chapter19: saying goodbye

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Waking up with Ariana in my arms makes me think of how much I'm going to miss her when we're apart, so I'm going make sure the time that we do have to spend together that I cherish it. Im kinda sad that I'm going to have to leave to go to Detroit and she's going going to have to go to New York and I won't see her for a while. Feeling her stir awake I thighten my grip around her waist and kiss her cheek.

"Good morning" she says smiling

"Do you know how adorable you look when your sleeping." I ask her

"I do now." She said blushing "what time is it?" She ask

"Its 5am, I have to leave in like 90 minutes." I said frowning and looking and looking up at the ceiling

"I wish I could we could stay here." She said snuggling in closer to me. "But since we can't let's eat, I need to feed my man before he leaves." She said getting up out of bed and pulling me a out the room. We went down stairs and she made some waffles with some whip cream and strawberries on the side. It was delicious. Joan walking down stairs and into the kitchen smiling like always.

"Hey Joan" I said getting up to clean my dishes

I hope she didn't hear what happened last night because that would be an awkward conversation to have. I checked at the time and realized that I should be going since I had to be at the airport in 20 and it would probably take me 10 to get there.

"I actually have to get going."I said hugging Joan and whispering in her ear " don't let Ari be upset for to long when I love leave." She looked at me smiled and nodded her head.

"I'm going to walk him out mom." Ariana said coming up next to me and taking me hand. When we got outside Ari closed the door wrapped her arms around hugging her back squeezing her tight, she rested her head on my chest and I kissed the top of her head. We stood there for a moment in silence before she broke the silence and said

"I wish we didn't need to say goodbye." I could feel my shirt getting a little wet probably because she crying, I pulled away to look her in the face while away the tears rolling down her cheeks with my thumb.

"We don't have to say goodbye we can say something more fun like 'May the forces of evil get lost on the way to you front doorstep' or 'May you reach the end if the rainbow and bath in gold' or think of something that not goodbye but own funny thing that no one else knows." I told her, and got a smile out of her.

"Okay," she said with that little giggle of hers that I just love."I'm going to miss you so much,"she said resting her head and on my chest again.

"I'm going to miss you to Dea" I said resting my head on hers. "I have to go now,baby girl." We shared a short loving kiss before I put my stuff in the car as she watched, sharing on more kiss I got in the car waving goodbye to her and blowing her kisses as she pretended to catch it and put it in her pocket. Joan came out and Ariana turn to her and hugged her because she started to cry, I didn't like saying goodbye and seeing her cry I just wanted to drive back to her and hold her in my arms. But,

I will see her very soon

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