Chapte49: I'm going to help you

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That's the questions Sean has be asking himself all day. Why didn't she want to be with him? Why was she with Ricardo? Why is she okay to have sex with him anytime but still say she dating Ricardo?

There has to be more to it, there has to be something that he doesn't know. She was just confusing him so much. How is possible that someone is in a committed relationship yet is happy to have sex with someone else, but no their happy in the relationship. How is that possible?

Sean was tied, he was tired of thinking and trying to figure out what was going on with Ariana she want his concern anymore. Why he was still thinking of her? he didn't know.

Sean was tired and hungry so he decided that he would very off his ass and go to Chipotle to get himself something and maybe stop at Starbucks to get some caffeine in him because he really needed a boost.

Sean was just walking out of Chipotle with his burrito in his to go bag and made his way next door to Starbucks to get himself some caffeine. Sean dug in his pocket when he heard his phone ringing.

"Hey Zeno" Sean answered seeing the caller ID.

"Hey bro where you at?" Zeno asked him

"You would think with all the money sean had he would have food here."tone said in the background

"Are you guys in my place?"Sean asked

"Yeah we got a new game we want to play."Zeno said

"Yo where this nigga at?" Sean heard tone say

"I'll be there soon just don't mess up my sit shit."Sean said

"Get some food yo."Tone told sean "in hungry as fuck. "

"Nigga you always be hungry." Sean said with a slight chuckle. "Oh fuck, I'm so sorry." Sean said to the girl he hit with the door and knocked down

"Ugh."the girl groaned and scrambled to pick up the stuff that fell out her purse.

"Ariana?" Sean said once he got a good look at the same girl with her usual half up half down hair do.

"Hi" she said looking up briefly. Sean bent down to the same level Ariana was at and started to help her pick up her stuff that flu out her purse when Sean hit her with the door and fell.

Sean picked up and froze, he looked up at Ariana who was scrambling to pick up more. Noticing that Sean suddenly stopped, Ariana looked up at him quickly then to what he was holding in his hand and quickly snatching out of the hand getting up and rushing to out the store leaving Sean behind calling out her name.

Sean got in his own car forgetting what he was there for. Sean didn't know if should go back to his place where Zeno and Tone were and tell them about what he saw and thought or go after Ariana and set things straight and get answers. Sean decided that he would call the boys while he drove over to Ariana's house to see what they think he should do when he got there because right now he had no idea.

"Hello." Zeno said picking up the phone

"Hey Zeno it's Sean." Sean said

"Oh hey bro where you at ,ahh fuck fuck fuck." Zeno said and Sean could here shooting in the background along with Tone yelling

"Aye did y'all Stat playing with out me?" Sean asked

"Yeah man we got tired of waiting what the hell is taking you so long." Zeno said bringing Sean back to why he actually called

"I bumped into Ariana." Sean said

"Please do not tell her you and her smashed." Zeno said into the phone

"No no we didn't smash, but I did hit her with a door and she fell and when she fell her stuff fell so I helped her pick it up and I found pills." Sean said

"Pills?" Zeno asked

"Yeah." Sean said

"It could have been birth control." Zeno told him

"Nah bro I know what birth control is and that was not birth control." Sean told him

"Aye! The hell Zeno unpause this shit." Tone told him and Zeno ignored him

"Are you telling me you think Ariana is taking drugs." Zeno asked shutting tone up when he heard this words come out his mouth

"I don't want to think she is but I can't help it everything is pointing to it." Sean told him

"What do you mean?" Zeno asked

"I mean the way she's been acting it starting to remind me of Anthony." Sean told him and the line was silent for a minutes

"Sean-" Zeno started before he was cut off

"I'm just going to her house and see okay." Sean said and hung up

Sean took a deep to calm himself just saying his name got Sean so emotional Anthony was more then just a best friend to Sean he was like a brother so when she thinks back to the time he was still on earth he couldn't help but be emotional. He and Anthony went through so much together. They were always there for each other Sean was especially there for him when he started going down a bad path. But when Sean had finally managed to help him get his life back on track after he found out he was going to have a baby girl he got killed.

Ever since Anthony's death Sean was very sensitive about people and addictive drugs he couldn't didn't ever want someone to have to go through what he or Anthony went through.

Sean pulled into Ariana's drive hopped out his car and made his way to the door knocking on it continuously until Joan finally opened the door.

"Sean" Joan said surprised

"Hi mama J, where's Ariana at I really need to talk to her." Sean said

"Her room" Joan said, Sean said a quick thanks before going to Ariana's room

"Ariana" Sean said as he opened the door not caring to knock

"Sean what are you doing here and don't you knock." Ariana said

"Please tell me that your not doing what I think you are and I came here for nothing." Sean said

"It's none of your business what I do and you shouldn't be here." Ariana said irritated

"Ariana" Sean said softly

"What?!" Ariana snapped at him a annoyed and irritated

"Why?" Sean said sitting on her bed

"You know nothing! Leave me alone! What I do is none of your business!" She yelled at him

"Ariana" Sean softly said once again

"You don't understand!" Ariana yelled at him

"I just wanna help." Sean and got up froze his spot on the bed "because this, this right here can ruin your life." He said as he emptied her bag and held the pills in his hand

"I don't need your help, okay? So leave, leave me alone I'm fine." She said

"Your not!" Sean said raising his voice "your not fine, and you know it. Your taking drugs you shouldn't be."

"It's none of your business!" Ariana yelled at him

"No, I'm not leaving. You need help, you may not want it right now but I'm going to help you anyway."

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