13. Teacher, Teacher, Teacher

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School came around quicker than I would have liked. Sunday went by fast as most of my day I had spent drinking and now I was dragging myself to first period with a hangover. My head pounded as the bell rang and I silently groaned, of course out of any of my classes it had to be maths first.

Mr Rivers wasn't in yet meaning the class was obnoxiously loud resulting in me wanting to throw myself out of the window.

I contemplated going through with those plans as I admired the concrete beneath me, but that was all ruined as Mr Rivers finally made his appearance. "Settle down, class!" Everyone almost instantly went quiet, and I thanked the gods above for their kindness. "Today we will be starting a new topic." Mr Rivers began drawing lines and random numbers on the board and I didn't even bother to try and understand what he was saying.

My eyes felt droopy as I slowly allowed my head to rest against the cool surface of my desk. I didn't even lift my head when I noticed Mr Rivers walk up to me. "Are you alright?" He asked quietly. I mumbled out gibberish hoping he would take the hint, but it appears that, that isn't quite how it works. "Words, Blythe."

"Yes, no, maybe." I replied in a hushed tone.

"I'll let you rest, but just this once. Anymore and you will be punished." I wasn't even able to fully process what had just told me until after he had left and thought back through his words. my face flushed a deep red at his words, punishment? Sounds like fun. I mentally slapped myself, and somehow I managed to feel that slap as my head felt like it was constantly being shoved in the ground over and over again.

I shoved my head in my arms as I tried to block out the sound and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.


beep boop


"What do we do about Blythe? We can't let her get hurt." My body began to wake up as I heard muffled voices in the background.

"You need to hurry up with the plan. She trusts you more than us. Slowly ease her into the idea of being with all of us, starting off with you." By now I was fully awake, and fully confused too. I raised my head to see the three new teachers huddled around one another, talking like they were gossiping about some high school drama.

But did I hear that right? Or am I just that hungover that now I'm imagining things. Who wants to be with who?

My eyes connected with Maddox's, and he smiled as he saw me awake. "Hey Blythe." His steps were slow as he came over to my table. "How are you feeling?"

"Amazing." I replied sarcastically. "How do I look?" I dramatically flipped my hair behind my shoulder as if I was a model and instantly regretted it as I felt the sharp pain in my neck from way I had been laying.

"You look beautiful." I was startled at his words. I just woke up. Is he on drugs? I eyed him suspiciously. "You do." He said once again. I awkwardly nodded my head. "Did you catch a cold or something?" He places the back of his hand to my forehead, and I feel my heart flutter at his light touches.

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