chapter1:fool me one shame on you fool me twice shame on me

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"HOW COULD YOU JAI I TRUSTED YOU, YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME!" I looked at him and it looked like he didnt even care about how I feel.

"Come on babe we can get through this together let's just put it behind us." Put it behind us is he joking this isn't the first time, do it to me once shame on you do it to me twice shame on me, I can't believe that i didnt make a big deal out of the first time, i should have listened to my brother when he said "once a cheater always a cheater." I cant believe all he had to say was "im sorry it doesn't mean anything to me I love you." And I took him back but not this time.

"No there is no more us im not putting this behind me you cheated on me TWICE no once but twice." I said pushing him out of my door."get out, get out, get out."

I said as I pushed him out the door and slammed the door shut on his face. I sat down my back to the door crying until either I had no more tears to cry or I just fell asleep.

Thr next day

I woke up this morning, on the ground in front of my door, my eye where throbbing from the amount of crying I did last night. I got up and went to the bathroom to see what I had to work with this morning, my eyes were red my and makeup was smudged all over my face. I washed my makeup off but my eyes still weren't going back to normal, it was a good thing that I have nothing to do today so I could just stay home and sleep.


I know its short my story is going to be a long one so most of them might be short.

Vote , comment what you think if you have any ideas for the story i might use them

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