Chapter55: Selling Dreams

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Sean sat in front of his Manger at his office nodding he head at what she was saying, but he didn't really want to be hearing what she was saying. She's not only one telling Sean her opinion on what he should do work his mishaps mixtape but his whole team has been telling him that he should make his mix tape into an album and go on tour.

The fact is Sean doesn't want the what comes with putting out a mixtape. He wants to just be able to just put his music out for his fans but he doesn't want to promote it then going out traveling from state to state country to country. He did that just the prior year.

"Sean your hot right now your on everyones minds, your name is the one that is constantly coming out of their mouths. You need keep brewing that person, so realising this mix tape add an album would be perfect you'd be giving people what they want." Robin, his manager told him

"The thing is that I practically just came back from a tour I ain't trying about to go on another one." Sean told her


Ariana laid in her bed as she talked to Alexa on the phone. Toulouse and Strauss laying next to her.

"How are you and Mr. Zeno Jones?" Ariana asked Alexa

"Zeno is amazing." Alexa said into the phone "He is just everything and more." Alexa added, her voice started cracking



"Are you crying? Why are you crying?" Ariana asked a little alarmed that Alexa was crying, Alexa hardly ever cried it wasn't in her nature

"I'm scared." Alexa admitted

"Scared? Why are you scared?" Ariana asked

"He is just... he knows me so well, he's really like my other half and I just really love him and I don't want to lose him" Alexa cried into the phone

"Lose him? Lex you're not losing Zeno. I see the way he looks at you, I see the way you look at him. You guys are goals." Ariana told Alexa trying to calm her

"Ari, I think I'm pregnant."


Ariana settled in her bed on her tour bus and waited for the FaceTime call to connect.

"Hi baby" Ariana said as she saw Sean's face pop on the computer screen

"Hey babe, happy birthday."

"Thank you baby, I wish I was with you." Ariana told Sean

"Me too, I miss you." Sean said

"I'm happy that it's just a short tour." Ariana said as she touched Sean face in the screen

"Only 3 months." Sean said

"Oh my god. When I get back Alexa is going to be 7 months pregnant." Ariana said

"Yeah in 5 months Zeno and Alexa are gonna parents." Sean said

Ariana and Sean were realizing just how surreal it all is. Not to long ago they were just finding out that they were together and now their becoming parents.

Sean and Ariana looked at each other through their computer screen both wearing a sad smile on their faces but not daring to bring up what they were both thinking.

That saddening thought, that they could've been parents to a 7 mouth old infant if things would have been different, nagged at them constantly.

Sean couldn't help but think does Ariana regret what she did? Would she change the past if she could?

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