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The hot water welcomed Annies skin happily, the steam floating away from the water softly as she moved around. She sighed softly as she slipped in, her joints aching and her face swollen from crying. She rested her head against the bathtub wall and closed her eyes. She soon succumbed to her thoughts..

Her emotions were still raw as her mind drifted from her prior conversation. She felt embarrassed having to lean on the older man like that.. was he even considered a friend at that point? Probably not..

They never even went anywhere together, hung out, spoke of anything other than just their job. It was like they were awkward acquaintances, nothing exciting.

Maybe she could ask him to go somewhere, hell it sounds like a pathetic excuse for a date..


The thought was quickly wiped away. Annie doesnt even know what she could possibly see in him. I mean sure he's nice to her but thats about it. They never even had a normal conversation until today.

'This is dumb.'

Annie swished around in the hot water, her legs floating softly above the bottom of the tub. She sat up and the water dripped off of her, she needed to think of a plan.

Maybe when she goes up to his room they could talk about something, maybe something normal? Maybe he's there to talk to her to 'man' up, or maybe hes there to make fun of her-


'He wouldnt do that?'

'Would he?'

With everything theyve had to deal with together and the closeness they have formed, annie pushed away the thought of him belittling her. Hes pointed out how to fight, what to expect, and even helped her through some shit, theres no way hes just gonna flip a switch back on..... right?

-half an hour later-

Her skin soon became wrinkle as she lay in the luke warm water. A bead of sweat rolled down her face and dripped onto her freckled shoulder. Her mind was at some peace at last, the warm water gently rocked around her body as she shifted, and the scent of the soap had filled the room, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere.

Annie sat up and reached her wrinkled fingers towards the drain to unplug it. As the bath made noise while draining the water out she stood up and reached for her towel. Wrapping it against her body she climbed out and looked at the cloudy mirror. Wiping her hand across it she saw her face, hair falling gently around her shoulders and wet strands sticking to her face. Her cheeks flushed and wet and her eyes relaxed. She was comfortable. Annie hadnt taken a bath in forever, and this was something she really needed, relaxation..

Soon drying off then reaching for the clothes on the counter. She pulled the shirt on then decided against the sweater, as she was hot. Slipping underwear then the sweats on she put some slides on she brought. Stretching, she walked out of the bathroom and flicked the light off.

Her blue eyes scanned the room, it was evening time and soon dinner should be ready. Deciding against eating she went to lay in bed for a moment, sitting down on the plush mattress she shifted her weight to get comfortable.

Time slowly passed as she sat on the bed. Becoming bored, she slowly made her way off the bed and soon out of her room.

Locking the door, she made her way down the hall towards the kitchen. Opening the double doors she stepped inside and tonight Heavy was cooking. From the smell and looks of it, it was a thick stew. His large figure stood over the stove, concentrating with glasses on while stirring the pot, muttering to himself in Russian.

Annie's eyes scanned the room as she sat down in the back of sitting area. Sniper wasnt in the room, Heavy cooking, and Scout still on the couch watching wrestling on the TV. Demo was sober, and was sitting reading a magazine about machinery and weapons. Next to him, was Engie, messing around with some worksheets and twiddling a pencil in his fingers. Annie heard Soldier coming down the hall beside her and soon entered the room, giving her a quick smile then going towards the couch, and started to converse with Scout. Medic was probably in his lab, and as for Spy, more and likely in his smoking room.


Annie mentally face-palmed herself.. She forgot to run by there. Maybe he wont be mad and she'll find him later.

Soon, dinner wrapped up as Heavy announced that his 'Solyanka' was ready. Soon bowls where dished out and the stew was served. Everyone sat in the tables, or on the couch, and began eating.

No one was really talking, except for Scout ranting to Soldier about wrestling.

"Its one of the manliest sport their is, boy" the older man replied, smiling widly underneath his helmet.

Scout just scooped food in his mouth and slid his blue eyes around the room, then flicking back to the bowl.

"Where is every'body?" he commented, eyeing the food as another mouthful plopped into his mouth.

Engie didnt answer, while Heavy shrugged. Everyone was pretty quiet tonight, with the occasional 'clinking' of spoons and bowls.

Soon the double doors opened and Sniper wandered in. He tipped his hat at the folks inside before scrunching an awkward smile. His boots stomped against the floor as he made his way to the counter and fixed himself a bowl before sitting next to Annie in the back.

Annie gave a soft glance of acknowledgement, and said nothing. Sniper glanced back at her and smiled, then spoke.

"Hows your day been, huh?" he said, his eyes peeking curiously over his sun glasses.

Annie smiled as she chewed then replied.

"Its been ok, i took your advice.. and its.. helped." she said, glancing at sniper then at the engineer, who was working on his papers between bites.

Snipper nodded then he gave a quick 'good' in response. Looks like everyone was just enjoying their peace tonight.

"Ready for tomorrow?" he spoke again, then finishing his bowl.

Annie shrugged, "I guess, not too excited" a small laugh came out of her throat, her mind wasnt really occupied with tomorrows fight.

Sniper gave her a small pat on her shoulder and softly shook it.

"Its alright, they get better" he responded then stood up, putting his bowl away then bidding a goodnight to the crew.

Scout soon left, then returned to the TV, Soldier soon put his bowl in the sink then asked if anyone wanted seconds, to which everyone declined, to which that he started packing the food up. Demo soon finished but then sat there still and continued in his magazine. Soldier took his and Engies bowl, who thanked him, and stacked them in the sink. Heavy soon finished, dropped his bowl off and bid goodnight and went to sleep.

Soon Annie was sitting there, with her head on her hands. She sighed then glanced her eyes at the clock.

'7:11  p. m.'

It was getting kind of late, and with the work tomorrow, she should get some rest. She internally reminded herself of her meetup with Spy and groaned inwardly. Yeah she said she would, but the question is does she WANT to. (lmao)

She sighed then got up, not speaking a word and soon leaving the room. Coming down the hall she made a stop in her room and changed. She picked out a graphic tee and some black sweats. Sliding her shoes back on she headed out of the room, and locked it.

Putting the key in her pocket she made her way down the hall to Spy's room, going to their little meetup, like she promised.

word count: 1315
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