chapter4:I'll always be here for you

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After waking up from some of the best sleep I've had in days. I smelled something so I got up and went into the kitchen to see sean, wearing my purple apron with red hearts on it, cooking pancakes. I stood in thr door way watching him smiling until when he put the last pancake on the plate and went over to the fridge to cool the pan down he looked up at me for a split second then took a double take and smiled.

"Good morning" he said getting the plates and setting it on the table were two bowls of fruits, some syrup and a glasses of organ juice were already placed.

"Good morning" I said sitting down next to him. "Thanks for coming over last night and listening to me and let me fall asleep on you." I continued to say as I started cutting my pancakes and putting syrup on them.

"Its no problem, im your friend and thats what friends do. It not good to hold things in or stay all alone for 3 days not talking to anyone at all I was starting to you might have died." I giggled a bit as I put the delicious pancake in my mouth.

After we finished eating I started thinking about how Sean can over last night and how he has a fiance, Naya that he spent the night over; did she know he wad at me place, were they having problems. All kinds of thoughts were running through my mind then I over heard him on the phone, I didnt hear his whole conversation but I heard him say " Ok love you too, see you soon." So I imagine that he was talking to her.

"I got to go, will you be okay if I leave now?" He asked walking up to me and putting his hands on my arms, he truly was a really good friend and im rwally lucky to have him.

"Yeah I'll be fine, thanks for coming here yesterday and taking care of me I really appreciate it and im lucky to have you as a friend. " I said looking up at his big beautiful brown eyes

"Ok if you need anything im just a text or phone call away." He replied breaking eye contact and picking up his coat and walking to the door,

"Ok bye sean." He then walked out and I felt a little sad to see him go I wish he could longer and I could be in his arms, him coming here yesterday and letting me tell him what had happened felt really good then him holding me while I cried into his chest and letting me fall asleep in his arms, then waking up and making me breakfast, was the sweetest thing that anyone had ever done for me.


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