The Encounter

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Buzzing. All i heard was buzzing, the last thing i remember before passing out was Medic singing softly, and holding my hand. I bolt upright, "HOLDING MY HAND!? What the hell Annie..."

Annie sat up, chest sore from the surgery, a perfectly stitched scar going from between her breasts to just above her belly button. There was a large machine, slightly looking like a cartoonish "death ray", with red mist lazily spewing out, reaching Annie. Still sleepy from the anesthetic, she blinked, yawned, then sleepily looked around the room.

Its night? she wondered, not seeing the Medic she feared to call out for him, possible disturbing his work or slumber. Annie looked down, and seeing she was bare chested, her face went a dark crimson and covered herself with the medical table blanket.

At least i have my fucking pants on, she groaned.

The metal door behind her swung open, Medic talking cheerfully with Spy. Having their heads wrapped around a famous writer they both took interest in. Annies eyes went wide as Medic rounded the table, setting something down, and seeing her sit up, glanced over.

His eyes widened, and a slight flush colored his cheeks, "Ah! Mein Liebste (my dear)! Youre awake!" he smiled, setting the things on the tray aside, he turned and spoke to Spy, who was on the other side of the curtain separating the medical table.

"My friend, could you give me a moment, i need to help bandage and dress her" he stated, looking at the frenchman.

Assuming the other man nodded, given no reply was heard, footsteps retreated and quietly closed the double metal doors. The smoky smell of his cigarette went with him. The medic dried his hands and smiled at the girl. Noticing she was still half bare, he quickly turned and found her shirt, handing it to her, he chuckled softly.

Standing beside her, he took the IV out, and turned off the anesthetic. He turned, giving her time change. Gathering the hint, Annie quickly changed.

"A-Alright im finished.." she replied sheepishly, her face still red.

The doctor smiled at her reaction, "Its alright, im a doctor, and i study the body, all biology to me, i would never violate a patient under anesthesia. Completely unethical, and cruel." he explained, trying to make her feel better.

Turning, he grabbed the chart sitting on the counter next to the sink, and grabbed a tray along with it. On said tray, was some Ace-Bandages, a syringe, and some container filled with red and white pills. He set the tray down on the bed, and grabbed the syringe, softly pulling her sleeve up of her red t-shirt, Annie flinched.

"No no no, its not bad, only antibiotic for the pain, since your off the anesthesia, and im taking my Med-Gun down," he motioned at the so called "death-ray", "the pain will return, this, will take care of it, promise." he smiled warmly.

Giving her the shot, and a band-aid after, he smiled, "See? Not too bad."

Annie rubbed her arm, and looking back up the doctor was again flipping through her chart, and scribbled something on the paper. With that, he flapped the documents shut, grabbed the bandages, and asked Annie to lie flat, wanting to wrap her, so she wouldnt bleed if the stitches tore.

After the whole "after-care" from the surgery, he asked her gently to stand, to make sure its not too painful. Standing for the first time in hours, and after extensive surgery, her legs wobbled, and nearly fell. The doctor grabbed her waist and arm, steadying the girl. Her face went red, hating having help, and being embarrassed of the doctors hands around her. She clenched her hands, and fumbled with her shirt, balling it up. She put on foot under the other, and stood. Holding her balance for a decent bit, she tried to step forward, the calloused hands of the Medic still latched onto her. She slightly tumbled forward, her legs "waking up" with each step she took. Finally after shuffling around the room, to walking pretty normally.

The doctor let go, patting her lower back, "Well done! Now you can run a marathon!" he laughed, lighting the mood. Annie giggled back, smiling at the man whos been so kind to her all this time.

"Not to be a 'bringer of bad news'," she stated, "but i have some questions.."

The doctor leaned back on a filing cabinet, crossing his arms, he nodded, giving her notion to continue.

Annie was silent, sighed, then continued, "How long was i under? Where is everyone? What am i going to do now? Youre not going to kick me out are you!? I dont-" she got interrupted by the doctor raising his hand, shushing her.

"Do not panic Ms. Schlyter, nothing is going to happen to you, i wouldnt have done the surgery if we were going to fire you," he laughed softly, "You were under 6 hours, my fastest surgery with the team," he beamed proudly, "And as for your gift.." he paused, his joyful emotion dropping, "we have two options. One, we tell the team, whether they believe or not theyll know, and have their own opinion about you, and sometimes.." he sighed, "thats all it takes for them to dislike you because of it." he raised two fingers, "Option two. We keep this to ourselves. Not, and i repeat not for the fact some might see it as unnatural. For the fact of staying on this team and getting along with everyone."

Annie stayed silent, thinking heavily on her options, her face dark.

"And i would not know what to say either, i do not have such a gift as yours, whether you label a gift or curse, its yours. And you do with it as you wish.." he sighed, rubbing his temples.

Annie spoke up, with little emotion on her face, "ill keep it hidden, and youre right, its better to keep it hidden and figure out everyones opinion on the matter before speaking." she smiled softly, continuing, "i want to tell one other person though, if thats alright.." she looked up hopefully.

Medic raised his brow, looking at her surprised.

"Medic.. i want to tell Spy"

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word count: 1071

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