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As Scout swung Annie easily dodged, telling the boy was going easy. Blocking another attempt to the head, she grew frustrated.

Is he really going soft on me!? she growled.

Punching him square in the nose, a "thock" sound was heard, gasps from the others arose, not thinking the girl would be so lethal, he stumbled back and fell. Angrily, Annie pulled the boy up to his feet, shoved him and raised her hands in a fighting stance again.

"Scout, quit the fucking play fighting, hit me" she snarled. Scouts eyes widened, then he smiled.

He dashed at her with an impressive speed, he swung at her with a right hook. Ducking, she swung back, hard. Landing right in his gut. The boy coughed, and angrily swung again, going left, then right. Annie ducked again, stepped back, and dodged. As he swung some more, she dodged some more.

The Boston boy growing impatient, he roundhouse kicked at her. Her eyes widened, then dodged. swing again and clipped him on the side of the head. Scout went to punch a right hook, to which Annie dodged back, and grabbed his arm. Slinging him over her shoulder she pinned him to the ground. She looked at the others, their eyes were widened, Engie had a wide grin on his face.

Her attention was brought back to Scout at he spat blood. Cursing, he swung at her with his free hand, catching her in the jaw. Squirming out of her grasp he backed up. Annie got up and spat blood out, growling she charged. Scout tried to uppercut her, she dodged. But as she dodged he turned and she saw his feet trying to sweep her legs. Falling back, she threw her foot out, kicking him harshly in the stomach. He fell to the ground with a strangled wheeze. Making sure he doesn't recover, she stood up and stomped on his chest, wheezing for air, she placed her foot on his chest and grabbed a fist full of his shirt. He glared at her, mad, and bloodied, but defeated. He raised his arms in defeat. Annie dropped her grip, and he fell back. Going to help him up, he grabbed her arm, putting his foot on her stomach he attempted to throw her over and behind him, behind the line.

In the air she grabbed his leg he used to throw her, pulling him towards her, she moved pulled herself toward the boy, before she hit the line she planted her feet on his back as he tumbled under her and flipped forward, skidding but still in the circle, she hissed at him.

"You ass" she snarled. Seeing she made the victory she smiled. Scout leaped up, going to attack again, but Medic blew the whistle and pointed at the line. Scout looking down, he frowned and growled, obviously not happy with losing to the new girl.

Annie smirked, "Still think you would kick my ass Scout" she teased.

The Boston boy flipped her off, turned and smirked back, "Yeah, but not in this round" he commented. Chugging water, Annie made her way out of the circle to stand with Spy.

As seeing Annie won her first fight in the training area, she felt pumped. Medic let them take a good break, offering light food and drinks. After that he paired up the teams again. Heavy went against Engie, then Spy against Annie. As poor Engie got beaten by Heavy, Annie waited patiently, her blood rushing from her fight with Scout.

As Heavy went to go sit by the sidelines, calming down and drinking water, Annie assumed, she and Spy were called next. Spy did nothing but glared at her coldly, and said nothing but stared at the girl. Her face scrunched up annoyingly, and she ignored him. Medic looked at Spy, then Annie. Medic then smirked at Annie, nodded slightly, then blew the whistle. Spy launched at Annie, acting like he was swinging for the left, he punched right. Barely having time to dodge, Annie ducked his weak attempt for a left, and grabbed his right fist before it hit her. Grabbing it firmly, she bent it backwards, making Spy naturally lean with his arm, she kicked his knees hard. He fell forward, to which she kneed him in the gut. Cheers were heard from the men, making Annie smile. Spy dropped to the ground, only to sweep her legs. She fell on her back with a groan, and Spy quickly on top of her. Holding her wrists down with one hand and the other ready to swing, he whispered.

"You may have beaten scout but you will not beat me girl" the frenchman whispered softly but angrily, quiet enough for only Annie to pick up. Scowling, she kneed him in the back hard, growling in pain, Spys face darkened. Slightly picking himself up to hit her, she took this opportunity to knee him in his pride.

He dropped immediately, groaning, she slithered out from under him, and kicking him in the ribs, rolling him onto his back. Grabbing his tie and keeping her foot on his crotch she got close to his face and whispered furiously.

"think again you fucking crouton" she hissed at him.

Medic blew the whistle, ending their match with Annie being the victor. Letting Spy go, she threw him to the ground. Hearing the others congratulating her on beating Spy, Sniper remarking hes a tough opponent, Annie thanked them.

Turning, she helped Spy off the ground, who at first refused it, but then she grabbed his hand anyway. He tried to shrug her off, but not quickly enough for she grabbed his tie again and brought her face to his.

"You fought well Spy" she said sweetly, "Youre a good opponent, dont take it too hard" she hissed with that she let go. Leaving the man to lick his wounds in peace.

dont forget to vote :')

word count: 994

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