Sleep is for the Weak

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(credit the art to pinterest!)

Annie was dragged into Spys room, and the door was kicked behind her. The room smelled of smoke, wood, and liquor. Expensive, liquor.

Spy dragged her to a leather chair and pushed her into it. Slamming his hands down on either side or her, making an escape impossible, he leaned in closely.

"Why are you persistent in waking everyone, and fighting with the laborer?" he growled, leaning in closer, their faces inches apart.

"I was being nice, then he snapped at me! I dont need to apologize to a child. Now, let me leave." She pushed him back, and tried to get up, only to be knocked down again. She turned to get back up, but since she was caught off guard, Spy took the opportunity to pin her down on the floor with his foot on her chest.

"You are not leaving, not until i know you wont be arguing with him." he said sternly.

"I wont, now jesus fuck get off." Annie whined, clearly exhausted with everyone, and wanted to sleep.

"I dont believe you that easily," he snorted sarcastically, standing up completely, he stood there, and lit a cigarette.

Annie didnt move, she just stared into the ceiling, tears fighting their way into her eyes. She wasnt going to cry, not in front of Spy. She draped her arm over her face, sniffled once. She felt a tear roll down her face.

Dammit, Annie cursed at herself for crying. She didnt want to have this, she didnt ask to be an outcast from her "family". She knew Spy was watching her, tears spilled over her eyes and onto the floor. She felt his eyes burning into her, which resulted in her face turning red because she was ashamed. At herself mostly, but also at Spy.

"Leave.. me alone" she answered pathetically, choking up on her words. She heard Spy sigh, she felt him step towards her and crouch down. He ran his fingers through her hair. The affection drove her to sobbing.

While she was sobbing, she started to hiccup, her eyes stung and she was exhausted. Spy stood there silently then moved his hand to her shoulder, shaking her lightly. She was whimpering at this point, her eyes burned, and her nose stung.

"Go back to your room" he whispered, slightly scolding her.

She didn't answered but sobbed instead, gulping for air she hiccuped more and cried loudly. Spy sighed heavily and stood again.

"You can't stay here" he exasperatedly said, swinging his arms out.

A small sound came out of her mouth, the softest 'please' Spy ever heard, and the saddest one he ever heard too. He looked at the girl, face wet with tears, red with shame and her chest heaving in sobs. His heart twanged only slightly, but in pity.

He inwardly growled but mumbled a 'fine'.

Annie looked up in shock, he'd actually let her? She smiled softly and barely chuckled, she was so exhausted she could care less.

"I'm sorr-"

"Don't. It's only tonight" he scolded

Pulling herself together Annie nodded, and stood up. She walked over to his bed and took her shoes off, and the bed itself was beautiful. It was a king sized bed, with velvet sheets, the oak wood headboard beautifully carved. A giant golden comforter, with beautiful cotton pillows. She felt even more embarrassed by getting this beautiful bed nasty. She slowly slid into the beautiful covers and quilts and snuggled in. Closing her eyes she softly sobbed and tried to go to sleep.

She felt Spy walk around the room, and sit on the opposite side of the bed. She felt him kick his shoes off, he stood up again. She heard him shuffle across the room. The springs of the leather chair squeaked again.

I feel fucking awful, i kicked this man out of this whole bed because i'm fucking crying.. pathetic.

Before Annie could say anything about her sleeping situation, as if Spy could read her mind, he spoke up.

"Before you say anything, i realize that i am sleeping on my chair. You may have my bed, for tonight only. Do not get cocky, girl. And no, i am not joining you," he said, sighing, he closed his eyes.

Oh, but Annie was the furthest thing from tired. Even though she was exhausted beyond belief, she just couldn't fall asleep.

word count: 745

also heres some inspo for Spys room:

also heres some inspo for Spys room:

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