39: A Lot of Aching 🌺

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Blythe woke up, not with a head ache, but a neck ache... Radley obviously left Blythe in her uncomfortable position with her head awkwardly tilted for too long resulting in a sharp jolt every time she moved her head too fast.

She woke up in her bed alone, but almost the entirety of her bed was still warm meaning someone or multiple people stayed with her throughout the night which made Blythe feel all giddy inside.

Believe it or not, Blythe couldn't wait to do all those couple things like cuddling for example, as a matter of fact, cuddling was something she desperately wanted to do. The feeling of being held throughout the night knowing that no one can hurt you so long as they were there was a feeling that was unmatched.

The first class of Blythe's day was sport, the most easiest class possible because she didn't have to do anything. At first she stood around, and tried to get involved with what everyone else was doing, until eventually she gave up and decided that her neck hurt to much so she was going to go and lay down until she inevitability fell asleep. Thankfully Ashton was her teacher, otherwise she would have been in deep trouble when she was awoken at the end of the class.

Fast forward to when she had Maths with Maddox. She actually paid attention this time, not that she understood much, or was really paying attention to work but rather Maddox himself. After last night, she couldn't help her mind from drifting back to Ashton and Maddox, no matter how hard she tried. So, then, it was obvious that Maddox was the problem so she laid her head on her arms and went back to sleep to ignore the inappropriate thoughts for now. "Have you slept in every class?" Maddox asked once Blythe had woken up.

"Only Ashton's." She yawned. "My neck hurts too much to participate in sport, you know?" She explained her excuse for not joining in.

"Oh, of course. We can't have you getting too hurt now, can we?" He teased. "You have English next." Maddox grabbed Blythe's hand walked her to the door where they said their goodbyes with a quick kiss before Blythe ventured off to her final class of the day.

Only the class didn't go the way she expected it too.

Although Radley was wearing his usual attire, something about him stood out more than ever today. She couldn't take her eyes off of him the entire class and sleep didn't help because her thoughts would just drift back to him, and she didn't really want one of those dreams in class.

He stood up, with his book in his hands and his attention on nothing else other than the book everyone was reading. Blythe bit her lip as she watched him walk back and forth slowly.

She took a look around the classroom, by now everyone had got over the new teachers phase and weren't really interested in them anymore, besides from Blythe and a couple other girls. Meaning she was glad to find that she was the only one admiring her man at the front of the classroom.

Blythe clenched her thighs as Radley lifted a hand to his face and licked a finger so that he could turn the page. "Stop." She mumbled to herself while shaking her head and picking up her book.

She flipped through the pages trying to find where Radley was reading, but couldn't find where it was so she flipped to the back of the book and spoiled the ending for herself. "Never thought I'd see the day when you'd be so invested in a book you didn't realize the class had ended." Blythe looked up to find that the class was in fact empty excluding Radley who was sat at his desk looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Uhm." She packed her book in her bag and gathered the rest of her things before bringing her bag to front and dropping it off by the door. "Yeah..." she said awkwardly.

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