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Annie assumed stance and stared at him pointedly, eager, no, hungry to win. She was hyped up, she had too much energy to spare, she needed to rid of the adrenaline. Planting her foot she dashed forward, heels clacking the ground. Aiming a strike against his right side, Spy dodged then slashed.

Dodge, swing, dodge, deter, STRIKE.


The rod struck into Spy's torso, the end stabbing into his suit. The breath knocked out of him and he gasped, only for no air to collect into his lungs. Regaining his posture he slashed at Annie, ducked her dodged and counter and slashed her right arm, cutting along her forearm. A line of blood appearing shortly after the cut.

Annie's nostrils flared, angrily she stepped and attacked. "Oh you fucking suck" she hissed, smoke coming out of her nose and mouth as she snorted like a horse, more pooling off her back and her hair sparkled embers. She rushed him again.

Swing, dodge, swing, swing.. attack.. attack.. kill.

Spy grew inconsistent with his attacks and counters, taking many blows to the chest and side. He grew impatient and stabbed forward, catching the pole with one hand and ducked under, going for an upper slash towards the girls chin. Annie's eyes widened, fucking snake, she gritted her teeth together and stepped back, barely missing the blade.

It sliced upwards, and she whipped the pole up and slammed it down, whacking Spy in the head. He collapsed, panting like an animal. The knife clattered on the floor, and Annie kicked it away from him and slammed the tip of the pole down beside his skull.

"Done?" a snarl came from her lips, smoke slithering off her shoulders and into the air, and her hair softly glowing with embers.

He said nothing but rolled his eyes. She backed off and helped him up. He grabbed her wrist before pulling her body to the ground and pinning her there. A startled look flashed across her face but was quickly replaced with malice.

"Snake" she growled, trying to control her reaction so she erupt into flames and burn the older mercenary.

"In war there is no fairness, you have to fight dirty, girl. The only time you back off is when they have a hole in their head." he gritted his teeth, whispering close to her face, his eyes searching hers, only to find anger in her eyes.

For a moment his expression softened, his brow pinched together as he thought about the girl underneath him, studying her face. The soft spread of her hair on the floor, a soft gloss of sweat on her forehead, her speckled face, and her blue and green eyes staring harshly into his. Her brow furrowed as she panted from exhaustion, the harsh rise of her chest against his, and the soft wriggle of her wrists under his hands. The man became flushed, and he darted his eyes away from her features and got off.

Standing quickly he shook his thoughts away and took out a cigarette to smoke, lit it and drew in a shaky breath. Exhaling, smoke flushed out of his nose and mouth.

'I wonder if it burns for her..'

Annie propped herself up on her elbows and stared at Spy.

'Dude, what the fuck.'

She sharply exhaled and blew smoke out of her mouth. Rolling her shoulders she leaned her head back, her throat exposed. Annie swallowed hard, trying to catch her breathe. She hadn't gotten into a fight that deeply since training. The government driven academy she was in wanted her to activate that type of animalistic fighting spirit in her every chance they got. She was a weapon for them, a tool.

Guilt streaked through her mind as she sat up and crossed her legs. "Hey, i'm.. sorry about that" she mumbled, fidgeting awkwardly.

"About what?" the older man commented but didn't look back at her.

"Fighting like that, i'm sorry if it was.. i guess, intense?" she tried to speak her mind but was hazed, her thoughts darting around like bugs caught in the trance of a light.

"Do not apologize for that, you must fight like your life is on the line during training so you can fight even harder during the real thing." he explained, drawing another breath and exhaling, smoke billowing up from his cigarette. He turned and gave her a nod, then vanished. The soft clacking of his shoes against the gym floor was heard until he met the double doors, then left.

Annie stood then stared at the doors silently, no thoughts coursing through her head, nothing. Just the eerie silence pouring it's way back into the gym. Birds softly chirping in the distance and the soft rattle of the glass from the wind pushing against it.

The silence became deafening once again.

word count: 814

sorry for the short chapter :')

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