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Narrator POV:
(two hours later)

As Pauling wrapped up the entire conversation, the diner bell wrung, and in came three large men, wearing muscle shirts, and laughing loudly. The girl across Ms. Pauling, who introduced herself as Sparks, turned around and groaned. She turned her attention to Ms. Pauling, and lowering her gaze, trying not to look noticeable.

Appears it wasnt working, one of the smaller of the men drifted his gaze and landed on the red head girl. Laughing loudly once again, he smacked his buddies, and pointing at the girl. They collectively snickered and walked over. Sparks inwardly groaned and looked up as they approached.

"Havent seem your face around here in a while, ya fucking weirdo" The smaller man stated loudly, gaining attention and laughter from his buddies and the rest of the diner.

Sparks face darkened, and mumbling a curse word, she didnt respond. One of the bigger men didnt appreciate the lack of her reaction and slammed his hand down on the table, startling Ms. Pauling, as she was confused of the situation. Spark's face darkened, and she looked up, with a dangerous look in her eye, obviously startling the men.

"You don't intimidate me, and you're wasting my time here, leave us alone, or do i have to fucking remind you" she snarled

The older man backed up, spooked, and grabbing his smaller friend, who apparently didnt get the message, he snarled back.

"Listen here freak, you're little words mean nothing to me, so unless that little head of yours is empty, i suggest you answer! Now, what the hell are you doing back in this town?" He stated again, obviously infuriated.

"None of your damn business" She retorted, looking back down.

The smaller man flipped out a knife, hovering it in her face, cackling. The other customers looked around warily, some leaving because of the rising tension.

"Youd best answer before i cut an answer out of you" he snarled.

Sparks slammed her hand down, standing up, in the blink of an eye she disarmed the man, and pointed the knife at his neck, holding his shirt so no escape was to be attempted.

"Call me freak one more fucking time, and ill cut those same words into your neck!" she snarled, her voice growling out of her throat. She harshly pressed the knife to the mans throat, making it obvious she was not joking.

"I-Im sorry, i-i wont call you a-anything ag-again" he stammered, sweating now.

"Good, now fuck off" She growled, releasing the man, and putting the knife in her own pocket.

"Im keeping this for bothering us" She stated, not giving the man time to answer she pointed to the diners door.

"Now. Leave." She leaned forward slightly, whispering it into the mans ear.

He got the message and grabbed his friends and hurried out of the door, not before he left the turned to Pauling, eyed Sparks, and continued to speak, "Fucking devil" he whispered, trying not to piss the girl off more.

It not working, Sparks stamped her foot at the men, squeaking like rats, they left. Mutters around the diner were heard, mostly comments about how stupid the men where, or agreeing with the young girl being a "devil". Pauling tried to make sense of the situation she just went through. As Sparks sighed and heavily sat down, she profusely apologized to Ms. Pauling.

"Pauling... i-im sorry, they dont know what theyre talking about.. please dont listen to them.." Sparks stated, obviously still annoyed at their encounter.

Ms. Pauling had so many questions, yet not wanting to further agitate the girl she didnt ask all but one, "What.. did they mean by 'devil'..?"

Sparks sighed and shook her head, "Itd be best if you knew since everyone else does.." She inhaled slowly and sighed. Scooting closer to the table, Sparks raised her right hand. Pauling obviously didnt understand what the girl was doing, but, before she could say anything, her hand was ablaze. Ms. Pauling gasped loudly, the fire flickered calmly, and soothingly. With her hand still on fire, Sparks chuckled softly.

"They call me a... devil..." she spat, then continued "because i have the gift of controlling fire, a pyro-kenetic to be blunt. Was born with this, and now have to live with it. I can control it very damn well, and can bend it to my every will... Everyone hates me for it, or are jealous," she chuckled, " cant honestly tell the difference"

The flame went out, leaving as quickly as it came, leaving Pauling with more questions than ever. Feeling overwhelmed she stayed quiet, her face darkened, with so many emotions and thoughts going through her head.

Sparks calmly waited for her to finish her though process before asking, "So, still wanna hire a freak?" she stated with a half-hearted chuckle.

Tucking her hand into her other arm, she looked out the window, her eyes glossy with emotion, and anger. Towards herself and the people around her.

Pauling reached across the table, stopping slightly, then pushed past her fears and lightly grabbed Sparks hand. Holding it and rubbing her thumb across the top of her hand she reassured her.

"Thats basically nothing, once we had to deal with a wizard. Like, an actual wizard, the magic and everything. Anyways, youll be fine, youre gonna surpass the qualifications now, with your gift, youll be stunning. I just know it." she said warmly, smiling softly, and began gathering her things up

"If its alright with you.." Pauling added, "Id like you to meet everyone soon, its a team effort to get everyone one on the same damn schedule so it may be soon, or may be next month, i never know anymore." she exhaled in annoyance, then started pushing papers towards sparks.

"They?" Sparks thought inwardly, dreading social interaction.

"Yeah, its a small team made up of nine... uh, eight, people, sorry" she said then began getting a pen out, ushering Sparks to sign a contract.

Sparks awkwardly took the paper and read it over, it was odd, she was used to contracts but this one was weird. Still, she soon signed it and handed it back.

The deal was made, Sparks was now legal property..

word count: 1054
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