chapter33:Just what i needed

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Three hours later...

After Ariana learned that Sean was taking her to a surprise trip to a secrete destination she's tried to to get hints as to where he was taking her but failed because Sean wouldn't budge and was amused at how Ariana was acting.

"You ready we gotta be at the airport in 20 minutes." Sean said after the last of their luggage was put in the car

"Yeah, but you know what would make me even more ready?" Ariana asked batting her lashes

"I'm not telling you, so get you cute little ass in that car." Sean said samking her butt making her squeal.

After the 15 minutes drive to airport that consisted of Ariana staring at Sean playful glaring at him for not telling her where they were going and Sean poking her trying to get her laugh which worked because being tickled is one of her weakness'.

"Now you just gotta wait 5 hours and you'll know where were going." Sean said getting out the car followed by Ariana doing the same

" There has to be some way I could convince you to tell me where going"Ariana whispered I his ear

"Actually there is." Sean replied

"There is? What is it? Tell" Ariana said excitedly

"If you get in the jet and don't ask for another 5 hours I might tell you where when we get there." Sean said earning a pout from Ariana before she walked off towards the jet.

Sean waited for all the luggage from the car to be loaded on the jet making sure the got everything before making his way in the jet with Ariana. Sean looked at Ariana cozied up and took the seat next her, looking at her to see that she was passed out.

"We'll be taking off very soon so the pilot would like all passengers to be seated and have their seatbelt fastened." A flight attendant voice said through the speakers. After buckling himself in and making sure Ariana was also. Soon after take off Sean was passed out with Ariana.

After Sean's needed nap he stired awake to find that Ariana was already awake and looking at him.

"Hello sleeping beauty." Ariana says and gives him a quick kisdd in the nose. "You look adorable when you."

"Watching me when I sleep obsessed much." Sean teases

"Whatever" Ariana says sitting up in her seat. "I'm bored enteraine me."


Sean and Ariana talked and laughed as the in the open skies for the past 2 hours. Coming closer to their desired destination Sean noticed that Ariana was becoming impatient and was looking out the window often for the slightest hint of where he was taking her. Deciding to take her out of her misery he thought it was the perfect opportunity to give her her hint.

"In one compartments theres a hint for you." Sean said. Getting up from her spot Ariana searched every cabinet.

"Got it!" Ariana cheered as she pulled out a bag

"Open it" Sean said sitting in his seat waiting with anticipation for her reaction.

"It's a winter coat ear warmers mittens and snow pants." Ariana said pulling them out the bag "So obviously were going somewhere with snow. Are we going to Alaska, or the north pole?"

"No" Sean said with a chuckle

"Canada!" Ariana yelled out


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