Talking it Out

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Soon morning came, eventually. Annie awoke with a soar throat and a clogged nose. Sniffling loudly she sat up.

Huh, no Soldier running in here screaming- she said to herself.

It was the weekend, ergo a ceasefire day. Both teams are off on weekends, giving this blessing by the administrator herself. Annie yawned and got out of bed and stretched. She glanced over towards the clock and it was apparently noon.

"Jesus, how long was i asleep for" she muttered, interrupted shortly by another yawn.

She wandered into the bathroom and combed through her hair, changed her clothes then brushed her teeth. Afterwards, she looked in the mirror. Suddenly, last nights memories hit like a train. Beet red and staring blankly at the mirror she remembered how close Spy was to her, how he held her, how deep his voice was and how she got-

Knock knock

Whipping her head out the bathroom Annie saw Heavy slowly make his way into the room. Checking around, he seemed to not notice Annie in the bathroom. He checked under her covers and gasped.

"Oh no! Little Pyro has escaped!" he said shocked.

Annie smiled softly, this sweet man.

"I'm right here Heavy, just getting ready" she explained and walked out of the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

"Ah! There you are. Heavy almost had a.. uh.. how you say" he fumbled with his hands then clicked his tongue, "Ah! a heart attacked" he nodded, proud of himself.

Annie couldn't help but giggle, he was such a teddy bear. Scary, in a way, but like a dad trying his best.

"It's heart attack" she spoke softly, walking up to him and gently punching his arm.

"Ah.. yes, the english is not best sometimes." he muttered.

Annie said nothing but hummed in agreement. Soon the two made it out of her room and down the hall. Heavy was speaking in Russian and Annie listened. He was talking about a recipe his mother and him use to make as a kid. Annie nodded intently, her stomach growling in response.

Heavy laughed softly and pat her gently on the shoulder with his huge hands.

"Little Pyro should eat. She needs food to win fights, and become strong, like me" he said flexed his muscles and smiled.

Annie smiled and nodded, heading towards the kitchen, they parted ways, before she stopped she turned and called out, "You want anything?"

The large Russian shook his head in response. Shrugging, Annie made her way down the hall and into the kitchen. Opening the doors she was greeted with Scout, Sniper, Demo and Engie. Sniper was reading a magazine while Demon drank something apparently strong. Engie was scowling over a ton of blue prints on a table by himself while Scout was gaming away on a GameBoy. A very chill day indeed.

Looking around, she guessed breakfast was put up, as she made her way the fridge Engie looked up for a moment.

"Morning" he said gruffly, "Food is in the fridge"

Both Sniper and Scout looked up at Engie, then Annie, feeling the sparking tension in the kitchen rise. Looking at Annie, who rolled her eyes, they went back to their activities. Annie took two tupperwares out the fridge and unloaded bacon and eggs onto a plate. Popping into the microwave, the constant buzzing was the only sound in the kitchen. Aside from the once in a while mumble from Engie towards his papers or from Scout playing his game. The microwave beeped loudly, startling Annie, who jumped.

Grabbing the food, she searched the kitchen drawers for a fork, grabbed one and headed back towards her room. Entering the doors she sat at her desk and began to eat.

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