chapter13:goodbye and i will forever love you

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I woke with Ariana on top of me , we were just in a wired position, she was laying on her stomach over my legs, one of my arms were wrapped around her waist and my other was was under her back. I was scared if I tried getting up or moving I would wake you up, she just looked so peaceful sleeping. When I got here it looked like she hadn't slept in a really long time so I was just going to let her sleep. I sat for another 30 minutes before, I heard any movement like anyone was up, I heard someone coming down the stairs and I was geussing it was probably Joan or grandma Grande coming down to cook breakfast. I turned my head looking towards the stairs or the kitchen trying to sneak a peek of who it was but I geuss moving around a little started to wake Ariana up, so when she started moving I immediately stopped moving making sure she wasn't waking up. I guess Joan must have seen me sitting on the couch and came over to me
"Hey Sean did you-" she stopped laughing when she saw the position me and Ari were in "does she think me and Ari were doing some inappropriate. I woulf never not while there are people here". I thought to myself, then she giggled a little bit.
"Trapped under Ari?" I nodded smiling
"Yeah everytime she falls asleep on the couch she ends up in the position. Do you want to wake her?" She said as she was about to wake her.
"No, she seems so peaceful and it looked like she hadn't slept in a while." Joan nodded and went to the kitchen.
A phone rang and woke up Ariana, she rolled around on her back probably thinking she was in her bed and would have fell on the ground if i didn't grab her. Her eyes snapped open and she looked at me with a little bit of embarrassment in her eyes she got up and said:
"Sorry" I smiled and chuckled a bit
"Thag fine as long as you got the sleep you needed." Before she could say anything we heard a gasp come from the kitchen and both of our attention we're on what happened. We went in the kitchen and saw Joan taking deep breaths.
"Mom what wrong." Ari asked as she walked over to her and put her arm around her shoulders. Joan looked at her and took another deep breath before replying.
" it's gramps," she paused. And Ariana looked at her probably knowing what she was going to say next because her breaths quickened and she was on the verge on breaking down.
"He passed away last night." Joan continued. Ari took a sharp breath in and let out shaky breath and tears were rolling down her face. She quickly hugged her mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek before running upstairs. I walked over to Joan and put my hands on her shoulders before pulling her into a hug.
"Are you okay?" I whispered to her.

"Yeah im going to be fine." She sniffed a couple of times and gave me a little smile before "can you go check on Ariana for me? And I'll cook something for everyone to eat." I nodded and walked to the stairs and made to my way to check on Ariana. The front door opened and in came Nonna, I walked over to her and gave her a hug and said " Joan is in the kitchen cooking."and nodded and walked towards the kitchen.
"Ariana its me Sean can I come in."
I said as I knocked on the door. I could hear her foot prints coming closer to the door and her unlock the door before opening it. When I saw her she had red puffy eyes and tears on her cheeks. Im not even going to ask her if she's ok because I knew her heart must be in a million pieces and hurting. I hugged her tightly to let her know I was here for her. She sobbed into my shirt before she began to speak.
"I know the time was going to come, but there is nothing to prepare you for actually hearing that their gone and not coming back." She managed to say in between sobbs.
"I have no idea how you feel but I know your heart is aching but you have to know that your grandfather is in a much better place and he will not be in any pain anymore his going to be looking over you he is your guardian angle and i know he's watching you right now and doesn't want you to hurt to much." I sat there for a while holding her while she cried her little heart out. It just just brought pain to me to see her in so much pain, losing someone is like losing a piece of you heart. I felt something cold rolling down my cheek and realized that I was crying. I held Ariana a little tighter so she wouldn't see me cry.


I woke up on the floor of my childhood room being held by Sean. I moved my head back a little so I could see Sean's face and he had his eyes closed but I noticed that there wear tear marks on his cheeks. I didn't realize that I was starting until he opened his eyes. I wiggled a little bit and he let me go and we both got up. He straightened out his clothes and cleared his voice and asked.
"You good?"
"Yeah im ok, I can smell food and its making my mouth water. Are you hungry cause iam?" He smile and we opened the door, the walk out the room and down the stairs were silent but not an awkward or uncomfortable kind. When we reached the kitchen we sae my mom and Nona sitting at the table. I noticed that there was a tin can bix with envelops and the one on top had my name on it.
"Whats that?"I asked them as I sat at the table with them and sean sat across from me.
"These are what grandpa left for us each one has one our names on it, theres letter he wrote to us." My Nona answered and she passed me the one with my name on it, she also passed one to sean thag had his name on it. When she passed it to him, he look confused. But took it and read it. I opened mine to see a letter written to me from him in his beautiful writing.

Dear, Bellissima

If you are reading this its because im no longer there with you I have passed on and hopefully gone to heaven. I love your so much and I want you to be as strong as you can, im in a better place and im looking over you. You go on and be the Ariana Grande you can be, live your life and be happy I might be there with you in a physique form im with spiritually and will always be in your heart. Take care of yourself. Take care of that young man , Sean, I can see it in the way he looks at you, the way he smiles a bit when he hears your name, that he loves you very much. I can see that you love him but might not know it now sooner or later you will see just don't let it be to late. Remember that im not gone im still here spiritually and always will be. Don't hurt to much for to long. I love you very much and dont ever forget that.

When I finished reading I smiled at the piece of paper and slipped it back in the envelop. When I looked up I saw my mom and Nona looking at me probably what was in the letter thaf made me tear up and smile and the same time. I looked across the table and saw Sean looking down smiling slightly at the paper in hands.
"Frankie." Is what came to my mind
"What?"my mom asked
"Frankie what are we going to do."
"The producers let us send him a letter telling about grampa and send the letter he wrote for him."

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