Chapter20:missing you

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While I was in the D I got time to visit my family and it was good since I don't get to see them as often as I would like to. I visited my grandmother, her and I were very close she help my mom raise my brother and i, she wasn't doing really well but I know that she could get through anything. My grandmother and I were having a really good time together, there's not a time that we don't, we were talking about the hold days when's used to tell me to pull my pants, and when she tied a string around them.

She got a little tired so decided to take a nap, while she was taking her nap I took that to read emails and answers some. But I got detracted when Ariana started texting me.

♥ARI♥-Hey, I miss you. I just got back to my hotel from a interview and they asked about, which made me miss you more!

Me-aww baby, I miss you so much.

After texting for a while grams woke up but I didn't notice at first, not until she started to talk.

"So, who's the girl." She said smiling at me.

"Pardon me?"

"Who's that that's got you smiling like that?"

"How do you know its a girl?" I asked her raising my eyebrow

"Boy, don't answer my question with a question, I know far to well, so tell me who's this girl?"

"Her name's Ariana." I said thinking about her causing me to smiled

"She means a lot to you don't she?"

"Yeah she does."

"Don't you think its a little to soon to be with another girl, it seems like you were just down here crying to us about your last girl that you were supposed to be getting married to." She said and her smile disappeared

"That was a while, I had my time to be upset and grieve but you know I got to move on I can't be hung up on her and I found Ariana, she's my new girl, but I'm going to take it slow with her this time and our relationship will be less in the public eye then my last, this is better then the last."

She said she believed me and that she would like to meet Ariana, then she started on dinner, kicking me out of the kitchen knowing that I would be picking a all the food and will fill myself up before it was finished.

The rest of the trip I got finished with the business I came to and spent time with his family, now I was off to do a meeting with kanye.

********The Next Day*********

I met up with kanye and had our meeting he told me how he wanted me to pour my heart and soul into this album and he wants it to be different from the ones that were about money drugs and girls, it should come from the soul. I took it and really got what he was saying but all I could really think about was seeing Ariana.

At the end of the day I was happy that I could go and just rest, if every time Ari and I are separated I'm going to have to take something of hers like a pillow or something I can sleep with.

I decided I would go get some Starbucks and get her favorite before I go to her apartment to surprise her. After getting Starbucks I made my way to the apartment know that she was there because Joan was keeping me updated, and knew that I would be coming to surprise her. I got to the door and greeted by Joan and Nona, Nona like always trying to fatten me up.

"She's in her room." Joan told me.

"Yeah go see her she misses you like crazy and we kinda want to stop hearing her talk about you whenever she gets the chance." Nona said ushering to to Ari's room.

I stood in front of the door for a minute trying to calm myself down because if I didnt when I saw her I would squeeze her to death. I could hear her talking on the phone and saying goodbye, then I walked in making the littlest noise as possible.

I walked in and she was lying down on her bed looking at something on her phone unaware that I was there so I took this chance to scare the living shit out of her. I walked up at the end of the bed and jumped on her her while I screemed.

"OH MY FUCK!...OH MY GOD SEAN!" she yelled while I was still on top of her

"I had to come to NY because I was missing you to much I just had to see you, and I had a meeting with Ye."

"OK, your crushing me get off." She said while trying to attempt to push me off. As could got off her I could smell some colonge and I'm pretty sure girls don't wear colonge, I decided that I would try and bring it up casually so didn't think that I wasn't suspecting something.

"Ummm, someone has really good taste in colonge." Yeah, right Sean 'cause that sounded to casual.

" Oh yeah I know he always smells amazing." Wait so she actually had a guy in her room in her bed. Before I could say anything else she added "Oh yeah you've probably been looking for this." She said while handing some of my colonge that I thought I missed placed. "I took so I could spray it on my pillow that I sleep with." She is so adorable, I can't believe she's mine. Almost forgeting I pulled out a gift I got her for our one mouth anniversary.

"I got this for you." I said giving her a jewellery box. She took the box and when opened her eyes widened and her mouth fell open a little, taking this as good sign.

"Here I'll put it on you." I said as I took it out the box, she turned around and moved her hair so I clip on in the back.

Admiring the neckless she looked at the back where it said "Mia Dea"

"What does Mia Dea mean you used it when we first started dating and when we were saying goodbye." She asked turning around to me looking up at me.

"It my Italian nickname for you." I answered

"But what does it mean?" She asked

"It means, My Goddess."

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