Boss Battle

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The final fight drew near, victory was almost hers. Medic was checking everyone out for major injuries, to which he gave Spy a sorry look and an icepack for his nose. Coming over to Annie he smiled wide, "You have a decent chance of winning this, now, Heavy usually wins, its just because of his build. But i know you got this." he stated happily, he left, checking his clip board once more.

Annie smiled warmly, seeing the guys be impressed with her strength. Around 10 minutes have passed and she felt ready to go. Heavy was sitting down drinking water. Medic whistled for the last two to get into the ring. As she made her way into the ring, she heard compliments coming from the others, including Demoman, who was yelling quite loudly. Even Engie bid her a good fight.

Before the fight began she offered a fist-bump to Heavy.

"Good fight, yeah?" she said sweetly, trying to make sure it was a friendly match. Heavy smiled back and fist-bumped her.

"Will do Pryo" he said nicely.

As they both presumed their fighting stances, she noticed Heavy was left handed. Giving this a good opportunity to think, the whistle blew.

Annie concluded that because of Heavys weight and strength, he would only hit close range. She determined to hit and dodge would be her ultimate solution.

Heavy circled the girl, who kept a maintained eye on the Russian man. Without reaction he charged like a bull. Being bigger meant slower, she dodged and jumped on his back to give her more space between the two of them. Him falling slightly forward from the push, Annie rebounded.

Charging with the speed of a hare, she dodged his attempt to punch her in the left side of her head. She jumped high enough, bounced off his left arm, which was still extended, and butterfly kicked him in the side of the face with her right heel. A hollow sound was heard, a good sound to Annie. The man stumbled and fell, Annie landed on her feet, she backed up. As he recovered and stood back up, he charged again. Taking the same route he did at first Annie easily dodged. But to her surprise he changed his move. Mid-way through his left hook he planted his left foot and elbowed her in the face.

Falling backwards and rolling, she skidded like an animal on all fours. Almost being thrown out of the ring she glared at the man. Blood rushed from her nose, to which she thought was broken. Blood filled her mouth and nose, spitting blood and saliva, she hissed at the man who was grinning softly at her.

Charging with an intense speed she aimed right, before he hit back, she planted her right foot and leapt left. Grabbing his shoulder she hurtled behind him, and in mid-air kicked him in the back as hard as she could. Given her momentum, the man fell forward, smacking his face into the floor. Remarks were heard from the others, as never seeing the heavier man beaten down, even knocked down twice from someone.

Groaning, he recovered quicker than expected, charging again he almost hit her with an uppercut. Being furious she elbowed him back, sending blood exploding from his nose. Holding his face, he backed up instinctively, with this opportunity Annie charged again, dodging an attempted swipe, she leapt, kneeing Heavy in the process. Hurtling over his shoulder quickly, she grabbed his neck and kicked his back again. Flinging him onto the ground, she had him in a headlock. Her pounding head made her more angry, adrenaline fueling her rage.

Wisps of smoke were seen leaving her shoulder. Which caught the attention of Spy. He calmly walked over to Medic, pointed it out. His eyes widened, and calmly, but furiously whispered with Spy. Heavy still in a choke hold, Annie dug her elbow using to hold his throat into his shoulder.

"Do you yield?" she yelled, knowing he wasnt going anywhere. Not giving up, he attempted to swipe at her, she only dug her shoulder farther in. Crying out in pain, she spat blood again.

"Do you fucking yield Heavy?" she whispered annoyingly, she didnt know how long she could hold this massive man like this. Losing oxygen, Heavy's primitive instincts kicked in. He started thrashing about, like a fish out of water. Not letting go, she knew she had him trapped. His attempts to escape began to weaken, until he made no escape at all. Wheezing and his face a slight purple, she let go. He was out.

Medic blew the whistle while Annie stood up, wisps now turned into lines of smoke lazily drifting off her shoulders and hands. Medic rushed over to Heavy, whos was unconscious. Checking his pulse he gave the clear he was still alive, leaving everyone to stare at Annie, blood-soaked, sweaty, and angry.

Spy handed her another water, and whispered into her ear, "Calm yourself, smoke is coming off of you" he told her seriously.

Widening her eyes she snapped out of it, with adrenaline still fueling through her, she chugged the water. The smoke ceased, giving slight relief to Spy. The others rushed to her, congratulating her on her success.

"Holy shit!" Scout exclaimed, "No one has taken Heavy down in ages"

"Youre a good fighter mate" Sniper commented, patting her shoulder and smiling,

Demoman slurred his congrats, giving the guys and Annie a good laugh. Engie made his way up to her, patting her shoulder he smiled some, "Good fight there kiddo" he said softly.

Earning a warm feeling inside Annie she hugged Engie. He awkwardly stood there, not responding for a minute, eventually, he hugged back, patting her back.

Releasing herself, Annie turned to Medic, who was awaking him with smelling salts. The Russian coughed himself "alive" and groaned trying to sit up. Annie made her way over and crouched by Heavy. Putting her hand on his shoulder she smiled as he turned to look at her.

"You did a damn well good job there Heavy, great fight" she complimented.

He grunted in reply, "Little girl has strength like bear, and courage of strong men. You fought well, little Pyro" he replied, his accent loud and confident to Annie, making her feel strong and happy with the outcome.

Medic gave her a congratulating pat on the head, then slid his hand to her shoulder. Side hugging her he smiled warmly. Releasing her, she grabbed her water again. Pouring some into her hand, she washed her face, a slow, trickle of blood escaping her bruised nose.

"Alright friends, as Pyro is the acclaimed winner, no chores for a week for her. Now!" he clapped his hands together, helping Heavy stand up, "Lets get you all patched up and under the Med-Ray!" he exclaimed, bringing cheers and some pained groans from the team.

word count: 1168

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