chapter14: Most interesting movie

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I stayed in Florida for a while and flew back to California with Arian and her mom a few days later. I hadn't seen Ariana since we got back to California. I was going to see the new purge movie and I knew she liked watching scary movies so I decided I would text her to go with me.

(Ariana's P.O.V)

I was sitting at home playing with ny dogs when I got a text from Sean,

Sean: Hey haven't talked in for ever. What are you up to?

Me: I know! Im just chilling like a villain with my pups

Sean: well I was thinking if you might wany to go to the movies with me to see the new purge and hold my hand if I scared.

Classic Sean making me smile/giggle when im not with him.

Me: of course!

Sean: great pick you up soon

I haven't seen him in what felt like forever but was actually just a week. I gotta say I missed him, I missed his smile, I missed the way he smelled wow that sounds creepy. But I just missed everything about him. Do I like Sean, more then just my best friend, am I falling for him. Nahh.

After looking through my clothes I decided in wearing black jean and a baige sweater with some baige high heel it was something simple casual and nice. I put in some make up but not a lot just some eye shadow mascara and a little tiny bit of cover up. My phone buzzed and I looked at it to see that Sean texted me.

Sean: Are you ready to go?

Me: yeah just a minute.

After I grabed a purse from one of my many from my closet I went down stairs to put some treats in it for the movies. Who wants to pay for cany at the movies just bring your own.

"You look good" I turned around quickly to see who it was. And saw a smiling Sean standing behind me leaning on the wall.

"Oh my goodnees you scared me."I said as I playfully hit him on the arm.

When we got the the movies theaters it was pretty empty so that was good I wouldn't have to deal with much fans or paparrazi not that I don't love my fans. I do I really do they are the reason I'm the Ariana Grande I am today. I wouldn't be here without them,but sometimes I just want to be able to feel like a somewhat normal person once in a while and be able to go to the movies or the mall or anywhere.

The movie started and I was excited I loved horror stories/movies. Even though I knew there were going to be scary parts and I knew it was coming I end up flinching and gasping,

Sean leans over to me and whispered " your the one that supposed to hold my hand when I'm scared not the other way around." With a low voice into my eat and it sends shivers down my back. I look over to him and can see him because of the light from the movie. I was going to say something but nothing came out, all I could think about was how good he looked and those nice big lips of his they looked so soft. I'm taken away from my thoughts when hr clears his throat and says

"Ariana..." But before he could say anything else I give into temptation and start leaning in closer to him until we are millimeters away from each other and look into his eyes. Before I change my mind and lose the pair of balls i just grew. my lips met his. When are lips touch I feel a spark, my heart is pounding so hard against my chest I hear it,I wounded if he can. Sean responds and our lips move in sync. I feel like I was in another world his lips were so soft even softer then they looked. We continue the kiss nice and slow for a while then he makes the kiss more intense. His toung slides against my lips asking for permission to enter, I let him enter.It is gentle, but captivating. Mesmerized lips press together time after time, transporting us to another world. Ragged breathing and dancing tongues. With just the two of us there, the rest of the world disappears.

Desire ignites the world around us as we become lost in another world. It is a spicy, powerful combination that sends waves of passion crashing over us.

As our lips pull apart. Our breathing comes out in short, desperate gasps. The intensity has washed away. The rest of the world is slowly coming back into focus.

I quickly turn my focus to the movie trying to understand what the hell just happened.

Looking at Sean from the corner if my eye I see him watching the movie with a big smile on his face. He tunes his face towards me and I can feel my face heating up I just hope he can see my face.

I couldn't concentrate the rest of the movie. I got lost in my thoughts. I was thinking about what I just did, what happened between me and sean. Why would I kiss Sean and why did it feel so good and so right to do, he's my friend that not what friends do they don't just kiss in such a great combination if powerful spicy way. But I can't help but want more, I want to feel his lips on mine gentle yet captivating, feel our memorized lips pressed together again and be transported to another world.

I've never felt that way before I've never felt much on cloud 9 as I did the not any if my ex's had me feeling the way I do with Sean, Sean makes me feel safe when I in his arms in his presence he makes me smile with out even trying.

I think im falling for him.

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