07. Plans and Lunch

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I couldn't bring myself to smile as I approached the table that Riley was sitting at, I was still unsure of how I felt about the guy. After all, he was just another one of our bosses' pawns that he used to take the blame if need be. We were all under the command of one man, and one man only, yet we were the ones that were the victims after all. Our boss had played the right cards if you think strategically, when he wanted something risky done, he would have other people do it for him, only how long would we all last until he had to fend for himself, if he had to fend for himself.

"Hey." Riley appeared startled as he whipped around to look at me. He quickly put away his phone and turned his body completely around to face in my direction. He then proceeded to gesture to the other side of the table and passed over some papers. On the papers were plans on how everything would go.

"So, I take Sarah to my lake house, and there we will have a bit of fun. Then, while we would be in bed, after everything happens, you break into the house and tie me up, so this way they won't be suspicious of me, and you do your thing." He explained calmly. I still wasn't fully sure that everything he said would go as he planned for it to. At the end of the day, if the family doesn't catch the murderer, then they may just pin the blame on Riley and say that he planned for all of this to happen. But, at the same time, if I don't do this then my job would be completely over, and my life even. I've never known what happened to the people that quit their jobs, we were never informed about what happens. "The only question is, do we leave the body their or take the family on a little road trip to find their daughters corpse? Which one would cause the most pain do you think?"

"Definitely the first one, they get closure from burying their daughters' body, they won't if we leave them on a scavenger hunt." He wrote down what I said on the piece of paper about dumping the body somewhere else. "What do you say we tear her limb from limb and leave the family to find her parts? Or is that too cruel." Riley paused mid writing and looked up at me, he stared at me for a good ten seconds before he nodded his head as if to say that he was proud.

"That's more like it. You can never be too cruel, Blythe. Where's the fun in letting them off easy?" I couldn't help but chuckle at his words, we really were some sick people, but that's what we had to do to get through life and its unusual obstacles, some people just have it a lot different than others. "Also, when you tie me up, do it tight. We need to leave the marks so that way they know for sure. Tie a bit of cloth over my mouth and I'll wake her up by screaming. Maybe rough me a little, throw me a few punches, just to make it realistic. I might even piss you off the day of the execution. Make you real mad." He teased.

"And if this all goes to shit, then what are we to do?" The one question that was on my mind.

"You did the killing; I was simply just a victim of the crime you were committing." He smiled innocently. I wouldn't blame him if he threw me under the bus to save himself, I expected that much from him in the first place. "But do not fear, the plan will run perfectly." He dramatically flicked his hair side to side with a cocky smile on his lips.

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