38: Celebratory Drinks

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After leaving the house they had planned to meet back up with the boss where they usually did but when they got there, Maddox and Radley were also there and from where Blythe was standing they appeared to be arguing.

Blythe speed walked over to the three, Ashton following behind her and Riley still on his way over. She was correct, they were in fact arguing. "Okay! Let's all calm down. No need to get angry." She stood in between Radley and nudged him back. "He's dead and so is some other guy that was there."

"Good, any problems?" The ex-boss redirected his attention to Blythe, ignoring the man he was previously having a face off with.

"Other than the random guy, no," she shook her head.

He pulled out an envelope full of cash and handed it to Blythe. "I appreciate the help." He said while passing it to her.

"You're done then? Let's go," Radley grabbed Blythe's arm and lightly pulled her away. "I don't like him." He announced when they had all got further away.

"Well, that's a shame considering he is the reason that I'm even alive. I understand you don't like him, but at least respect the fact that he played a big role in me being where I am today." Blythe rolled her eyes as she removed her arm from Radley's grip.

As Blythe stormed away from the trio they were left in an awkward silence.

Blythe, being bored out of her mind, grabbed a bottle of vodka and made her way to Radley's office where she was assuming the three musketeers were hiding out. She didn't bother to knock as she shoved open the door and strutted in. "What's that for?" Maddox asked, raising an eyebrow as he stared at the bottle of vodka with an amused smile on his face.

"We'll, since I'm officially done with work, and I've officially moved in. I think it calls for a couple of celebratory drinks." Blythe returned a smile as she sat down in her designated seat that Radley had recently added.

The seat wasn't anything special, minus the Blythe stitched into the back of it that staked her claim.

"You aren't even old enough to drink."

"Are you gonna stop me?" She asked as she twisted off the cap and threw it at Maddox who was now eyeing her with an unamused look on his face.

Maddox held his hand out. "Not unless you give me some." To which Blythe passed over the bottle, missing Radley shaking his head.

Even though Radley wasn't eager to see everyone drink, he still returned all the paperwork that was spread out for the other two to see and put the folder of files away so that Blythe could enjoy her celebratory drinks.

While Maddox was drinking the vodka straight from the bottle, Ashton had left the room and returned with some more alcohol and glasses. "Now this is a party."

Ashton poured shots for everyone to take excluding Radley, and it wasn't long before the alcohol started to hit. "Want some?" Blythe pointed the bottle of vodka in Radley's direction who only shook his head.

"I don't drink." He responded.

Blythe tilted her head, shocked at the fact that Radley doesn't drink. "Really? I never would've guessed. Do you do drugs? Smoke?" Radley continued on shaking his head to respond. Blythe shrugged her shoulders and decided to take another giant gulp of the vile tasting liquid. "Ew."

"You know you have school tomorrow, right?" Radley decided he wanted to drop some bad news on Blythe after watching her consume enough alcohol to get her drunk.

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