chapter15:Recording feelings

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Before we went to the movies last week I was so blind as to how I felt about Ariana,but at the movies, that kiss, that kiss made me open my eyes to see that I want Ariana not just as a friend not a best friend but I want her to be my girl, she not a girl she's a women I want her to be mine I want to be able to hold her in my arms,I want to be able to make her smile when she's sad I want to be able feel her lips on mine, I need her.

My phone phone virated brining me out of my thoughts, I took my phone out my pocket and saw that it was Ariana that texted me

Ariana: Hey Sean, I have a song I and your the only thing missing to make it perfect do you wanna come by or can I come by to show you and maybe we can record.

Me:yeah of course. You can come over and we can record in my home studio.

Ariana: OK great be the in five.

Of course I was going to say yes to being on her song it gives me an excuse to be with her, to see her beautiful face that smile of hers.

Not long later I heard her coming in the house and shouting my name.

"In the kitchen!" I shouted back

"So do you wanna go listen to the music I have, in the studio." She said as she walked in the kitchen

"Mhmm, let's go."

We got in the studio and she played the track she had, it was really nice and slow, it seemed like it could be a love song or something.

"Ok I like it." I say as she stops it.

"OK good, I'm going to go in and record my part because I have in my head and don't to forget it."

She got in the booth and she started singing her butt off. Her voice sounded so amazing. I could just listen to it all day.

*****(after recording song)*****

After we were done recording the song we decided on having something to eat. The atmosphere seemed different it seemed awakard, we could hardly make eye contact with each other, we hardly said anything g to each other until I thought it would be kinda a good time to tell Ariana how I was feeling about her. I cleared my throat and started off be saying

"Umm, so Ariana that song sounded really good."

"Yeah it did I think its one of my favorite." She said smiling shyly.

"OK so there is something that I really need to get off my chest and tell you, I don't know how your going to take it or how its going to affect out friendship."

"Umm OK you have my full attention."

"OK so for the longest time I've felt something, something I don't know how to explained it but I feel it when I'm with you, when I look into your beautiful eye when I hear your laugh your smile it just melts my heart, you melt my heart, I want to be more then just friends I have want to be able to o call you my girl. And what happens at the movies last week made me think that you might just maybe feel the same way about me because that kiss seemed intense and passionate." Ariana didn't say anything but she did get up and sit on my lap and kissed me

It felt like her entire soul was concentrated into the kiss it like nothing else going on in my life but the kiss i totally focused on her and the moment. It was a good kiss, wasn't fast and sloppy, but passionate and slow. It didn't last as long as the one at the movies but it felt just as amazing. After she kissed me she whispered "There is definitely something I feel for you." Then walked out of my house leaving me there smiling like an idiot.

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