Chapter32:Go away with me

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Ariana was in Florida with her family and tried to enjoy herself as much as she could but her mind would always find a way to wonder about Sean. When Sean video called her and she saw that he had been crying her heart started breaking for him. The fact the he had to see he grandmother die in front of him and was blaming himself her hurt even more knowing she wasn't there with him to be able to help him.

Today Sean was flying down to Florida to spend a few day with Ariana her brother, her Nona and her mom. Before going back to Cali and getting back to work.

"Ariana! Guess who's here!" Frankie yelling to Ariana who was in her childhood room. Running quickly down the stairs Ariana's eye light up at the sight if Sean and finally being able to see him and person. Taken Sean by surprise by jumping on him making Sean stumble back on the door but successfully caching her.

"I've missed you too." Sea said

"I missed you so much you don't even understand." Ariana mumbled into his neck

"Trust me I understand" Sean said tightening his grip on Ariana. When Ariana regretted what she said when she heard him, she remembered him crying to her how much he missed his grandmother and his brother Andrew.

"I know." Ariana said softly kissing his cheek

"So you guys just going going to stand there or..." Frankie said as he began to feel awkward standing there.

"Are you hungry?" Ariana asked Sean after he set her on the ground but kept his arm around her waist to keep her close.

"I hungry for some of Nona's famous cooking." He answered

"I don't think there'll ever be a time that he isn't hungry for for her cook" Frankie said chuckling

"There has to be something she puts in it or something it just addicting." Sean replied as they got in the kitchen where Joan and Nona were.

"Sean sweety its been to long." Nona said giving him a hug "Oh my goodness Iook at you do you not eat put some good in that body of yours."

"That's why I come to you."

"Sean how have you been holding up." Joan asked giving him a hug

"You know I'm ain't gonna front its hard so hard and I miss you so much but I know she's the best place she could ever be." Sean said giving everyone a weak smile

"Enough with this heart to heart stuff, you my boy need to eat." Nona said as she made a made of food for Sean.


Frankie Nona Joan Ariana and Sean were sitting in the living room talking when Sean remembered that he had gifts for everyone in his bag.

"I almost forgot, I have a few things for you guys." Sean said getting up from his spot on the couch "forgive me that it's very poutly wrapped, I'm only good at rapping." Added chuckling at his own joke

"That was such a bad joke it makes it funny " Ariana said giggling

"Sean you didn't have too." Joan said taking her pourly wrapped gift from Sean

"Speak for yourself I like getting gifts." Nona said to Joan after receiving her gift.

"Yeah!" Frankie add taking his gift eagerly

Sean sat back down in his with Ariana and waiting for ever to open their gifts to see their reaction. Ariana cuddled into Sean's chest as they watched Frankie rip off the wrapping paper, Frankie screamed as he took out exclusive tickets to any Judging Bieber show.

"Sean! OH. MY. GOD." Frankie yelled as he jumped on Sean squishing Ariana inbetween as he kissed Sean numerously on the face.

"Frankie. Can't. Breath" Ariana said as she attempted to push Frankie off Frankie her and Sean.

"Glad you like it." Sean said content with himself for getting an awesome gift for Frankie

"I more then like it! This message S awesome." Frankie Said jumped up on down as everyone laughed
"So Sean you know, being on this team is pretty awesome and I would be very happy to show you how awesome it is." Frankie Said batting after he composed himself.

"Get your own boyfriend his mine." Ariana told Frankie

"I never thought I would be hit on bit my girlfriend's brother" Sean said chuckling

"Have you never been hit on a gay man before." Frankie asked Sean

"I have, but I've never been hit on by my girlfriend's brother." Sean replied

"Wait you've hit on by guys? What do they say? what do you say?" Ariana asked Sean

"Joan Nona open your gifts I wasn't sure what to get you ladies but I tried." Sean said changing the subject and earning a pout from Ariana.

Nona gasp as she unwrapped her gift and saw that they were pearl earrings and a matching bracelet.

"These are so beautiful." She said holding them up for everyone to see.

Sean smiled again proud of himself that two out of four gifts that they like so far. Next was Joan's turn to open up her gift and Sean was a little nervous because it was hard to pick something for her because he didn't know what she liked.

"Wow" Joan said as she looked at the ticket for a free trips to the spa for a year

"Do you like it?" Sean asked since he could really read her facial expression

"I don't like it, I love it." Joan replied smiling

"Now for you Ari." Sean said handing her a small box, unwrapping it Ariana's eyes went wide as she saw that there was a ring on the inside.

"It not an engagement ring, its a promise ring." Sean quickly clarified as he saw her expression.

"It's so pretty." Ariana said in awe.

"That not it, you also get this." Sean told her after setting down a much bigger present down in front of her

"Wow this is big." Ariana said

"I beg thats not the only big thing Sean gives you, right Big sean." Frankie then burst out into laughter as he saw both Ariana and Sean's face.

" Frankie, that's your sister and personal would prefer to want to know what other big thing Sean gives her." Joan said

"I'm, sorry, but I couldn't help it she walk right into it." Frankie Said inbetween laughing

"It's a suit case, I'm pretty sure this is my suit case like that I bought a while ago." Ariana said in confusion

"Yea it is but its packed with clothes for the trip I'm taking you on" sean said

"A trip? Where are we going." Ariana asked excited

"It's a surprise but we leave at 12am." Sean said

"What that's like in three hours." Ariana pointed out

"I know and everyone is already told and notifed that you'll be away for a week so there's nothing to worry about."

Hey guys, question;
would you want me to update more often but have the chapters be shorter or linger chapters but it'll take a little longer to update????

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