23: Relationship Drama

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The next day passed with Blythe staying at the boys mansion although she hadn't seen them much that night so she enjoyed the peace that she gained from her loneliness.

She spent most of the night venturing around and exploring all the rooms with a little map that Maddox had created her. On the map it showed her which rooms she wasn't allowed in so she avoided those ones and the boys bedrooms to not intrude. She'd even came across a room that the boys had left empty for herself to design so while she was there she made a mental note of the room plan and started thinking up ways she could create this room as her own.

That was the events of yesterday. Today, Blythe had classes but first her boss had requested to see her beforehand so she woke up earlier than usual and got ready to sneak out with the guys noticing, but they knew the house better than she did.

Blythe ended up stumbling into an office like room where the three of them were gathered. All eyes turned to her when she pushed through the door. "Oh- I guess this isn't the front door." Blythe then proceeded to close the door but didn't get to walk away as her name was called. She awkwardly pushed the door open and walked in.

"Where are you off to? Your first class doesn't start until later." Radley said knowing that her first class was with him. Blythe checked the time on her phone, 10:30 am and she was asked to meet her boss at 11.

But Blythe couldn't help but frown at Radley's comment. "I wasn't aware that I had to inform you on my whereabouts every single time I left the house, can't I just leave?." Blythe, with the little bit of confidence she had left after being under pressure with three sets of eyes on her, decided to speak up about the situation.

"Where are you going that makes you not want to tell us?" Maddox and Ashton were both quiet as they listened to Radley and Blythe go back and forth. They sat back knowing that this wasn't going to end up well.

"Can't I just leave the place without telling you where I'm going? I'll tell you when I'm leaving if that's what you want." Blythe asked, her annoyance was beginning to rise and that was evident by the look on her face and the hand on her hip as she did her signature Dad stance.

Radley let out a sigh. "It was just a question, Blythe. There's no need to react like this." Radley would occasionally glance down at the piece of paper in front of him that contained information about Blythe, her work and other important things involving her. He'd spent most of the morning going through everything on his own until the other two had woken up and joined him.

"It's not just a simple question, Radley. Clearly there's more that needs to be discussed with this whole 'you have to move in with us' thing, because if I had of known I was going to be treated like a kid with strict parents I would have left last night." Blythe couldn't contain herself anymore and let everything out before turning around and walking away, and this time she actually found the correct exit.

After realizing she didn't have anyway of getting there, Blythe decided to just walk and take her mind away from everything serious going on in her life and it was a much needed walk at that.

It was something that she needed, especially as of late with all the stress that was building up on her shoulders.


Back at the mansion, after Blythe's scene, Ashton and Maddox were both left glaring at Radley for his controlling behavior. "And I thought Ashton was supposed to be the possessive one." Maddox rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, maybe you should take a nap or something. You look and sound like you need it." Ashton said as he observed his close mate that sat opposite the table from him.

Radley had hunched over in his seat with a hand on his head as he regretted the previous conversation. "I'm not good at this whole relationship thing." He muttered.

"No shit." Maddox chuckled.

"How do you do it then?" Radley looked up at Maddox who evidently had a better relationship with Blythe than any of the others did.

"I don't know." Maddox shrugged causing Radley to deadpan. "It just comes naturally when I'm around her. You two probably just need to spend more individual time with her and everything will come along smoothly." He tried to explain his situation with Blythe but it was hard to when he wasn't sure himself.

The conversations with Maddox and Blythe just appeared to flow much better than with Blythe and anybody else. The two just bonded in a way that the others were yet to do so.


Blythe was half an hour late when she arrived at the meeting place, her boss and Riley were already waiting, looking around for any sign of her. "You know how I feel about being late, Angel." The big boss was the first to notice her presence as he was facing her way. "But we have no time to waste. I have your next mission ready for you and it needs to be executed as soon as possible. This man has court in four days and we won't be able to get him on the inside." Riley had already gone through most of what was in the file so he handed to Blythe. "I've searched around to see if I can find anything on the attack that was sent to you. So far, nothing has come up but dead ends. I'll let you know if I hear anything else." Their boss left shortly after and Riley and Blythe were alone.

"So..." Riley trailed off, a hint of a smirk was on his face as he wiggled his eyebrows at Blythe. "You moved in with the three hotties." Blythe rolled her eyes and let out a scoff. "Bad blood already?"

"They act like I'm a kid that's been grounded. Why should I move out of the comfort of my home where I had the freedom to do whatever as a 20 year old to move into a house where I'm being controlled. Bullshit if you ask me." Blythe rambled as she pulled out some of the papers and read through.

Blythe stopped reading as she reached the list of crimes that he had committed. He was considered innocent from 90% of the disgusting crimes he evidently committed, the one he was being convicted for now though was armed robbery, nothing compared to his previous crimes. "Disgusting. Yeah, he needs to go." Blythe concluded as she shoved the paper back into the file.

"You say that like he had a choice." Blythe hummed in agreement at what Riley had said. "How's it going down then?"

Blythe finally decided to take a seat next to Riley as she stared off into the distance. "I'm really not in the right headspace to determine that right now. These men have me stressing." She let out a groan as she thought back to her past argument with Radley that she would later have to deal with.

"Blythe Griffin stressing about some men. Never would have expected that." Riley laughed as he teased the girl. "Well if you get sick of them, let me know and I'll keep their beds warm for you." He winked as he nudged her side.

"Suddenly I remember why I don't like you, like at all. Let's get to school." Blythe stood up and began to walk away.

"You actually liked me at some point?" He called after her.

Blythe shook her head but had a smile on her face that she concealed from her business partner.

Riley was something else, but she was glad to have met him.

(I kinda like Blythe and Riley's love hate relationship

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(I kinda like Blythe and Riley's love hate relationship.)

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