The Dance of Fire

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"What?!" Medic whisper-shouted, concern in his eyes.

Spy quickly shushed him, glaring at him for being loud.

"Sorry, sorry," Medic apologized, sighing he stood up. He arched his back and stretched, trying to drive away the exhaustion.

"She was staying with me and before i-" Spy tried to explain, before he was interrupted by a furious glare from the doctor. Spy scowled back, "Listen, we are not doing this now. Quit acting like a child and listen to me." he snapped, his anger rising.

"The only reason she was with me, was because she and the engineer had yet another fight." he sighed, irritated. "She slept on my bed for christs sake" he growled.

Medic was quiet, not responding to his comment, "So where did she go? And how did she get past you?" he scowled.

"I dont know-" He snarked angrily, his face turning red, embarrassed that a 'silly girl' could sneak past him.

"I checked her room to see if she went back there, she wasnt, so im out of options." Spy said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Well, since she got past you" Medic said cooly, "We need to find her, our first fight since shes been here begins tomorrow, she cant miss out." he said matter-of-factly.

Spy nodded, trying his hardest to not snap at the doctor, who was as exhausted as he was. Medic flung on a coat, knowing the desert was terribly cold at night. Leaving the lab, they quietly and quickly made there way around the base. Checking the garage, kitchen, and the main bathrooms the guys used. They were at loss for where she went.

"How could she literally disappear?" Spy snapped, craving the warmth of his room. The two men shuffled out of the back doors, making their last rounds to the training area. Thanking themselves internally, they hoped she would be in here. The loud creaking of the two doors rang out loudly in the empty training room. Sighing, Medic softly called out for Annie, desperate to finding the girl. As no one answered, they both shared a worry some expression. Spy lit a cigarette to calm his nerves, while Medic was practically tearing his hair out. Spy walked over to him and gently slapped the back of his head, shaking his own.

Retreating from the training area they were stumped as to where they would look next. Fearing the worst they silently decided to continue their search tomorrow, when it was lighter and much warmer. As the men exited the metal building, they started to make their way back to the main buildings. Medic kept walking as he didnt notice Spy suddenly stop. Confused, he felt Spys hand tug his coat back.

Turning around, Medic glared at Spy, "What is it-"

He had his answer, both men were staring at a flicker of light. Not even light. Fire. Annies fire. They quickly looked at each other, then back at the fire. Both sighing of relief, Medic started to make his way over there. But was blocked by Spys arm.

"What now?" Medic snarked, irritated.

Spy said nothing, only brought a slender finger to his lips, shushing Medic. They silently watched the fire, growing bigger. It twirled and spun like it had a mind of its own. Whipping around in a golden streak, they could make out Annie. She stood up and seemed stiller than stone, her arms gracefully moving around and controlling the heat.

Not caring for the cold anymore they silently watched on, Medic put his hands in his pockets, while Spy, never took his eyes off of her.

They watched as Annie silently manipulate the flames, seeing her orange fire grow bigger, embers flying into the night sky. Balls of fire traveled along side Annies waist, slowly dancing to their own rhythm. Smoke billowing off of her shoulders, sparks and embers dancing from her feet.

The two men watched as her fire burned a beautiful orange, orange like the sunset, flames dancing beautifully from her. They stepped closer and soon where 10 yards away. She didn't seem to notice and seemed as if she wasn't impressed with her fire either, the fire was pulsing, a flickering, and strong flame, never to be put out. Hands outstretched towards the night sky. She shot it upwards and it crackled and gently showered her body in embers. Both Medic and Spy could hear the crackle of her flames, fighting against the cold air. More and more embers and sparks flowered out of her hair and limbs, like she was made of ash, being blown away in the wind.

She was completely aflame now, orange and crimson fire pouring out of her, growing eagerly, as if she were made of cotton. Soon, she was creating shapes and flowing patterns with the heat. Like a thousand fireflies were dancing around, spinning and turning.

The men watched in awe, onlooking as the sparks contorted their way upward, lighting the air a cool yellow as they traveled. As if the swarm had a face, it turned toward the men, and swooped down. Lazily but quickly weaving through both of them. It felt like something out of a fairy-tail. They were dazzled at the scene, the embers continued on their journey, weaving aimlessly around, like a fish swimming in a river.

Then, they pursued a shape, they soon morphed into a deer. A strong and sturdy buck, leaping around, in a happy frenzy, skipping and leaping along the frigid night air. The two men watched, frozen in place, like children watching a firework show.

Flowing through them, the guys felt the warmth of the fire, crackling and sparking along. The sparks slowly dissolved, leaving Annie its stance. She stood their happily, smiling broadly and warmly. Her hair and skin still sparking, embers lazily flowing out. Her hair flowing outwards, the cold wind waving it around wildly. She flung her arms outwards, and curled a fist into the air, immediately quenching all fire around them.

She sighed heavily and clutched her hand to her chest. Turning, she didn't realize the men were there and yelled loudly.

Medic and Spy said nothing, their mouths slightly ajar. Clamping his mouth together, Spy shook his head, bewilderment dancing in his eyes.

"Je n'ai jamais rien vu de tel, comment, sur Terre, avez-vous fait ça?"
(I have never seen anything like that, how, on Earth, did you do that) He spoke, still amazed.

"English" Annie simply returned cooly.

"How on earth did you do that" Spy snapped back.

"Practice, it helps calm me down to just get every emotion out with it rather than built it up yknow?"

"Mein Schatz! Das war absolut unglaublich"
(My dear! that was absolutely incredible!) Medic finally remarked, fixing his glasses, chuckling.

Annie smiled awkwardly at the two, then locked eyes with Spy.

"Hey.. Im sorry for sneaking out on ya.." she said sheepishly, her face a dusty pink.

word count: 1178

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