30: Love Gets You Hurt

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'The parties tonight'

'No shit.'

Blythe glanced down at the text from Riley as she was packing her bag for the night. She was more stressed than usual now that she knew she had people to come home to. A part of her was scared that something would go wrong and they'd get caught or even worse the guys would retaliate.

There was that and also how she was planning on sneaking past the guys and then having them not know that she's gone for the night. She felt like a kid trying to hide from their parents that they were sneaking out, not that she actually knew what that felt like.

Still, Blythe Griffin was overthinking things like always.

She had already gone through the plan in her head about a billion times at this point. what was going to happened was, Riley would attend the party and hopefully end up back at his apartment, if not that would be fine as Blythe would be waiting for him there the only problem is that she wouldn't have immediate backup if needed.

She tip toed down stairs hoping to keep quiet as she had her bag on her back ready for a night of troubles, only she couldn't get far as all three men were waiting at the bottom. "Where are you going?" Radley asked with his arms crossed over his chest.

Blythe hadn't seen any of them since she had returned last night, Ashton left her with a kiss on her cheek and then she passed out as soon as she hit the sheets once again. A part of her was shy to be stood in front of them as she figured that Ashton had told them what had happened. "Where am I going?" Blythe repeated. "Oh, you know. Over there." She gestured to the front door that wasn't too far away from them.


"I have some things that I need to do." Blythe was hoping they would catch onto what she was insinuating and just let her be but that was never the case for Blythe Griffin and her totally normal relationship.

"No." Radley said. "Whatever it is your boss wants done, we can do it and you can stay here."

If this was a different scenario Blythe's knees would have buckled and her entire insides would have exploded at how protective they were over her, but it wasn't.

"Believe it or not, that's not exactly how that work." She said awkwardly as she looked around.

"Tell him you quit then. You don't need the money, we can get you everything you'll ever need." Radley said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Blythe rolled her eyes, not wanting to argue with the guys before she left but apparently that's what the plan was. "It's not about the stupid money. I have everything I need, I don't need his money and sure as hell don't need yours." She spat as she walked down the stairs, but Radley stood in front of her before she could fully get off of them.

"Then what's it about?" He asked, his tone of voice softened as his eyes searched for an answer in Blythe's.

"It's about getting rid of people who don't deserve to live after the things that they've done. It's about making the world a better place and to do that these people need to go. Especially this guy, now get out of my way." Blythe shoved past Radley and stomped her way to the front door. "I'll think about coming back tomorrow." She called out as she opened the front door and slammed it behind her.

Riley's car was parked out the front waiting for Blythe's arrival. He had a look of annoyance on his face as he glared at her. "You really do like to keep people waiting, don't you?" He asked sarcastically. "Throw your things in the boot." Blythe walked around to the back of his car and popped open the boot before putting her things in, she noticed that Riley had a bag of his own. Before Blythe couldn't hop in the car she was stopped.

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