08. Studying or Something

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The whole day my thoughts had been wrapped around the fact that I was meeting up with Mr Rivers after school for tutoring

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The whole day my thoughts had been wrapped around the fact that I was meeting up with Mr Rivers after school for tutoring. I wasn't sure that having my extremely good-looking maths teacher that has a charming smile would be enough for me to understand what to do. I was worried that I would be too distracted on him then the actual work.

I was thankful that my last class of the day was English meaning I had time to cool off before I met up with Mr Rivers. Mr Knights calming voice was like music to my ears. The words rolled off his tongue in a smooth way that made the whole reading thing so much more enjoyable to listen too. I had found myself drifting off on occasion, not because I was bored, but because I was in such a state of relaxation that my mind was slowly shutting down.

I looked to the side at the girl sitting beside me and she was practically drooling as she ogled at Mr Knights form. I don't think I have seen her blink since she started staring, it was honestly concerning, but I couldn't talk.

The bell rang sooner than I would have liked, and the flood gates opened and welcomed back all my nerves once again. "Blythe Griffin. A word." I slowly packed my belongings into my back and advanced towards where Mr knight sat. "I noticed that you haven't been coming to class with the correct materials."

"I'm getting around to buying the book." I sighed. I had completely forgotten about purchasing the book online over the course of the few days. I had been so busy with everything else in my life and the last thing I wanted to do was be reminded about was my lack of resources.

"No need." Out of his bag, Mr Knight pulled out another Jane Eyre book that appeared to be brand new. He held the book out in my direction. "This is yours."

"Mr Knight, you didn't have to buy me a book." I was shocked that he had went out of his way to purchase me the book we were reading in English, especially when I was perfectly capable of buying my own or burrowing one from the library.

"Without the book you won't be able to do your work." His face was emotionless as he spoke, something that sent chills down my spine. Mr Knight and Mr Jakes were people that I wouldn't expect to be schoolteachers, as in, if I were to see one of them out in public then I would avoid them as much as possible, out of fear. "Blythe." My heart skipped a beat the way he said my name. His spoke in a deeper voice then how he spoke to the class, it made me feel a type of way. "Take the book." He demanded. With shaky hands, I grabbed a hold of the book and placed it in my bag.

"Thank you, Mr Knight. I appreciate it." He nodded his head at my reply.

"Have fun with Maddox."

"Maddox?" I asked, confusion laced in my words.

"Maddox Rivers." He cocked his head to the side. Obviously, dumb ass. Who else would he be talking about? I mentally face palmed.

"Right. I-" I paused. "Never mind, good-bye." I sent him one last smile and walked out of the room. "Stupid, stupid." I mumbled to myself.

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