off into nothingness. As he he touched her, she snapped out of it.

"Medic!! Wheres Medic!?" she turned around quickly, and stared at Spy. Before he had a chance to answer, he was interrupted again. "Spy did anyone call in that they found Medic?" she said again, more forcibly, worry laced her voice. Spy shook his head, he leaned down and smiled warmly.

"Don't lose your temper, he will be found, those idiots will take forever anyways, so we might as well go find him" he stated, trying to hide his own worry, and trying to give the girl some confidence that the doctor is alive.

"Ok," she stated, more confidently than earlier, "Lets go look for Medic."

word count: 938

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