To the Death

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(thank you guys for all the support :D )

"Mission starts in 60 seconds" the intercom croaked, an older woman spoke. Feeling clammy again she watched Sniper smile at her and stand up and take position by a huge metal door. Everyone was in gear soon and started to line up. Annie took her stance by Medic.

She softly grasped his sleeve, even through her mask he could tell she was worried. He smiled softly and gave her a quick thumbs up.

"Its alright my dear, everyones nervous their first day. Even on my first time doing this i was practically tearing my hair out" he smiled.

Demoman took another swig from his bottle and nodded, "Tis alright las! Everyone is a wee nervous their first fight, dont fret!" he exclaimed, making Annie feel a little better.

Sooner than Annie liked, a buzzer rang loudly. The loud creek of the metal door in front of her startled Annie. Practically on the verge of ditching everyone, Annie held her ground, breathing deeply to help her calm down.

Scout was the first out the door, whooping like a madman. Heavy yelled a battle-cry and was the next out. Engie slipped under Medic and made his way up a ramp towards the left of the arena. Beckoning for a dumbfounded Annie, she quickly rushed over.

Panting from the gear she and Engie made their way towards a secluded spot. Setting his toolbox down, Annie watched him set up a sentry. The machine buzzed to life, beeping softly as it turned in circles.

"Go ahead and check for Spies, kiddo" Engie spoke professionally.

Annies eyes widened, completely forgot her job. Aiming her hand 10 feet around them, she sprayed her fire. Nothing.

Internally grateful she propped her axe near her besides a wall. Hell, Engie brought a lawn chair. Snickering, Engie heard her and smiled himself.

Minutes ticked passed, the occasional Blue Scout was blown to bits by Engies sentry. Spy checks were normal, the blue bastard hasnt shown his snake face yet. Everything was quiet momentarily, which surprised Annie. But not thinking dwelling on topic for long she cleared her mind.

She soon heard a soft thud of footsteps around the bend of where the two were camped. Whipping around, she was face to face with Sniper. He was panting, his gun gone.

"Hey there sheila, mind if i stay a bit? My bloody nest was blown ta bits by that damn Demoman." he wheezed.

Annie narrowed her eyes, snatching her axe she charged at him. Last thing she saw was "Sniper" rolling his eyes before dodging. He uncloaked, leaving the Blue Spy before them. Annie rushed again, swinging left with her axe. He dodged again, but Annie bested him by planting her foot on his, resulting in him tripping. Before he hit the ground, she shoved him backwards, hard. Stumbling back he almost fell off of the ramp. Before he could charge, Annie kicked her foot out, kicking him square in the stomach.

Making a pained exhale, he fell off the ledge. Yelling on the way down. Hearing a thud, she looked over.

How the hell is he still alive, Annie groaned, rolling her eyes she shot him twice with her gun. She holstered her gun again, and turned to Engie. Not intervening, he stood there with his arms crossed, smiling.

"Good job kid! First kill today huh?" he exclaimed, nodding his head at her.

Proud, Annie whipped her mask off, and smiled, "Yep, first kill in my first figh-"

Darkness, just, literal inky black surrounding Annie.

What the fuck!? She thought furiously, she tried to scream but nothing came out. She was just talking to Engie before she heard a "bam!", it scared her, but where was she?

Soon she heard a faint beeping, and her inky void was soon turned into the locker room.

Did i fucking die? Annie heaved herself up, clutching her chest. Sighing, she checked her surroundings. She still had her gear, her mask was back on, her weapons were intact, but her head stung slightly.

"Fucking Sniper" she cursed, angry at being open for so long.

Not long after her respawning, Engie was right after her. He looked dumbfounded, glaring at Annie.

"Dammit kid, i thought you fell down the ramp too, so i went to check and the damn Sniper got me too" he chuckled, rolling his shoulders he tilted his head towards the ramp again.

"Lets pack it quick and move. Unspoken rule, never go back to the same place where a Sniper found ya, then youre just easy prey." he spoke matter-of-factly.

Annie nodded. Soon after she and Engie made a few kills, or, Engies sentry made the kills. Soon after the fight was done. Annie with a total of 6 kills. Mainly Blue Scouts or the occasional Spy, once was the Blu teams Heavy. Catching the Spy off guard at one point, he was set ablaze by Annie. Another was by the end of her gun.

The intercom croaked alive, signaling the end of the match. Patting Annies shoulder, Engie congratulated her.

"Good job there kid, we make a good team eh?" he smiled his flashy smile, Annie nodded back.

Being sweaty, covered in a smokey smell, blood, and dirt, she just wanted a shower. Sighing she helped Engie pack up, then making their way down the ramp to find the others. Scout waved dramatically, yelling congratulatory praises at the two. Not hearing him, Engie and Annie laughed.

Annie slipped her mask off, and slid the jumpsuit off her top half. Finally cooling off, she sighed. The wind felt nice, being finally out of the suit.

Medic jogged over with a smile on his face.

"Good job mein schatz (my dear)! I saw your scuffle with that snake of a Spy, well done." he cooed, patting her head.

Smiling Annie relayed the story of how the Blu Spy poorly imitated Sniper, who laughed at his terrible attempt.

"Bloody Spook doesnt know the first thing in impersonating someone" Sniper laughed, gathering chuckles and giggles from the others.

"Speaking of Spy, where is he?" Annie glanced around, not hearing him. Feeling a hand snake around the back of her neck, she knew who it was.

Not even turning around her elbowed Spy in the stomach. Uncloaking, he wheezed in pain, bending over. Snickering, Scout made a snarky comment. Annie giggled, and winked at the man who was still grabbing his stomach.

Todays fight was good, and she couldnt wait to do more with the guys.

interacting/voting would be nice :)
word count: 1103

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