04. The New Mission

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I waited patiently in my car, tapping my foot to the beat of the song. It was around midnight, and I was waiting to receive my pay check I was promised for completing my last mission. All day I had those three new teachers stuck in my head, and if I wasn't thinking about them then they were always somewhere in the back of my mind. I hated the way I felt towards them, and I hated the way they all noticed me as an individual instead of just another student in their class. So many times today I had allowed myself to be put in a state of vulnerability, as I drifted in and out of focus. My mind was occupied with everything but the work I was supposed to do, not that it bothered me whether I passed school or not, after all it wasn't the first time I attended a college.

Not much longer, I was blinded by the bright head lights from a black car. Out of the car, stepped four men, all in fully black suits. Once I caught a glimpse of my boss, I got out of my car and approached the four men. My boss was accompanied by his right-hand and two guards that stood tall and prepared for anything to happen, like I would be the one to attack. "Boss." I acknowledged the other three men, but my main focus was on the man accountable for my pay. He pulled out the envelope from his suit and handed it my way. I double checked that I had received everything I had worked for and stuffed it into my coat pocket.

"We need to talk about your next job." His voice was deep and raspy, it sent chills down my spine as his eyes were hidden behind a pair of shades, for whatever reason. "Sarah Jenkins was responsible for the murder of her younger sister, and the whole family knew about it, but kept it hidden. She was a selfish brat that despised the lack of attention she was getting from her family, and because everything the family wanted was attention, they decided to keep it all a secret and claim that someone else murdered their youngest child. Their youngest son spilt the beans to one of their relatives who was the one that told me everything." I was handed a file filled with photos and text messages between the parents. There were pictures of the family all together and flaunting the money they had been gifted due to unsolved case of their daughter's murder. Not once did they show any signs of remorse for what had happened. "My men have been keeping a close eye on the family and, to no surprise, they are linked to some pretty dangerous people. It's not the first murder their daughter has committed and it sure as hell won't be the last. This family needs to be stopped and it's going to be your mission to stop them. I have a close agent on the inside that has been communicating with the family and he will help you set everything up. His contact details are in the file and you two will discuss how everything will go." My boss dismisses his three men with the wave of his hand causing them to jump back into their cars. "And my precious little Blythe, I expect everything to go perfect. You have two weeks to get this done." I send him a short nod and he leaves to get back into his car. I watch as the vehicle exits our meeting zone and I get back in my own car.

I open up the file once more and read through some of the text messages. I was disgusted with how proud the parents were of their horrible daughter. They were okay with taking away the life of an innocent soul for their own needs. The parents raised a sick monster, and people like them don't deserve to have peace and happiness. I would get revenge for the child who had to be the sacrifice for her own corrupt family, and that was a promise I would make to her.

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