Chapter26:Nobody Knows

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Ariana and Sean haven't talk for a few days the argument, Sean was still really mad about what Ariana was saying. Ariana on the other hand was feeling guilty about what she did to Sean the more she thought about it ahe knew that there were different ways she could have handled it instead of immediately believing someone who just texted her.

"Ariana sweety just go over and apologise." Her mom said walking in o the kitchen to see her on the counter eating some vegan ice cream.

"I don't know mama." Ariana said puting another spoon full in her mouth

"What to you mean you don't know, you been moping around for the past few days from what I hear of what happened you believed someone who texted toy that you don't even know who it is saying stuff about Sean which caused him to get mad." Her mom said

"But he's really busy this week I remember him saying that this week was the busiest and that we wouldn't be able to see each other."Ariana said

"Just try I'm sure he could take a few minutes to hear toy apologise and if you don't when would you you guys schedule just get even busier your performances then the holidays." Her moms reasoned with her

"Fine," Ariana sighed hoping off of the counter.

Ariana went upstairs to her room and got changed into a pair of Victoria secret yoga pants, a tank top and uggs. Driving over to Sean's Ariana took that time to think about what she would say to him. She was really nervous to go see him, they hadn't spoken in days and Sean never really raised his voice at her like that before so she knew she probably hit a nerve with what she was saying about him, as she drive over she thought to herself that he might be there he told her that this week he had a whole lot of work to do with making his finishing touches on the music with Kanye and Jay having them listen to the album setting a release date sending it to ITunes and Play store so.

Pulling up in Sean's drive way seeing that his car was there she took a few deeps breaths before getting getting out and making her way to his front door and rang the door bell. Waiting a few minutes Ariana was surprised to see someone who was not Sean open someone as in a female who had long black hair that went passed her shoulder her caramel skin looked like the softest things ever she looked about a few inches taller then Ariana she was wearing light high waisted jean and a plain crop top that showed off her flat stomach, she was absolutely stunning in such a simple outfit.

"Hi" the girl said smiling to Ariana

"...hi" Ariana said back as they fell into awkward silence until they heard Sean voice.

"Dada.....who's at the door Heather?" He said as he walked up to the door and Heather step aside showing Ariana. Ariana stood there frozen in shock as she saw Sean holding a baby girl in his arms. It all clicked for her and she didn't know what to do she didn't know what she felt. Hearing Sean say Dada to the little girl and seeing Heather.

Sean was a father

He had a kid with some!

Heather is his baby mama!

Why didn't he tell me?!

Those were the thought going through as she stood there on his ftiny step and watched him hand the baby over to Heather and told something that didn't register with Ariana, Sean took a step out and closed the door behind him

"Ariana" Sean said taking her out of her thoughts.

"I was right, I was right." Was all Ariana could get out. She couldn't prosses that what the person said about him was actually right plus he has a kid.

"I can't deal with this right now Ariana you need to go home." Sean said before the opened revealing Heather and a fussy baby girl who started to reach for Sean she saw him.

"I'm sorry she really wants you." Heather said handing her over to Sean and immediately calmed down.

"That's OK she's my little prinesse." Sean said and walked insides without another word. Ariana just stood there for a minute before she remembered how to function again got in her car and drove back home.

By the time Ariana got home she knew the little her make up she had on was running because of the tears she couldn't help but let out. She didn't even know why she was crying. She relieved to see that her moms car wasn't there indicating that her mom wasnt home, she knew that her mom loved Sean and she really didn't want with her or explain anything to her but at the same time she didn't want to be by herself so she texted one of her best friends, Isaac, to come over.

In no time Isaac was at her front door and she huged him as tight as she could and he huged her back just as tight, she needed to be comforted and he knew it. Ariana took him by the hand and took him upstairs to her room.

"OK Ariana what's wrong?" Isaac asked as he sat in the bed and coudled up next to him.

"Well a few days ago when I was in the studio with Sean I got a text message and saying that he cheater and it would be a matter of time before he cheated on me and I ignored it, then I had a meeting with my team to discuss some things and when I got out of that meeting my phone had like 10 more messages from the same person with names and stuff." Ariana said as Isaac sat and nodded rubbing her hand to comfort her. "OK then later on that day i went with Sean to his video shoot for IDWU and two of girls in the videos that " must always" have in the videos were two of the that were mentioned in the text message and I left when saw how they were together they were like really close and friendly and I didn't like, then Sean came over to get his keys 'cause I drive his car back and like I said that he had all these girls and he got super mad and left and we didn't talk for days. But today my mom convinced me to go and apologise to him and stuff because I didn't let him talk I just yelled at him and accused of something I didn't know for sure, so when I got to his house this girl opened the door and might I had that she was like realli pretty and then Sean came up to the door and he had a baby in his hand trying to get her to say Dada and saying that she was his little princess and he didn't even talk to to me he just said I don't have a time for this Ariana you need to go home " Ariana said as a tear rolled down her cheek she was frustrated and mad but sad at the same time and didn't know what to do.


"Who was that Sean?" Heather asked as she took a seat on the couch in the living room.

"Ariana." Sean said as laid back on the couch with his little princess laying on his chest as she slept.

"Does she know about us because she seemed pretty surprised to see me open the door and when she saw Ciera." Heather said

"No she doesn't and no body knows who's not really family know." Sean placing Ciera in her play pin to sleep.

"I think you should tell her." She said

"I don't want to I, I don't anyone to know I want you guys to be able to live a nice normal life with being in the media and people knowing who you are." Sean replied

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