06. The Boy with the Bright Smile

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I woke up late, to no surprise

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I woke up late, to no surprise. After the late night I had last night, I didn't end up getting much sleep. I was rudely awoken by a major headache that was throbbing throughout. I lazily got ready for class and realised I had already missed my first two classes and now I was in break. I had my missed my English class, meaning I wasn't able to sit and listen to the voice of Mr Knight, so calming and smooth and might have even helped with my migraine. The other class I had missed was History, not necessarily a personal favourite but it wasn't overall a bad class. I begrudgingly made my way into the school, taking note that the bell had already rang. As I saw the door to the class, I paused for a minute, dreading having to enter the class with everyone already starting. I took in a deep breath and slowly opened the door. All eyes turned my way. "Miss Griffin, nice of you to join us." There was a hint of a smirk on Mr Rivers face, but it was quickly disguised as he turned around. The board was almost completely full at this point of time signalling that I had already missed a large proportion of class time.

The walk to my seat felt like hell as eyes burned into my skin. I felt as if I was my own personal heater from how high my temperature had risen. "As I was saying before-" Mr Rivers then began his explanation on the new topic we were beginning, like I had already done our previous one. I was glad to have actually some basic knowledge on what we are working on, so I gladly pulled out my book and wrote down what was necessary.

My eyes flickered up to look at the board but what my eyes landed on was the muscles in Mr River's' back. His figure was shown very nicely through the tight and I couldn't help but admire him. He gave off the aura of a goofy but serious kind of guy, like he knew the perfect time to make jokes. "Miss Griffin, do you have a problem?" It was like this man despised me as he called me out. He noticed that I was staring and made it his mission to point it out, like he was teasing me. I slowly shook my head as I looked down at my page. I nervously poke around at my book after the embarrassing moment of being caught, I no longer wanted to work anymore, and my headache was beginning to get worse.

I felt a buzzing in my pocket and so I pulled out my phone to see I was getting messages from the guy I met up with yesterday. 'What college do you go to?' I frowned at his message and went to put my phone back but stopped when I read his next message. 'Never mind, look outside.' I was met with the sight of him jumping up and down and waving in my direction. He looked down at his phone once more. 'Can't wait for class :).' He had a bright smile on his face as he walked away. I sighed and laid my head against the cool desk. This day was going horrible.


The screeching sound of the bell ringing startled me awake. Everyone was out the door before I had even packed up. "Miss Griffin, a word before you head to your next class." I internally groaned as I realised I was now stuck with having a one-on-one conversation with the gorgeous man. "I've been noticing a lot of things about you." That was how he decided to start the conversation. I awkwardly nodded my head and allowed my eyes to dart around the room. This was so unlike me to act like this, so why was I? Why did he make me nervous? "You're not doing well in maths, are you?" Way to state the obvious.

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